Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kids are all winners and sand eel thoughts

I know its hard to vote for the kids. If it was up to us, every each one of these kids would receive a prize. Because they are all winners, along with  their parents.
but wait….there is always someone who thinks  faster then us
And that someone ,who wishes to remain anonymous, offered to make twelve of these lures, one for each participant in the final vote.
How great is that?
This means that each child will receive something to remember our contest ,besides spending the time on the beach with their loved one, which to be honest, is the most important part
So our hats go off to this generous and thoughtful fellow….
item Two
yes, i know the pictures are gone from the top of the blog…so far I am unable to fix it…work on it…between the tides
Item Three
There is a pretty good sand eel bite going on from mid-island in NY all the way down through New Jersey.
You know how we anticipate migration southward in the fall? Continue reading

TrailHead Tire Deflators giveaway

Today’s giveaway is a for a product that I have grown to love over the years, In fact, I have no idea how did I do without it.
yes I realize you can manually let the air out of your tires, but why?
By the time you do that, you can get few more posts on the internet boards with your Droid or Iphone, telling everyone just how great of a keyboard surfcaster you are 🙂
All kidding aide, I love my  Trailhead Tire Deflators
You pull up to the beach, screw them in and presto, air comes out to exactly to the tire pressure you set your Trailhead Tire Deflators previously. No standing on your knees in mud and rain, no drooling while you hold a flashlight in your mouth. Just screw it in a and forget it. TRAILHEAD Automatic Tire Deflators will automatically reduce the air pressure in a tire to a predetermined level and stop, preventing any further loss of air from the tire. They will function properly whether your vehicle is stationary or traveling at speeds of 20 mph or less.
Not a good product, a great product for everyone that puts their truck on sand , regardless if its 1 time or a 100 times a year.
The winner will provide a contact phone so folks from Trail Head Tire Deflators can call him(or her) and find out exactly which model is bests suited for their needs.
Do we take care of you or what ?
Visit their website for more information at

The winner of great Salty Lure Kits giveaway is …

The winner of  great Salty Lure Kits giveaway is …..whitey…
Please get back to us at with your mailing address within 5 days. If you don’t, No Soup For You. 🙂 
Thanks again to Scott from Salty for making this possible. Check out his website for some holiday gift ideas, dude has more items in his store the Cabelas. And make sure you stop by his booth at this winter show and tell him thanks for supporting us at here at SJ.
Another Giveaway coming up shortly….but first, I need a favor from you guys…..
On the  side, right underneath the Facrebook logo you are going to find a “poll”.
Its nothing more then a test poll to see how does it work. We are setting up to start voting for some sick STRIPERTHON 2010 prizes and I want to make sure that the poll works.
So even if you don’t own a VS or you own a dozen of then, vote for something, just so I can see what is going on
On the way to the beach for hopefully more video…I might even make a cast this time instead of watching our Rod Guru Lou Caruso nail a fish on every cast while I am relegated to being  a camera man 🙂



Happy Veteran's Day

Ah,its nice to get up at 4 am….to go fishing instead of work. Meeting our Rod Guru Lou Caruso to do some testing and video this morning. Working with Lou is always a pleasure. Any of you guys need rod built or repaired this winter ,you should talk to Lou. Even if it’s just for advice. I have grown to respect his thoughts and ideas very much over the years, he knows his stuff and his prices are really reasonable. You can check him out at

STRIPERTHON 2010 is over, done ,caput. We are still waiting on a Penn Torque 5 bailess that we ordered from Penn. So far, it has not arrived but then again Penn has a hard time filling all the backorders. But be assured that you will get it if you win, even if I have to go buy another.

I need a good full day to sit down, get the pictures organized for a vote. I just haven’t had much time with writing for upcoming issue and working on a video. If you ever have time to waste, get yourself video editing program Then , after you spend 30 hours on a 3 minute video Continue reading

Everything you wanted to know about surf fishing but you were afraid to ask :-)

I have this idea in my head…ok, more than idea. It’s a concept that I been working on  over the years but never had a courage to put it in the motion….so let’s see if you will give me any courage to finally pull a trigger

You know how you go to the shows in the winter and you try to catch a seminar but you always feel rushed? You want to walk the isles and possibly there is another seminar you like to attend but its scheduled at same time as the one you are sitting in?

Let’s be honest, the seminars at shows leave a lot to be desired. From sometimes cramped quarters to lack of visual aids, bad lightning and sometimes stale topics. You can put blame on me for last one at times, I am not the most engaging speaker although I try.

So here is my question to blog readers.

