Win a special book from Angelo Peluso

Today we will give you a chance to win  a special book
As many of you know, our friend Angelo Peluso has written some highly acclaimed books on flies and fly fishing. He has a  new book that should hit the shelves late summer or early fall 2011.  It is meant to be a  companion book to Saltwater Flies of the Northeast but the new book takes it from Virginia all the way around to the Texas Gulf Coast
His website is , a really neat site with a lot of information. I always found his photo skills, especially pictures of his flies fascinating. Never mind that he is a writing machine with numerous blogs, weekly fisherman column, books and who knows what else.
One of you will have a chance today to win first editions author’s copy of his book,  “Fly Fishing Long Island”.


Good Luck

119 comments on “Win a special book from Angelo Peluso

  1. matty7

    Iam in. Iam always looking for new ways to enjoy the best sport in the word!…thanks for the opportunity

  2. Jimbo

    I’m in. It’s a great website he has, check out the Writings and Art and Photography links. Really good stuff.

  3. AP

    Thanks folks for the interest in winning the book. It’s always nice for a writer to know his or her words may be enjoyed by others. I look forward to signing the book to whomever wins the luck of the draw…Good Luck! AP

  4. Ed

    I’m In- I really enjoyed and learned much from Lou Tabory’s book based on Zeno’s recommendation- I am sure this will be valuable as well.


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