Category Archives: Uncategorized

Win a whole load of Spro's new Split Snaps

Now that I have somewhat recovered from the weekend…few thoughts

First, I like two welcome two new supporters to Surfcaster’s Journal family. Steve Adams who makes AOK Tackle has been a friend for a long, long time. His metals are gaining popularity and after last year’s insane sand eel run in NJ, he will have a hard time keeping up with orders. I also like to welcome Al Lemire from Lemire’s Plug works. We are looking forward to tossing his plugs into the water this season. He has some incredible videos of his plugs on his site, produced by Mike Laptew.

It was great seeing them both at the shows in the past few weeks.

btw..taking about old  friends…. I just got The Surfcaster catalog in the mail few days ago. All I can say is NICE JOB!…I can’t believe how much I missed having it in my hands over the years

I am working on a project in my head that is consuming me from the minute I get up, till the moment I get into the bed. Literally and figuratively obssesive ,emotionally and physically exhausting. So if you don’t get your usual serving of Zenoisam, my apologies an advance. I am sure everything will work itself out sooner or later. I will try to at least finish Doc’s Video Interview soon for you guys. Talking about videos, I am reading a book on documentaries and almost in passing the author mentions that the ratio to footage used to footage shot is about a 100 to 1…and this is for the pros making motion pictures. Meaning for every hour of filming you get 1 minute  of footage you can use. I thought that was insane…of course, us who are just looking to entertain our readers are much more lax with “art” and “cinematography” part and more interested in finish whatever we are doing and making dinner for the family…lol

We haven’t had a giveaway in awhile so here is a chance for two readers to be winners.

Each one of them will receive a 3 packages of Spro Snaps in 45, 90 and 125lb test

[issuu width=420 height=162 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120311004957-aa2402a5155442c7ab27bce503b9ff57 name=surfcasters_journal_issue_12 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=38ba2ca8-adb8-1562-d125-ebdeb78a3d97 v=2]

Do You See What I See? …Do They?

Charlie Witek’s article about Gamefish in the most recent issue of SJ was filled with facts, but one tidbit that I felt was almost lost in the margins was this notion that the fate of the fish – and maybe even our own fate – might one day ride with politicians and others of influence who don’t fish and couldn’t tell a striped bass from a flounder.

It brought me back to a discussion I had years ago with Richard Brodsky, a New York State Assemblyman who served from 1993 to 2002 as Chairman of the New York Committee on Environmental Conservation. If you had a battle in fisheries management in New York during this time, and had a bill, chances are you needed to convince the likes of people like him in order for the bill to have a fighting chance. The conversation took place around 2000, a cocktail party meet and greet type setting. He asked me what I fished for. “Striped Bass, mostly surfcasting” I said. A few minutes later our conversation turned to fly fishing, and I might have mentioned Montauk. Then it hit him and his eyes grew wide, “You mean you fly fish… in salt water?…From the beach? Oh my god I didn’t think there was such a thing! And you actually can catch fish this way?” Continue reading

Bazinga !!!

Do I really have to say more?
The new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal is up for your reading pleasure
[issuu width=420 height=162 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120311004957-aa2402a5155442c7ab27bce503b9ff57 name=surfcasters_journal_issue_12 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=38ba2ca8-adb8-1562-d125-ebdeb78a3d97 v=2]

I would like to thank members of Asbury Fishing Club for organizing a great show. We had a great time and did not expected to be cleaned out SJ Night Shift shirts…again..we literally have 2 left which we put into online store..we also added few of the New SJ Time and Tide shirts to our online store. Again, only few and only few sizes. Grab what you can….once we regroup we will take a look at what will we be ordering for online store now that the show season is over

Click on either shirt image and it will take you to the store. That is all now…need some sleep




Weekend brainstorming

I am glad some of you like to be ball breakers with “Ken Burns” comments. I can’t say I am very familiar with the man’s work as I watch maybe an hour of TV a week but I am trying to brush up. I did watch part of his baseball stuff years ago if I remember correctly

But it made me think (which is not necessary a good

If you were Ken Burns and you wanted to do a story on historical perspective of sport of surfcasting, let’s say at Montauk since Jerry brought that up…what would you ask the fellows you were interviewing? About the old days, would it be gear, fishing, old trucks, cranky tackle shop owners, lure makers, fast chicks and cheap scotch?

What is one question (or two) you are dying to hear the answer too.

This should be fun

See you guys tomorrow in Asbury

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Interview with Tom White, maker of the Commando Surf Bags

We always like to get you into the weekend on the right note so today we present to you a special video with maker of Commando Bags Tom White

For those of you that are venturing out and hitting your neighborhood tackle store to replenish your supplies, East End tackle in Hampton Bays,NY is running a sale including VS and ZB reels


East End Bait & Tackle
170 East Montauk Hwy.
Hampton Bays, NY 11946

Our good friends at Saltwater’s Edge in Rhode Island have a special on terminal tackle.Just in time for spring we’re running a special on all items in our terminal tackle category at Simply use the coupon code TERM15 during checkout to receive 15% off any items you purchase from the terminal tackle category on the website. Now is a great time to stock up on any snaps, swivels, clips and split rings you need for the upcoming season.
Coupon Code: TERM15

Coupon is valid through Sunday, March 11th.

