Category Archives: Blog

Surf fishing 101 video preview

New issue coming up in a day or two.Here is a video preview of Surf Fishing 101 series. I think most of our readers will find something relevant and interesting in it.[youtube][/youtube]

Happy to say that I reshot the video yesterday morning that I screwed up on Friday with Craig Cantelmo of VS Reels. Long ass haul to North Fork to do it but those who don’t have in their heads, have it in their feet , my grandfather use to say. 

I think their new VR reels which are hitting stores in few weeks I think will be a massive hit. I got to play with one last few days and considering pricing under flagship VSX line, i think they will be guys  salivating at the lightest reel I ever held in my hand.

Video coming upP1000966

Upcoming issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online magazine

I spent morning shooting the videos and missed a blitz which was occurring about 1/2 a mile away from where we were set up. But that wasn’t the painful part. I missed plenty of blitzes before but I never imported the footage to start editing before, only to find out that its unusable due to a single button being switch the wrong way.Yes, that is painful and very much embarrassing especially since people took time out of their day to be there. My bad, my really, really bad screw up. Unfortunately probably not the last one.

Speaking of videos, and if you are one who likes watching what we do, you might get a kick out of what’s coming in the new issue next week. There is almost an hours worth of new videos for your viewing pleasure.

In this issue we are introducing Surf Fishing 101 series. I shot over 30 videos with some of todays best surfcasters, Donny Musso, Lou Caruso, Ralph Votta, Craig Cantelmo, Bill Jakob, Dave Anderson and of course our stalwarts like Mr. Skinner and Wetzel. What is Surf Fishing 101? Glad you asked

With Surf Fishing 101 we are going to try to demystify sport of surfcasting and break it down on a basic level. There will be a video on how and why to use teasers, how to fish a darter, how to improve your cast, what to look in a surf belt. How to pick a rod for back bays, how to fish a needlefish, anything that you can think of, we are a game.

In addition some videos will be all action footage, recorded with  ago pro while we are catching fish and explaining the thought process behind why we are there, and what are we doing with our lures. There are also few night footage  sequences captured with infra red light, aerial footage….and on and on. From lures to bait to rods to gear, this should be something for everyone

In next week issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online magazine first 4 videos will debut. Each episode is between 5 and 15 minutes although we shot an episode with Ralph Votta last week which will easily push 20 minutes

  • Episode #1 The basics
  • Episode #2 Needlefish with Don Musso
  • Episode #3 Rough water fishing with Bucktails
  • Episode # 4 Surf belt

Obviously in addition to this you will get reviews and  awesome articles from your favorite writers and columnists.

Just a little reminder to myself that I actually am not as miserable as I feel about my screw up this morning.Hope you guys enjoy it

and a little note, only as a courtesy to our blog readers

For the first time, there are pullover Creeping while you sleeping hoodies in our store, creeping bumper stickers and yes, those elusive Night Crew Zip hoodies are making appearance for a limited time.We have not publicized this because we make small batches and want our readers to get them first if the wish instead of soccer moms shopping on Cyber

CREEP L66177 L66178_DET L66178Zip_B2-300x300dd_large

..Some dude named Craig let us play with his toy for next week.12208677_10153744994428421_6900819393480250892_n…a little weekend treat to our readers

New MTK show special shirt, regularly $23, this weekend only $15..35% OFF, shipping inluded

11223550_10153645852098421_6885772951576349633_na little late edition of fish porn

25 pound blue caught and released by Chris Voorhies yesterday on South Shore of Long Island12195918_10153746033033421_3394113657949121165_n

Cinnamon Buns


My daughter is 18 months old and, as any dad with a surfcasting addiction should do, I take her to the beach every chance I get—which translates to pretty much every day. A couple weeks ago we were out running errands and I thought we should swing by a beach that overlooks one of my favorite sets of rocks—she could play in the sand and I could hang from the eyepieces of my binoculars looking for signs of life.

