Category Archives: Uncategorized

Win a special book from Angelo Peluso

Today we will give you a chance to win  a special book
As many of you know, our friend Angelo Peluso has written some highly acclaimed books on flies and fly fishing. He has a  new book that should hit the shelves late summer or early fall 2011.  It is meant to be a  companion book to Saltwater Flies of the Northeast but the new book takes it from Virginia all the way around to the Texas Gulf Coast
His website is , a really neat site with a lot of information. I always found his photo skills, especially pictures of his flies fascinating. Never mind that he is a writing machine with numerous blogs, weekly fisherman column, books and who knows what else.
One of you will have a chance today to win first editions author’s copy of his book,  “Fly Fishing Long Island”.


Good Luck

random thoughts


Glad the show season coming to an end and fishing starts to pick up. Love see everyone but after few weekends of gulping down bad coffee and hot dogs for breakfast and lunch, it’s nice to wake up in the morning and make some homemade waffles for the family.


Go to church and then throw some Nicaraguan yellowtail snappers on grill whole, Croatian style (You think they mind being called that :-))


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First bass of the season

No, we didn’t catch one. Actually, I shouldn’t  speak for Tommy or Roger or anyone else that contributes here. I know I have to untangle the clump of tangled plugs in the back of my truck that has been sitting  there since December. No better way than remembering you have a leak in your waders then walking into cold water in march and feeling the water rush in. It wouldn’t be the first time…

Are you catching?

We should come up with a contest, kind of informal thing

Maybe for first fish over ,I don’t know, 15 pounds one of our readers catch wins a hat or something ?…let me come up with something.

I know some of you are readers of the Saltwater Sportsman magazine…can one of you please scan and email me the Dodge Outdoorsman ad on the back of the mag…I think you know why 🙂

Speaking of  interest outside surf, how many of you actively kayak? I used it in Cost Rica and had a ball. Our guide (and I use that term very generously) had brand new,. week old foot paddled kayaks. We had a blast catching skipjacks, hound fish, groupers and Spanish macks on them.

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"Killer Bee" darter giveway from Super Strike Custom Lures

To make your weekend a little more pleasurable we have a special giveaway for you today

Courtesy of Super Strike Custom Lures

Here is your chance to win this limited edition “Killer Bee” Darter

This lure will only be available for purchase from Super Strike on Facebook. I figure I throw that out there although Mr. Musso insisted I just do a giveaway. Hey, if you are not a fan of Super Strike on Facebook, you should be.

If you are not a fan of Surfcaster’s Journal on Facebook…give us your home address so we can give you an ass whooping

Good Luck ladies and gentleman….

Surfcaster’s Journal Blog Giveaway…always free entry

Winning 🙂

. Continue reading



Occasionally we feature guest bloggers on Surfcaster’s Journal Blog. Today we have a pleasure to present an article from Mr. Eric Brunley, noted author and fisherman whose books many of you have read…Zeno


The current system of striped bass management had its beginnings in the mid 1970s with the formation of the State-Federal Striped Bass Management Advisory Committee.  Each state from Maine to North Carolina had three representatives on the committee.  One from the commercial industry, one recreational fisherman and one representative from the state or commonwealth’s department of natural resources.  I was the recreational representative from Delaware.

Our first meeting was in Salisbury, Maryland and it was a major education for me and I expect many of the others.  The first thing I learned was everyone there knew exactly what was wrong with striped bass.  The recreational members said the problem was the commercial men, the commercial men said it was the environment and everyone agreed the problem was caused by someone or something else.  The trouble with that line of thought was we were all killing as many striped bass as we could and dead stripers do not make little stripers.

Another revelation was many of the recreational fishermen were Continue reading

Have a nice weekend

I don’t want to keep you in suspense too long.

Eric P guessed first that Roger’s favorite picture is one of the squid found on  page 153. For his good guess Eric will win this custom lure made by Big Rock. Eric, please email your shipping address at Some of you have asked if Big Rock has a website, he used to have one, not sure why is down now. If I get some info I will share it with you.

I ran into a friend few nights ago at a social event. This fellow surfcasters has been plying the beaches for more years then I have been walking. This alone should tell you that dude is aged like a fine wine. But he has not only a lifetime of experience in the surf to draw from, he is also one of the most knowledge surfcasters when it comes to fishing with lures.

He told me he bought a small 2 ounce Danny Darter kit from Salty and assembled it. He took it for a swim recently and could not believe what this lure did! He said the last time he seen a darter dart that unpredictably was when Danny Pichney made them and never since. I thought it was interesting  observation coming from a guy who’s been at his craft for so long. Having guys from that generation excited about something….let’s just say that those guys have seen it all and went out trough a lot of overpriced crap over the years.

New Video, Concept Guide Layout with Lou Caruso

It is my pleasure to bring you another original video by Surfcaster’s Journal.

