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A great night

Today’s blog is courtesy of our reader chef Chris Blouin





A Great Night.


It was one of those nights were all the conditions were right to get into some big fish, a light rain, the beginning of a good northeast swell building and an incoming tide would welcome us at one of our favorite spots along the rocky coast of Rhode Island.


The weather decided to take a turn for the worst while we were gearing up and getting ready to hit the rocks. The rain was cold and nonstop, some occasional lightning would brighten the dark sky and a distant roll of thunder could be heard. The storm was far enough away and we were determined to fish. It was the type of weather that keeps the weekend warriors, report chasers and fair weather fisherman sitting at home on the couch watching reruns of Sex in the City. The surf could be heard from the road and we knew it was going to be big at the spot. We walked along the path, recently rearranged from Hurricane Irene, sewer cap sized rocks washed up from the beach during the storm now littered our path, the dirt walk ways washed away to leave small uneven boulders thrown about.


I looked down at my watch to see the bright green screen read 1:01 am; we worked our way down from the path to our desired rock. This is a special rock to us, a second home if you will. Many nice fish have been taken here, it allows two guys to work a 180 degree area and offers two small coves one on each side to land fish into, you couldn’t ask for a better rock. Plus its flat and you can get a great footing, a valuable thing when dealing with big surf. We watched the surf and sets of big rollers breaking 100 yards out on the far reef; the waves were 10 to 12 feet high and 3 to 4 sets coming in at a time. The water in front was frothy with beautiful sweeping white water and good current pulling thru. 

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How did we do ?

Ok, we gave you few days to browse trough the magazine. This is the time when you tell us how did we do. I mean , 190 pages plus and contribution from so many

  • Steve McKenna
  • Russ “Big Rock” Paoline
  • Dave Anderson
  • Andrew Chase
  • John Skinner
  • John Papciak
  • Zeno Hromin
  • Lou Caruso
  • Frank Pintauro
  • Ron DiCostanzo
  • Eric Burnley
  • Lou Tabory
  • Armand Tetreault
  • Ryan Smith
  • Al Lemire
  • Larry Wentworth
  • Mike Fixter
  • Wayne Hess


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Ok, here we go…we got lots of winners


The crew from Saltwater Edge and RedGil picked out three random numbers today which they sent to us. Then we matched those numbers to the entries that we already assigned numbers during the week


 winners of Saltwater Edge/ Redgil contest are

The winner of $250 Gift Certificate from Saltwater Edge is Keith Alexander

The winner of $50 Gift certificate of RedGil is George Mello

The winner of any one lure from SWE stock is ROBERT KRETZER

  Continue reading


Ok, some of you have complained to me personally that I spend way too much time putting myself down. There is a reason for that. The one thing that petrifies me and keeps me awake at for my head to swell so much it could barely fit through the door. You know what I am talking about. You’ve seen your friends catch few fish and next thing you know, they sadly  know everything. You’ve seen teenagers on line asking questions about what to buy to get started, then dispensing advice like a seasoned surfcaster. Sharpie, Hardcore (yup, still hating that word) ,Expert…you can have all of those. No disrespect to those who strive to achieve the heights in this sport, it’s great to have a drive, but this blog is not about a person, it’s about a magazine and sport we love. My biggest fear is that when I leave someone with personal agenda will take over and use this forum to promote themselves..I hope I never see that day Continue reading

more news and Big Rock video



First, I want to thank the folks from Saltwater Edge and RedGil for $250 Gift Certificate contest, $50 in Red Gills and any lure from SWE stock. They will pick three numbers and we will match those numbers to donation numbers we assigned to each person., Stay tuned for the winners this weekend. If you are not familiar, here is the link to the blog post

Somebody sent me a video the other day that was made by my friend Tom Lynch of NJ. That dude has some mad video and editing skills! I don’t know, I always felt I could do stuff ok but was always lacking that artistic touch that Tom has with video or Tommy has with SJ. Wait, maybe I should change my name to Tom too?

That was too easy

Anyway here is the video of Big Rock Shovel Head metal lip swimmer. In case you don’t know who Big Rock is, he is Russell Paoline, our beach buggy columnist and maker of Big Rock lures. You can contact him to get more info about his lures. He makes small batches at the time and I belivee he is making shovelheads now.


In other news..for those you RM Smith plug hounds, Saltwater’s Tackle in Islip received their first delivery of RM Smith plugs last week. Get them while you can. Same can be said for RI Popper lures at East End Tackle and Afterhours Lures at Cow Harbor bait and tackle that incidentally is ready to service your ZeeBaaS whenever your heart desires.

Of course Paulie and Pat at River’s End will take care of all your Van Staals. With these guys now all servicing these reels locally, the first guy that sends their reel to Oklahoma or Stratford to get regular service should get 10 lashes. No Soup For You. Or maybe he should spend a night consoling Chris Humphries.


Did I call that of what ?

 Few weeks ago I said they won’t last a year….which means that i can now go back to sending her 50 emails a day asking her to be an official SJ hottie


.[issuu width=550 height=213 showHtmlLink=false proSidebarEnabled=true backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=110909055811-4b5c375cab104e5195026dfe8d489310 name=issue9 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=54f2a2a6-526b-0113-c7be-f957283b1fce v=2]

The most anticipated book in a many years coming your way

God knows (and so do all of you) that I am not a great writer. Heck, I am not even good, never mind great. But what I try to be is honest. I figured if I am , you will see past my misspelled words and all the “zenoisam” and understand what I am getting at.