I was hungry and I could tell that she was too. The stash of Goldfish in the diaper bag had been exhausted, so I stopped at a local bakery to look for something we could share. I settled on a cinnamon bun that seemed to be calling me from the street. We hit the beach, spread out a blanket and shared that twisted miracle of dough, butter and cinnamon—it was the best cinnamon bun I’ve ever had. Hands down; and I’ve had many. I didn’t see any signs of life but Lila kept me entertained by repeatedly trying to pet seagulls—attempting to call them over like you might call a cat. It was a good day.

A few days later it was Friday and I called my fishing partner, Dave Daluz, to weigh the options for the night ahead; should we fish early in the night and hit spots A and B or should we head out around 4 a.m. and hit spot C? We elected to do the morning thing. To make the details of a very slow trip less boring; I dropped a good fish in the dark and Dave caught a 30-incher about 80 minutes after sunrise. The minutes before and after were sprinkled with rapid plug changes, glances across the point at one another, silent cursing of various boats coming too close and endless minutes of ‘in head’ wondering and self-flagellation about what our fate might have been had we elected to fish the night tide instead.

Mercilessly, one of us declared that he was going home and the other made the requisite “last cast” and followed closely behind. As we were walking out my mind wandered to that cinnamon roll. I know Dave likes quality baked goods as much as I do; he should know about these! Food is one of our top five subjects of conversation when driving long distances—the others being fishing, adolescent stupidity, present day stupid people and Kate Upton—not mentioning these cinnamon buns seemed like a violation of the bro code.

I should add that in the intervening days I had been back to the bakery no less than three times and each time they hadn’t made the cinnamon rolls! This had built up quite a jonze. This had also given me the chance to get a feel for the place; it was run by a group of college age girls, there were rarely any people in there and, I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking things, but… well you’ll see.

I headed straight for the bakery on my way home, I half-expected Dave to follow, but he was nowhere to be seen. I was still in my wetsuit and I had a moment of mind-stutter when I thought about walking in there as their only customer, wearing a wetsuit. I didn’t want to make these girls uneasy. Might they think that I thought I looked good (Hey ladies, yeah I fish in a wetsuit…) or tough (Check out the pipes…) or maybe that I was trying to show off my 35-year old ‘dad’ physique to a bunch of college girls on a Saturday morning (Who needs help with their homework…)? For the record, none of those things are my strong points; and I am well aware of, and at peace with, these facts. In the middle of the night I’ll walk into almost any place with my wetsuit on, but for some reason, this place at 8 a.m. on a sunny day, made me stop.

So, I reached over and grabbed a pair of gym shorts, my worst pair too. You know the ones… the pair with the worn out elastic, paint smears on both legs, the pair you have to tie so tightly that the waistband looks like a diaper leg when you’re done tying a knot that you wish you had a third hand to properly cinch, the pair with at least one ‘mystery stain’ that you really don’t want to remember… yeah. I don’t know what made me think this was better, but I put these horrible shorts on OVER my wetsuit and wore them into the bakery.

The absurdity hit me when I was about two steps away from the car, but now I was out there (Jerry) and now I had to own this. I prayed that Dave would not show up, I caught of glimpse of myself in a window reflection and I had to grit my teeth to keep myself from bursting out laughing. Then I heard it—beep beep—it was Dave, F! I HAD TO OWN THIS. I turned with a straight face and gave a short nod and a nonchalant wave, like nothing was odd, like I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, like I always wear terrible ‘swishy’ shorts over my wetsuit into public places.  I would normally wait for him, but I quickstepped through the doors; owning it like a boss!

The girls were all down in the kitchen and I didn’t see any cinnamon rolls on the counter. There’s a partition that’s close to five feet high separating the work area from the retail space. I walked over and asked one of them if they had the cinnamon buns, they didn’t. As I surveyed the area it became apparent that, because of said partition, they couldn’t see much below my neck anyway… I could have walked in there wearing a t-shirt and a gym sock and they wouldn’t have been any the wiser. I walked toward the door laughing at myself and then I remembered that Dave was waiting outside. Shit!