In this video , Surfcaster’s Journal Rod Guru Lou Caruso will show you a  guide layout using  a concept system . Pretty neat and can be used on just about any surf rod.


Of course you can always reach Lou by just clicking on the button on the right hand side at the bottom of this page

 Or by visiting


Win a Big Rock Custom Lure

I know ihave been mentioning Big Rock lately. The truth is I am petrified by the dude so I keep writing so man don’t give me a beating.

Ok, not really. Russ is a sweetheart of a man and gentlemen in every way. He makes some great swimmer and today I will give you chance to win one.

I like people who develop their own style of lure, their own signature shape. Nothing wrong with making copies of great, Lord knows we all used them and caught fish on them. But it cool when you see a shape of a plug in someone hand and you say ” that Big Water “or “Big Rock” or whatever. As many of you know, my artistic ability stops at drawing stick figures and that is on a good day so I can really appreciate uniqueness. Like what YoDude does with mag layout. Or Charlie Sores does with a pen for On The Water magazine.

We did get to chat with Chris Megan for OTW for awhile at Asbury. They are doing a great job with that mag and they genuinely are good people across the whole mag. Again my apologies about the pictures but unfortunately they  were mistakenly erased from my card.There is always next year…

So here is the plug one lucky surfcaster will win


but there is  a catch 🙂

The winner will be the first person who guesses which picture in the issue # 6 is favorite of our esteemed editor , Mr. Roger Martin

So get to browsin’ ladies and gents, just post the page # where you think Roger’s favorite picture is located. One guess per person please

Good Luck to all

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British HRF, more on Asbury and giveaway

Those of you that are coming to our last seminar class , remember it is tonight, Tuesday at 7 30 instead of Wednesday. We’ll cover rods with Lou and rig some eels…oh yeah, one of you will walk away with a custom MAK bag….in addition to hundred or so prizes we already gave you.

I want you to check something out. The boys from Jersey Island featured in this issue of the Journal had an inspiration :-)….and started their own (quite successful I might add) online magazine. Issue two is now already up…but here is the link to issue # 1

They even gave thanks for inspiring them to start their own publication. Really good people and I expect a lot from them in the future.

Some of you asked how was attendance at Asbury and some of you were afraid to come down because of the crowds…from what I have heard the attendance was up compared to last year. But there were no lines of yesteryears when 500 people waited till the door opened and rushed in. By 9 am, 20 minutes after door opened there was no line, you could walk right in. The place wasn’t empty at any point, people were walking around. I think the madness of waiting at 3 am to buy a certain plug is over. You’ll never see me on that line unless someone is selling rigged eels for a buck.

Bad news about Asbury? I deleted all my pictures by mistake yesterday. I reformated the card and the pictures went poof…. no one ever said I was bright…sorry about that. Not too happy with myself this morning….

btw…I added about dozen new images to the rotating image galery on the top. hope you enjoy it

as far a giveaway….I got a special plug for you ……………..tomorrow….but not today 🙂

 in the mean time, enjoy the new issue

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Winner of GreenPoint Lure is…

Lets announce the winner of Green Point tackle sharp eye lure

the randomly selected winner is….carmine tango

Congrats……….you have 5 days to email us at with you mailing address

Good to see a lot of all friends at Asbury…I took bunch of picture which I hope to upload to the blog in next few days. Guys from Asbury did a great job as usual. We sat back to back to Big Rock and his family  . Tommy and I sat on one side and Big Rock, his  wife and daughter, with chairs touching our backs . About 15 minutes before the show ended and after we traded numerous barbs by sitting in close quarters Big Rocks pulls me aside, gives me few lures and ask” I want you to give these to Tommy. Are you going to see him soon “?

I turned around and said,” Why don’t you give it to him, he has been sitting next to you for the past 7 hours…lmao

I never knew they were never formaly introduced

you can’t make this stuff up.

I think those two will be close buddies from now on 🙂


I came home and took an inventory of stuff we had left. As you know, we are not in the retail business, our main objective is to promote the mag. With gear from the store we offset some of the cost and many of you have told us you proudly wear SJ gear. We were talking about SJ shirts or maybe sweatshirts in the car on the way back. It will happen in the future but not in the way you might expect. We might “pre-sell” the items and only print whatever it was ordered. Like I said, we don’t have place, money or energy to carry extra inventory. It’s something we will be working on for future….

We also hear you on ipad thing, it’s something we will be exploring in the near future


The new “Old School” hats are at our online store. Only about dozen and a half so if you grab want one, we suggest you grab it.

MTK shirts in Bay are only available in Medium and only few, all other sizes are gone

Oyster color, all sizes are in stock but few of each

All Mtk t-shirts that are left are reduced to $20

Mtk Sweatshirt are reduced to $45 and only M,2XL and 3XL  available

There are only 3 blue reel covers left with SJ logo, green bags are gone

as always, no additional shipping on anything in online store