I don’t give out praise that easily either. Most of the equipment and lures that I use are good. There are only few items in my surfcasting arsenal that I consider great. Sometimes my rigged eels are great and sometimes they look like they were rigged by an 8 year old. My SS darters are great..when fish want them.

I’ve read many books on surf fishing and many are good. I doubt there is a book that I’ve read that I haven’t picked up a thing or two. What would I call a “great” book? Shinning Tides by Brooks published sometimes in the 50’s. It captured my imagination. It made me dream while I read it. It is hard to do this in a how-to book. Very hard. Presenting the facts in entertaining manner can be a daunting job. I know all of you have read The Art of Surfcasting With Lures. I still ship 5 to 1 of The Art of Surfcasting to any other book I published for me or for others. It is your vote on its usefulness, not me telling you what is good. And that is the way its suppose to be.

But I got news for you. There is new sheriff in town and his name is John Skinner.

John has a book being printed as we speak ” Fishing the Bucktail” that I will call “great” book without reservations. All I am going to say is this, I have never read anything like it. I never wanted the book to end and all I could think is how am I going to stick a lojack device under John’s truck so I can follow him around. Yes, the book will be considered a how-to more than his previous bestseller A Season on the Edge.


What did I get out of it? After all, I have been fishing for few years now. I wrote few books. I should know my shit. Let me tell you something, I am reconsidering most of the stuff I do with my bucktails and modifying many things in particular places after reading this book. Look, I don’t want to tell you that you need this. What I am telling you is that you going to want to have this book.

Doc Muller wrote a bucktail book awhile ago and you might wonder are they alike. They are not even close. They might be two books on same subject but written from two totally different angles. John is a inlet junkie, a guy as comfortable with a 5 ounce bucktail as he is with a small one on the yak. Once you start reading the book and start to get into his head, thinking along the lines he does you are going to step back and say, whoa, this dude is intense…lmao


Anyway, that is all for now. The book is expected to be printed in about ten days and in stores for Thanksgiving. The retail price on this 130 page  book is $17.95 and like I said should be in stores by Thanksgiving.

John is make limited number of signed copies available only to SJ Blog readers.If you need info on address to mail a check please contact us at

Here is the link you can follow to  reserve your signed copy (or you can just click on the picture) and when the book is printed, John will sign it and it will be mailed to you. This is limited time offer. We will. Iftake this link down in few days





1. A BUCKTAIL PRIMER……………………………………………. 7


3. NUTS AND BOLTS ……………………………………………… 27

4. OCEAN SAND BEACHES …………………………………….. 31

5. OCEAN INLET JETTIES ………………………………………. 41

6. BACK BAY SHORELINES …………………………………….. 55

7. ROCKY SOUND BEACHES …………………………………… 63

8. MONTAUK SURF …………………………………………………. 75

9. SHALLOW INSHORE WATERS……………………………… 83

10. THREE-WAY RIGS IN DEEP RIPS ………………………… 91



13. FINAL THOUGHTS ……………………………………………. 121



Interview with Paulie, Part II

Do I have to say anything more than Paulie Interview Part II ?


ok, ok, how about a winners of last week giveaway ?


Big Fish swimmer goes to

Big Fish hat goes to

Line Stretcher Lures goes to

Lure Tubes goes to

Bio Edge scent goes to


all of you have 5 days to email us your shipping address to


and now…our star…Paulie of Montauk

I would suggest you click on the YouTube button in the right hand corner of the video and watching it on You Tube in High Definition.


Tuesday's ramblings


I did get a chance to get out this weekend. I even managed to give a drag on a ZeeBaaS a good work out. I was particular impressed with the balls on the CTS rod Lou built me. Sweet…now if I can find few more fish of that size. Sad fact is that is the only hit I had. But I will take it. Few more interesting thing happened this weekend but you will have to wait awhile till I can fill you in. As you know, certain things in this sport have to become an old news before you are allowed to talk about them.

I am still amazed of just how thin these new blanks are from St Croix, CTS and others. It almost feels like you are fishing with a light tackle rod, never have to worry about your shoulders or arms tiring from casting. But once you hook into a moose, only then will you know just what kind a beast you got in your hands.


As you seen on Sunday, I added a poll, more out of curiosity than anything else. I would like to incorporate these polls into the posts going forward. Here is a poll that is probably more interesting to me than many of you but I just had to know the answer. We have some good writers and we have been blessed with many good books on surf fishing last few years. Forget my books, which are so full of “zenoisam” that if you are a English professor you probably had a mild stroke from aggravation when reading. I am talking about real sharpies like Skinner, Doc Muller, DJ Muller and so on….out of these three, who is the guy that you can’t wait to read whatever he writes?

 [polldaddy poll=5627144]

and last but not least


Who said Super Strike does not make wood? 😉

Win a new Hansom plier sheath

Let’s start the week off right by giving one of you a chance to win this new orange pliers sheath from Hansom Tackle.
Designed and MADE IN THE USA by Aquaskinz exclusively for Hansom Pliers. This sheath is durable, light weight and built to last. Constructed from 22oz Vinyl Coated Polyester which is 100% Mildew and U.V. Resistant. For the binding they used a Flexible Vinyl-Coated Polyester that is very light- weight and extremely strong. This sheath is expertly designed by Aquaskinz to fit their AP-8 Pliers perfectly. This design won’t take on water and get weighed down. It fits their pliers so perfectly that you’ll always know they are safe and secure on your hip. Available in orange or black

The winner will get  an orange sheath. Lots of stuff coming this week, Part 2 of Paulies inteview, some other interesting videos and other stuff

One more week till issue #10 arrives…if you haven’t read issue # 9 cover to cover, now might be a good time 😉
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