Owning it while walking toward the truck was not going to be as easy—there would be no opportunities to pull myself together between looks.  He was on the phone, probably telling his wife about my self-induced wardrobe malfunction—(in hindsight, I’m just glad he wasn’t taking video!) But despite his broadcasted play-by-play of my humiliation, the fact that he was socially engaged might offer me the opportunity to get out of there without too much interaction! I looked down to gain my composure and then looked straight at him, I made a matter-of-fact face while shaking my head and giving the ‘thumbs down’. His window was cracked open so I just said robotically, “No cinnamon buns” and tried to dash into my car. I felt like I had dodged the humiliation… I really HAD owned it! But then I looked back to see his automatic window creaking slowly open, in this instance it was like a principal’s curled index finger beckoning after you THOUGHT you got away with something.

I did NOT want to roll my window down, but I did. In my last attempt to slide out from under the embarrassment, I spoke up first and authoritatively, hoping to drown out any blossoming sarcastic remarks, “Ahhh, sorry man, no cinnamon buns today…” I turned toward the wheel and fished my phone out of my terrible shorts—just to have SOMETHING to make me look occupied.

I wasn’t getting off that easy.

He rode over my little charade like an M-4 Sherman tank, like he didn’t even hear it—I might as well have said nothing. “That is one badass outfit you’re wearing…” he said with a smile and a heavy chuckle.

For a split second I rushed to come up with something to defend myself but I just sputtered and then closed my eyes and shook my head… I no longer owned it, I never owned it, I had been outted and there was NO dignified slant play I could run to save face. I felt a Stimpy smile unfurl as my stupid mouth hung open in surrendered embarrassment. I tried to explain about the girls and the superhero spandex suit… he wasn’t having it. Without speaking any words, my face said, “Listen, I know l look like an idiot, I know this was a terrible idea and I know that these shorts should have been burned in 2006…” then my face morphed into a look that begged for mercy. Which, as any good friend would, he gave me after one last smirking head shake, a wide laughing smile and then a few short seconds of additional laughter.

I deserved it.

I laughed the whole way home. What else could I do?

Win a Huge assortment of Charlie Graves Fishing Lures

Sand Eel bite has been pretty consistent this fall in the areas that are holding sand eels and albies are running wild in few places. SJ columnist John Skinner just uploaded a new video and on it he is saying he caught over 200 albies in the last month alone!

What do both of these things have in common? If you are targeting either bite in the daytime, tins are often your best friend. So todays giant giveaway will make someone smile from ear to hear because its truly a remarkable giveaway

This giveway is a courtesy of Ralph Votta from West End Tackle who makes Charle Graves Lures. Ralph will be one of our speakers at Striper Day ( and also a star of one of our surf fishing 101 series of videos in 2016. We got him on camera last week for a 25 minute all-you-want-to-know about fishing metal lures. That’s coming in 2016.

One winner will receive this awesome collection of Charlie Graves Fishing Lures. You can check out the whole line at www.charliegraves.comz1234

  • Butterfish lure
  • Herring lure
  • Sand eel lure
  • Mullet lure
  • Nikki jig
  • J-3
  • D-5
  • J-6
  • J-7
  • J-8

Thanks to Ralph Votta and Charlie Graves Lures for making this possible and good luck to all.z1123

Winners, fish, videos, show and more

I haven’t had time to sit down and write something in a while so I am kind of enjoying this quiet Saturday morning with a cup of coffee. Lot of stuff on the mind lately occupying my time, my kid’s knee being a primary interest in my head and yeah, NY Mets got me sucked in. And there is my truck which went to shop on Monday and Wednesday and Friday and yes ,today. All for Service Engine Soon light that will not go off. It has not been a boring October that is for sure.
Fishing by me is terrible BUT if you are willing to drive east a little there is a constant bite. Its not spread along all the beaches, in fact is relegated to very few, but its there. When you get stormy conditions and high surf, the action spreads out and then reverts to the mean when things settle down. Mostly small fish, under the keeper size with some teen size fish mixed in. Remember that big 2011 year class? We’ll they are filling the void that is for sure.

Before I forget, let me announce the winners of last week giveaway. The winner of 3 spools of Spiderwire Ultracast InvisiBraid is Alton Cowings. The winner of two Guides Choice Bunka Boy swimmers is both have 5 days to contact me at info@surfcastersjournal.com20151024_214828-120151024_214955-1

Stay tuned for a massive giveaway from Charlie Graves Fishing Lures and West End Tackle.