And last but not least, we will be at Asbury Fishing Show on Sunday, stop by ,say hi, pick up some free stickers. Wewill have both shirts in limited quantities at the show so come and support us,..these videos dont make themselves..lmao..just busting, see you guys on Sunday

The new issue of your favorite magazine in the world is due to appear any day now…

And now, a video that I can say with ease, it does not not suck

This is the first time I used footage from multiple cameras and tried to sync the sound. I just wish we shot more b-roll footage..Anyway enjoy listening to Tom, you will figure out fairly quickly why his bags are held in such high regard


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Almost there…

I think many of you are probably jonesing to go fishing right about now, with 70 degree temperatures expected today. It won’t be long…only few shows left in this season. Go out and enjoy the sun today

RISAA is a big one for New England area. Haven’t gone in few years but would like to. Asbury is on tap this weekend. This (in addition to Surf Day in NJ) is the only show we are officially attending. We will have both, The Night Crew and Time and Tide shirts at Asbury so stop by the table and pick up your favorite. Limited quantities of each. If any are left we will put them up in the online store next week .







Continue reading

State of the Striped Bass Fisheries

I thought this video of William “Doc” Muller fits perfectly with the email below from Striper Forever Organization. You don’t have to agree with them ,you don’t need to want a gamefish status for striped bass, you don’t need to be a ardent catch and release guy to agree that fisheries are on the downturn. Listen to Doc explain very elegantly why does he feel the way many of us do



From Stripers Forever


Stripers Forever members – our game fish bill was heard by the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Member in Boston last week. Some of our opponents had gotten to the committee chair, and the initial testimony in the hearing was arranged in opposition to the bill. We heard the usual rhetoric about needing to sell striped bass to make a living, that Stripers Forever just wanted all the fish for themselves, and that according to the ASMFC all is well with striped bass. Over the next six hours, however, supporters of striped bass game fish in MA more than held their own against the commercial testimony. We haven’t received a final tally, but many people testified throughout the hearing in favor of game fish, and the quality of the pro-game fish testimony by guides, tackle shop owners, economists, fishery scientists, and Continue reading

Great show on tap this weekend… and new SJ Gear

I have few videos that I did over the years that I haven’t showed you. Why? Mostly out of fear of embarrassment…because they suck. But then today I was looking over the video about how I make the head for a rigged eel hook and I realized that….the video still sucks. I talk a mile a minute…however I also realized some of you might find this information useful. And if I can help even one guy, then my job is done.

Note a short sleeve polo shirt (Thanks Harv) and date it was uploaded YouTube, September 6th of last year. But it’s been locked up for for 6 months for  before mentioned reasons. Progression of a video googan

Also a note with this video. If it sounds like I came up with this concept, I did not. Our Editor Roger Martin clued me into this. I just use different epoxy but he gets the props from me for the idea. Where did he get an idea, you will have to ask him. Maybe one day he will write a blog post of a article in SJ on all the things him and Al Bentsen screwed around ,trying to make it better over the years.


Oh, yes, for those off you that are attending Asbury Park Fishing Club show this weekend, you will have a first shot on these limited edition t-shirts we made this week, just for the show. Only a dozen or so in large,xl and 2xl were made so stop by the SJ table in Asbury this Sunday and pick one and support your favorite magazine. While supply lasts.

SJ Time and Tide T-Shirt

100% Cotton Heather Grey T-shirt

 With weathered navy blue printing on left chest and back.

[issuu width=550 height=213 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false proSidebarEnabled=true printButtonEnabled=false shareButtonEnabled=false searchButtonEnabled=false backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120111023118-9d1048647cfe41d090399d5cfee4d4ff name=issue_11 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=70069923-d325-f4da-96e8-406b89269658 v=2]

Legend speaks

Yesterday post got me thinking about what is the best thing we do here at SJ. I’ll be first to admit that is hard to keep all the balls in the air at all times and try to blog, fish,video,picture,write and answer your emails in addition to holding down a job and taking care of the family. But we manage..yes, we screw up sometimes. And yes, a lot of time it feels like it’s more headache than it’s worth.

But then I thought about all of you from PA,NJ,RI,MA,NH,CT and many other places along the coast that love this sport. Many of you have bought a books by John Skinner, William Muller. You’ve read stuff about Crazy Alberto Knie, Bill Wetzel…but you never got to see them up close and personal in the seminars. Some of these guys don’t travel. Some of you can’t make it to every show. I think it’s neat that we can bring you this kind of stuff in between the issues, stuff that you really get a kick out of . Stuff that makes this sport so much more personable. Where else will you get to meet Tom from Commando, Dave from MAK and Nick from Ebbpoint without going to the show? How many of you have spoken to Ron at ZeeBaaS but never knew what he looked like? Or Willy Young, Vito Orlando, Steve McKenna, Dennis Zambrotta..and many others

I think that is a primary reason Continue reading

New video and weekly winners

I hate making apologies first thing on a Sunday morning slightly less that I like doing any work on a Sunday. Any Sunday. It’s an old thing instilled by my late grandfather, Sunday is for church, family and friends…however, these days, when you can’t get to half of your stuff to begin with during the week, you do what you have to. So I will start working on adding some high hats in the bathroom even although I have no idea what I am doing…after church that is. I wonder if he is looking down on me with a disapproving look on his face…

What am I apologizing for? That video yesterday that I had to take down because YouTube blocked it. I had a video of Montauk blitzes keyed in to Crazy Train by Ozzie but they blocked it. I tried different versions of that song and multiple uploads but they all had same results, denied. Hate to see hours and hours of work go down the drain. I might revisit that video when I have more time…and find another beat that fits the bill.

Ok, I know I am behind but here are the winners of last week contest

First, my favorite picture of this issue is on page Continue reading