British HRF, more on Asbury and giveaway

Those of you that are coming to our last seminar class , remember it is tonight, Tuesday at 7 30 instead of Wednesday. We’ll cover rods with Lou and rig some eels…oh yeah, one of you will walk away with a custom MAK bag….in addition to hundred or so prizes we already gave you.

I want you to check something out. The boys from Jersey Island featured in this issue of the Journal had an inspiration :-)….and started their own (quite successful I might add) online magazine. Issue two is now already up…but here is the link to issue # 1

They even gave thanks for inspiring them to start their own publication. Really good people and I expect a lot from them in the future.

Some of you asked how was attendance at Asbury and some of you were afraid to come down because of the crowds…from what I have heard the attendance was up compared to last year. But there were no lines of yesteryears when 500 people waited till the door opened and rushed in. By 9 am, 20 minutes after door opened there was no line, you could walk right in. The place wasn’t empty at any point, people were walking around. I think the madness of waiting at 3 am to buy a certain plug is over. You’ll never see me on that line unless someone is selling rigged eels for a buck.

Bad news about Asbury? I deleted all my pictures by mistake yesterday. I reformated the card and the pictures went poof…. no one ever said I was bright…sorry about that. Not too happy with myself this morning….

btw…I added about dozen new images to the rotating image galery on the top. hope you enjoy it

as far a giveaway….I got a special plug for you ……………..tomorrow….but not today ๐Ÿ™‚

ย in the mean time, enjoy the new issue

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12 comments on “British HRF, more on Asbury and giveaway

  1. Keith White

    Yes it’s true. We were inspired to do this after seeing the great job done with ‘surfcasters journal’. We have had great experiences ourselves in Martha’s Vineyard with the Stripers, Blues and Albies etc and I can’t help but feel, the methods we are using for our HRF (Japanese/Anglo/US) blend of fishing would be mentally good along the Striper coast.

    In fact, we aim to prove it and with luck, we’ll be heading out there armed with these superfine braids and soft lures to feed some hardened steel to your fish of what type (remains to be seen).

    For those of you who do follow Z’s link there, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed doing it.

    Cheers guys…


  2. woodwker99

    All I can say is “Keith you guys rock!” I use all of your methods of fishing (except Skitching)Here on the south shore of Long Island to catch some fine fish. I love that you basically use smallmouth bass fishing tackle for fish in the brine, As I do too! I am known by friends as the “Carolina rig in the salt King”! You now are bookmarked along side Surfcasters. Keep up the good work.
    And Z thanks for the link.

  3. Lenman

    Zeno…. Just want to say the seminars were great. Well worth the price. Every speaker was full of information and more than open to questions and just a nice bunch of guys. I feel like I am going to miss my Wednesday nights now a bit, but with spring around the corner it won’t be so bad. Already seen some bunker at jbay so wont be long now. Thank you for setting these up. Was interesting to hear each guys favorite way of doing things even though many times was different than the next guy. Just awesome stuff. By the way roger with the riggies was one of my favorites. Can’t wait to give it a try although mine won’t be so pretty I am sure. Thanks again.

  4. citykid

    Ditto to what Lenman said, Zeno, all the seminars were awesome! Sad to see them end, but can’t wait to put some of the techniques to use. Last night’s was great–I felt like we were all in someone’s backyard watching an old pro rig eels. Thank you so much for all you do for this community.

  5. bunufish

    Very cool. Hope you do the series again in the future. I’ve done my share of deleting photos by accident.

  6. karl kjellberg

    realy enjoyed the the Mag this issue – best ever , Jersey island was fun to read about and see their mag as well

  7. Talltale


    Thanks for putting the seminar series together. Meeting, listening to and questioning some of the most accomplished surf fishermen LI has to offer was a great opportunity. You piped in with some good advise, as well.

    This helped to bridge between the NFL season and the Fishing season.


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