Few other things before I forget. There will be I think 8 videos in the new November issue of SJ , 6 of which are brand new. We have been busy on the video front and we’ll fill you in on it this week.
SJ Striper Day show, scheduled on January, 09 is coming along. Its a lot to fill you in that will that will take another post but do visit to get all the info.

After many requests we have decided to order hoodies for the holidays. They are done and waiting to be added to the online store. This year we’ll have our Night Crew black hoodies and something new, Creeping While You Sleeping zip hoodies and color Creeping bumper stickers for the first time. As always we make these in small batches,and this year is no exception so you will get the first shot at them as always.Zip_B2-300x3002015-07-22 15.12.38





Last but not least, this video by Lou Casuso from 2013 was originally featured in the Surfcaster’s Journal magazine. in case you missed it, here it is [youtube][/youtube]

A Requiem For A Surfcasting Legend

I wish I could tell you I knew Jack as well as many of our subscribers did,  but I did not. The unofficial mayor of Montauk was a special character, one of those people that make this sport so special. Many of us will fish those same rocks, but probably no one will remember us other then our closest friends.

Jack was a big part of surfcasting scene in Montauk for decades , from the early day of wetsuits, abundance of fish through moratorium and then he got to experience the glory days again. He left us this summer, leaving a void in the lives of many who knew him well.

Vito Orlando wrote a touching poem which he read at the ceremony recently on the north side of Montauk honoring Jack.

I though it deserved to be heard and read my many, because Jack like every one of us, had his demons but on the end of the day, he is one of the few we call the Legends of the Surf

RIP Jack


   A Requiem For  A Surfcasting Legend

  By Vito Orlando

The Light House Went Dim

Its Fog Horn Fell Mute

As A Farewell To A Surfman

And A Final Salute

Angels In Wet Suits

Sent To Guide The Way

Pointed To The Heavens

As A Place He Could Stay

The Majestic Cliffs

Cried Out In Sorrow

And The Boulders Below

Knew Of No Tomorrow

Word Quickly Spread

Of His Departure From This Land

And Many A Tough Surfman

Shed A Tear In The Sand

Some May Recall

His Camper In The Grass

And The Offer Of Coffee

To All Who Would Pass

A Hook In Your Hand

No Reason To Ball

This Surf Casting Legend

Was Always On Call

He Loved To Drive

His Jeep On The Beach

And Always A Camera

Within Easy Reach

He Often Swam

To An Off Shore Stone

And Weakfish Rock

Was Considered His Home

As Time Went On

And Years Rolled Past

The Vigor Of His Youth

Could No Longer Last

It Was A Painful Day

When He Made Up His Mind

That The Best Days Of Fishing

Were Left Far Behind

As His Fragile Body

Began To Sore

He Fought A Brave Battle

Till He Could Take No More

He Now Fishes With Angels

And St. Peter Too

“Come On In Wabbit

We’ve Been Waiting For You”

It Can’t Be Explained



My last blog post, as you might remember was about losing my grandfather, the stages of letting him go and how the simple act of fishing—being alone in one’s mind—made accepting his loss a much easier pill to swallow. Well, last week I had the chance to fish with his daughter and son (my aunt and uncle for those that don’t have a firm grasp on the workings of the old Family Elm.) I owe a huge chunk of my fishing abilities and obsession to my uncle Jon, someday I’ll post some of our stories from long ago, but to make it simple, he was the one who was always there to take me fishing and I don’t think I could find the appropriate words to state how thankful I am that he was there to do that.

My aunt Betsy is only one year older than I am, so we were raised more like brother and sister. She would come and “babysit” my brothers and I after school, my mom worked the 3 to 11 shift at a local nursing home and my dad usually came home around 6:30. I would describe Bets’ and someone who is up for anything—you can’t gross her out, you don’t have to mince your words and you cannot knock this girl down; she also loves to fish. She is as determined a fisherman (woman) as you’ll find. This past spring she wanted to start fishing the bass pond near her house as soon as the ice broke up. She called and asked me what to use, I recommended jerkbaits and gave a detailed description of the way I have had my best luck using them in cold water. I don’t think it was more than a week before she sent me a pic of a fish that looked to be pushing 5 pounds caught on a jerkbait. I think they call that a ‘quick study’.


