Category Archives: Uncategorized

Another New Video

In spirit of recent videos that appeared first on SJ Blog here is another one from Tom Lynch

Fly Fishing NJ for Striped Bass in the NJ Surf

This one featuring my good friend and world class angler Shell Caris.



lots of stuff coming up

I have so many thoughts about Costa Rica that I am having problem picking which to write about. From fantastic food, rural roads, good friends, great scenery, lots of sunscreen and good fishing.
Fortunately I did managed to put one of my cameras to good use although I busted the lens on my go pro camera. Which it sucked because I love having it on my head when I fish…or mounted to my car hood, or whatever, such a great little camera
Between this trip and some other stuff I am working on I would say that you can expect to see maybe 10 to 20 new videos in next few months. No , none of them will win an Oscar, but in the sport that many tell us is “not worth the effort” because its so small, every little thing helps to promote this sport we love .
We leave the “pro” stuff to  Jimmy Houston.
Here is a short clip of my partner landing a nice fish from very jaged rocks. Only after hooking few of these fish did we realized that with 7 food rods we were overmatched and we went back to our room to get bigger guns. I got a say, nothing like catching nice fish with a  short stick in sandals and shorts
For those of you that have reserved your spot for the seminar series we have William “Doc” Muller on tap tomorrow night talking about north shore and then bucktails in the surf. In addition to the great free raffle we have last week Doc is donating a some Uncle Josh products in addition to great prizes from MAK bags, Line Stretcher Lures, Guides Choice Lures. Super Strike Lures , Hansom Pliers and St Croix.
As many of you know, your GPS when entered seminar address will dump you few blocks south of the American Legion Hal. Your best bet is to follow direction on the blog under seminar series. Looking forward to seeing you there

New "Topwater Gorillas" Video

it is our pleasure to present to you for a first time a new video by our friend Tom Lynch, called “Topwater Gorillas”


You’ve seen Tom’s work before here on SJ Blog…he makes some spectacular surf fishing videos

He also has 23 other videos on his surf fishing channel on YouTube

Here is the link

Enjoy it…I certainly did

…Don’t forget to say hi this weekend at Surf Day

We will be there

The Jersey Shore Surfcasters. Where the pursuit of the mighty striper never ends.
Coming Saturday, February 19th.

“A day dedicated to the surfcaster.”

At Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ.
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Surf Day is sponsored by the Jersey Shore Surfcasters, it is a day strictly Continue reading

Super Strike Custom Lure Giveaway

We have a very special giveaway for you guys, courtesy of Super Strike Custom Lures.

These beautifully painted bottle plug will be won by one lucky angler.

“I am in ” will get you a chance to win


From what I understand the Musso boys have made limited numbers of these lures available to the public  directly and only via their facebook page

If you want to make sure you get one, here is a link to purchase it!/photo.php?fbid=10150095072904494&set=a.156257669493.114311.132859879493&theater

Costa Rica

Back from Costa Rica on a midnight flight last night. If any of you ever get a chance to go there…don’t let the opportunity slip away. Its truly a remarkable place in so many ways. Not necessarily a surf fishing destination but if you have an open and adventurous mind, you will have a ball.

I am not sure I want to swim there again as this was one of the “smaller” needlefish we’ve seen chasing our lures. Will try to share some more pictures and videos in the future.

Going places is cool but nothing, nothing compares seeing your little girl tear up when she wakes up and see that you home. Good to be back


Good Video

We don’t know these dudes but this is a good video.  As NY’ers we will ignore the side arm action and give 2 thumbs up for the C&R action.  Bonus high five

for wearing shorts. Why wear waders in the summer? (Thats what I always say) -Tommy


With the 2011 season around the corner what are some things you guys and gals are doing to get back into shape?

The SJ crew ate a lot this holiday season. Z has been hitting the treadmill and I am currently the heaviest I have ever been. Time to get motivated.


I am going to be missing in action in next few days. Tommy will do his best to keep you guys entertained.

Here is another video by our friend Tom Lynch from NJ that is sure to get your juices flowing.

Come on spring


News about our SJ Magazine

so, you guys like that video, huh ?


I promised you some more news regarding SJ so here it goes.

You already know Andrew Chase is our resident chef, Lou Caruso our Rod Guru, Dave Anderson our Plug Guru and last but not least, John Papciak our Fly Guru.

You also know that we will try to cover fly fishing from shore to best of our abilities. Anyone who is interested in penning a piece ,don’t be shy, just drop me an email. I been talking to Lou Tabory, Ed Mitchell, Bob Popovics and such…

You know how after we put up a new issue you read trough it like a madman? It’s almost anticlimactic as you trying to savor it, knowing that next issue is long three months away.

Not any more…

As of March issue, the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine will become bi-monthly publication Continue reading

SJ 2010 Video Year in Review

Another week, another storm.

I for one are sick of it. For those of you that are attending the seminar tonight, please be careful driving.

I got a call that we might have a seminar in a grand ballroom on the ground level so check here first before venturing upstairs.

It should be fun. We have a lot of stuff to raffle off, Line Stretcher lures, Guides Choice Lures. Hansom Pliers, St Croix hats, Super Strike boys will bring few gifts and one of you will walk home at the end of the seminar series with a  custom MAK surf bag.

Btw..the class that was postponed last week due to storm is rescheduled for Tuesday March 15th at 7 30..same place

Which brings me to a weekend..

This weekend we have LI Recreational Fishing Expo on tap in Islandia.

Dave Rose, maker of MAK custom surf bag is making his first trip to LI to do a show. Give him a warm welcome and check out his bags. Some of our other supporters will be there, boys from LI Outdoorsman, Ebbpoint surf fishing, RI Poppers and Paulie’s Bait and tackle. I won’t be able to attend but I am sure you guys will have fun

the fellow that guess my favorite picture is on page 30, email me your address

and now I will try to brighten up this miserable days for you guys

After countless hours of editing, pulling my hair out and crashing my PC I present to you this

Surfcaster’s Journal 2010 Video Year in Review

So go ahead, call me elitist, know it all, skate eater and guy who can’t spell for sheath (that would be shit for you non-croatian types). I’ve heard it all

Just don’t say when I am gone that I haven’t tried to entertain you….