I am in processes of putting together a series of weekday evening surf fishing classes for winter after holidays. Eastern Nassau County

Let’s say an 1 1/2 hour class every Wednesday(or Thursday or Tuesday) for 6 consecutive weeks. Here is the kicker, the classes would be not only taught by me but by some of the most talented surfcasters of this generation. I spoke to Bill Wetzel, John Skinner, Manny Moreno and yes, even legendary Don Musso from Super Strike fame. Each of these guys would be your instructor for one class plus yours truly

Classes would be limited to about 40 people and would cover from equipment and gear to rigging live and rigged eels, how and where to use lures, inlet, sand and Montauk fishing and just about every topic you want to learn about including, gasp,  bait fishing. Yes ,there is an art to that too. The cost for 6 classes would be somewhere around a hundred dollars or little less, still trying to see the cost of the venue…

I am working on plenty of free raffle prizes for participants. I always thought these kind of classes is something that we should have available to those that want to learn. Let’s be honest, there is not a man that I know, who fished 5 days or 50 years that would not want to hear legendary lure builder Donny Musso talks.

Now it’s your turn to tell me if I have lost my marbles or this is something people would actually like to attend.


Written for the Surfcaster’s Journal Blog readers by a special Guest

Charles A. Witek, III, Chairman

  Coastal Conservation Association Atlantic States Committee   


            Last February, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Committee began to consider the possibility of increasing the commercial striped bass quota, a measure that was being advanced primarily by Pat Augustine, the Governor’s Appointee from New York and Michael Johnson, who holds a proxy from the Legislative Appointee from North Carolina.

            Despite strong opposition, a draft Addendum to the Interstate Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass, which proposed a commercial increase, was approved at ASMFC’s May meeting, and public hearings were held over the summer.  Over 2,000 comments opposing the increase were received, as opposed to just 60 comments in favor (the official ASMFC estimate was that 97% of all comments received were in opposition to the increase).  However, when dealing with ASMFC, there is always a concern that the personal opinions (and, in some cases, the personal financial and/or business interests) of the governors’ and legislative appointees could override the desires of their constituencies.  Thus, there was a real chance that the commercial increase would go through.

            After all, the May vote to move ahead with the Addendum was a fairly lopsided 10 to 6.  If folks wanted to prevent a bigger commercial bass kill, they had a lot of work to do.

            As Chairman of the Coastal Conservation Association’s Atlantic States Committee, which coordinates fisheries advocacy for all of the CCA member states between Maine and Florida, I helped spearhead the advocacy efforts for one of the organizations which set out to defeat the commercial increase.

            The first step was to marshal our arguments.  On paper, the commercial increase didn’t look too significant, and we were concerned that managers wouldn’t appreciate its potential impact.  That is because all of the estimates of the effects of increased commercial harvest were based on today’s bass population (or, more precisely, the population for the years 2004-2008, when it was at its peak).  What was left out of the equation was the impact on a population that is expected to decline through at least 2015—and, given poor recruitment in Maryland, perhaps well beyond that date.  That potential threat to the future of the stock is what had to be brought to the fore.

            The next step was getting the members involved.  Those reading this who have ever been a part of a real grassroots organization know what it is like when volunteers communicate with other volunteers, so that in each state the membership opens like a blossoming flower to turn out at meetings and, if they can’t attend, to put their comments on the public record.  With the help of Dick Brame, CCA’s Atlantic States Coordinator (a paid staff member with a graduate degree in wildlife management), we made sure that each volunteer presented Continue reading

Win Salty's Wooden Fishing Lure Building Kits

Today we have a great giveaway from one of our biggest supporter, Scott from Salty’s.
We did the story on his lure kits in the Special Holiday issue. I am amazed at just how many different kits Dude makes !
check it out
Holy Crap!
For those us you that are unlike us and can actually use a Krazy Glue without gluing your fingers together, this giveaway should give you a nice winter project. And if you have a kid, you will have a ball putting these lures together. Best of all, Salty’s stuff catches fish.
This is your chance to win small and big popper and a Danny kit.
If you haven’t emailed Mr. Gilmore yet, you only have few hours before this morning meeting and tell him not to vote for increase in commercial harvest. Dude has a Crack berry on him so I am sure he can get an email till last minute


Special Holiday issue of the Surfcaster's Journal magazine is waiting for you

 Its nice to be pleasantly surprised on Monday morning huh?
While you were fishing we were busy…very busy.
You expect a little more from us then any other publication and its only fair. We answer to a higher authority….you 🙂
So we put together for you a little Holiday Buyer issue to keep you busy while you waiting with a baited breath for our regularly scheduled issue #5 to hit the web.
Go…you get some reading to do…its live at and waiting for you
Happy Holidays from all of us at Surfcaster’s Journal…we suggest you wear a bib while reading it if you have a coffee cup in your hand  🙂

Winner of A.O.K. Tackle lures giveaway

The winner of  A.O.K. Tackle giveaway is…
 Roy C
You have 5 days to email us with your address at
We a lot of things to cover, fishing is still worth getting up in the morning around here, we have to pick winners in our STRIPERTHON 2010 contests, we have to work on our December issue of the magazine. We we toying with the idea of extending the contest another month but decided against it.
But first, we have a MAJOR surprise for you
Tune in here tomorrow to find out
I’ll leave you with this picture of Yo Dude aka Tommy aka dudethatmakeshemagsocool  from this morning