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SJ ushers 2012 in style, by giving you a chance to win a Cube Surf Bag from Commando Surfcasting

I want to wish all the readers of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine and the Blog a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We are going to usher this 2012 in style here at Surfcaster’s Journal.

First, we have a new issue in the works which should be ready in few days. Second, after two years of waiting, and scrambling to find options for you guys to read the SJ Magazine on your IPads and IPhones, it looks like we finally have an answer to our prayers. It’s not a perfect solution yet as you can’t go to and view it on your Apple device yet. But if you go to and you can browse through all the issues on your Ipad. I have to say this. I was the biggest “why would you buy Ipad?” and “what is the point of that tablet?” guy I know. But I bought it for my kids for Christmas because ,well, I love my kids. And to me honestly, money has no other purpose other than to make their lives better. My wife included of course. But I changed my tune after reading two books in two days on Ipad and watching some videos.

Holy shit, that thing is sick! Sorry if I am late to the party but I am here now. Apple rules. I am working on a eBook which will only be available for reading on tablets very soon. Kind of excited about it..

But not as excited as I am about how are we going to kick off 2012 at the Surfcaster’s Journal Blog. By giving you a chance to win this sick Commando CUBE Surf Bag.


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This and that

Let me start with a good news..

Tune in this weekend for a spectacular giveaway of a Commando Cube Surf Bag. We are going to say goodbye to old and kick in a New Year in SJ style…by showering you with gifts. Seriously, it’s been a crazy week or two here with holidays, giveaways, shipping and family stuff. I am still in shock about giving away two Commando bags, Rod Vault, Super Strike, Lemire and more stuff to come. Heck, we could have a giveaway a day but we don’t want this blog to be just about that.


The second thing I want to tell you about, something that makes me very happy is to announce that great RI sharpie Steve McKenna will write a column for Surfcaster’s Journal starting in March. On what? Continue reading

Win a Heavy Needlefish from Super Strike Lures

I hope you enjoyed watching the video we featured yesterday on the blog. John truly is one of a kind when it comes to explaining how and why things work. Too bad his background as a Brookhaven National Lab scientists prevents me from putting a GPS under his truck and finding out where he fishes. The last thing I need is the boys from Homeland Security at my doors…lol

And no, I am not hiding that delicious looking Commando Cube Surf Bag…ok, I am . But I will give you a chance to win it in a day or two. What a way to get into a New Year Continue reading

Special gift

Yes, the Christmas is over. But we keep delivering gifts in one form or another.

We announced the winners of our STRIPERTHON 2011 Catch and Release contest. We announced the winners of AOK, SS, Rod Vault and Commando Surfcasting giveaways…and we got more coming

But first, a special gift. A 20 minute interview that is worth its weight in gold, if there was such a thing. Some of you will learn more listening to John speaks then you ever did watching a fishing video. And if you haven’t bought John’s new book yet, Fishing the Bucktail, you will after you watch this.

But this is not about a book, or egos. Continue reading


First I would like to thank my lovely and indispensable daughter Michelle for helping me tabulate and organize all the entries, votes and winners. I would also like to thank all of our STRIPERTHON 2011 sponsors, St Croix, Penn, Tsunami, Commando Surfcasting, Hansom Pliers, Guides choice, Super Strike, Line Stretcher, WileyX, Lure Tubes and Choopy Lures.

Here are your winners. The most important part of this contest is that each and every one of these beautiful fish were released to swim another tide. Congratulations to all the winners, all of you who voted and thanks to all of our sponsors for making this possible. Continue reading

You asked for it…

I am sure many of you are just like us at SJ, running around like chickens without heads during the holiday season. And no end in sight… btw, thanks for the 450 emails I got yesterday when you entered in Commando giveaway…lol

We are working on issue # 11 so all other things are being put on the backburner, including one thing that you have asked us about repeatedly over the last few years. Yes, it seems strange that we don’t have Surfcaster’s Journal gear, shirts, sweatshirts and such in our online store. There are two reasons for that. First, we don’t have a budget for those things and we are paranoid of getting stuck with stuff. When you talk the talk, everyone says “I want one” but when you actually make it it’s a different story. Which is understandable, I do the same thing. The second thing, equally and probably more important is the art work. You guys know Tommy does not operate on premise “ let’s get it out there s quick as possible”.  Until he is happy with the design, nothing will get done. Which on the end of the day makes sense, after all, we want to have something we can be proud off. Continue reading

Special offer from Guides Choice Lures

We got something Special for Surfcasters Journal Blog readers, a sweet deal from Guides Choice Lures

Shop on   and at the checkout put in the code scj and get the following deal: 

         Buy Any 4 Lures & Get a 25% Off Of Your Order!

         If Your Order After Discounts Totals More Than $50.00 Get Free Shipping As An Added Bonus!

Check it out at


The winner of Super Strike Lures Special Bottle Plug Giveaway is

Please furnish your address via email at and we will send it to Mr.Muso who will ship it to you.

 More giveaways coming your way…love the season of giving 🙂

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Win a Commando Surfcasting Custom Surf Bag

This truly is a special giveaway, courtesy of Tom White from Commando Surfcasting. When Tom spoke to us last year and mentioned giving us two bags to celebrate our 2nd year anniversary I will admit that I was touched by his generosity.

These bags are made by hand, from the first stitch to the last one. Yes, machine is used to stitch but it’s not like you stick a piece of material into a machine and out comes finished bag on the other side. We watched Tom work on his bags recently and I have to tell you his skills and his attention to details are not something I could ever match. It reminded me of Tommy’s quest for perfect font when he is designing artwork.

So here it is, another giveaway you will only find at Surfcaster’s Journal Blog. But check out these features first ..plugs not included 🙂