Last week the two of them fished the Canal and invited me along to lend some insight into where to go and what to throw. Jon had caught many stripers from the surf and Canal, but Betsy’s only stripers had been caught from a boat—that needed to change.

As the sun began to illuminate the world around us, we made the switch to topwater plugs, and the deathly slow nature of the fishing we’d experienced in darkness bled over into the first hour of daylight. I assured them that when the tide began to move we’d see at least some action. To my delight, I hooked up right as the current began to roll, but then it fell quiet again. I watched my two companions fade from alert casters to ‘going through the motions,’ who could blame them? Then, like a smoke alarm at midnight, Betsy was jolted awake by a hard hit in close to shore. It wasn’t a giant but she was on the board with a 24-inch schoolie. The adrenalin rush was apparent when I landed the fish and placed it into her shaking hands.

Everyone was back on high alert now, but most of the visible action was on the other side of the Canal! One of the schools came out to just about the edge of my casting range and I fired a cast to try and intercept them; I fell short. As I was working my plug in a small pod of bass erupted about halfway between me and my plug. I looked to my left and pointed to the breaking fish, Betsy was on it! She whipped a perfect cast about four feet ahead of the breaks and began working that 2-ounce Guppy with everything she had. The plug was assaulted within seconds! This fish put a much better battle on and when she had it close I could see panic was starting to control the situation. She was frantically trying to figure out how to get this fish up on the shore. She was grabbing her rod at the first guide, high-sticking… I said, “just back up.” She did and I was able to grab the fish. This fish was no Canal beast either, a respectable 33-incher weighing in at 13 pounds. After we shot a few quick photos and released the fish, Betsy turned to me and said, “I can see why you love this!”

We’re already planning another trip in June.

She has no idea what she’s in for.

I think Gramp was smiling that day.

Guides Secret Bunka Boys & Spiderwire Ultracast Invisi-braid giveaway

Lets do a giveaway for our fans. I hope you are catching and if you have any aversion to teasers, get over it! Haha , just joking but they are sure deadly in my neck of the woods this year. But I still cant bring myself to tie one on. We have been asking where all those fish from big 2011 YOY class , they are on the lip of the beach rooting sand fleas.

Today’s giveaway will feature two winners

First winner will pick up two Guides Secret Bunka Boy swimmers while the second winner will receive one spool each of 30,40,50lb test Spiderwire UltraCast Invisi- Braid. I been using this line quite a bit last year and it looks like Spiderwire has a winner.

Good luck, its close to midnight, back to my video editing chores

Go get some fish !

20151024_214828-1 20151024_214955-1 20151024_215309-1New issue of your favorite magazine and $^%&*load of videos coming your way in few weeks


Guppy Lures video


I been chasing the fish around and even hooking up on occasion but consistency has been hard to find. Good news is that we have a surprise up our sleeve for November issue and episode of SJTV #III is coming along nicely (as is  #IV). We already got over 30 new videos lined up for you guys so yeah, its been a busy month and don’t forget  Striper Day on 1/09/2016 at Hofstra University

Take a look at list of attendees and we still have not added all the logos Striper Day Vendors

Todays featured video is Wayne and Peter Hess, of Guppy Lures fame. Glad I got to spend some time with these fine folks and yes, they will be at Striper Day

SJTV episode III Preview

It has been a busy week for us at SJ. I am happy to tell you that we got a TON of new video footage this week, SJTV episode III is almost wrapped up and we have stuff up our sleeves that will sure make some of you very, very happy. And yeah, we are getting ready for Striper Day on January 9th at Hofstra University.

Here is a preview of SJTV Episode III…note that the ending was shot last night and might not make have to be left on the cutting room floor this issue but will be in future segments..haha

And yeah, SJ Art Director Yo Dude Corrigan is one of the funniest human beings on this planet