Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fly Fishing the Surf

Part of me always look at fly fisherman in the surf with amazement. I mean, its hard to catch a fish with a rod that can cast 150 yards (ok, 50 in my case), never mind a fly rod with  which cast is usually measured in feet. But the more I think about fly fishing the salt, the more I am getting an itch to do it myself.
Lets be honest, fly fishing, pier fishing, chunking, hand lining, they are all surf fishing if done from shore. There is beauty in each one of them.
We have decided that we should give some space in our magazine to all these techniques. After all, this is not Plugoholic Anonymous Magazine although if you look in to the man caves of some of our readers  you might be questioning this statement. I know saltwater fly fishing  is a small but fast growing part of our sport. What I am curious is how many of you guys are actually doing it or have done it in the past ?

More news for 2011

   As Surfcasters Journal Magazine grows there will be additions (and no too many subtractions I hope :-))
Our newest addition is to announce that chef Andrew Chase formerly of Monkey Bar fame and few other well known places but currently partner in Katja Café  79 Orchard Street in NYC will be joing us
He will be SJ official Chef De Cuisine.  Andrew will be in sharing his passion for cooking with SJ readers, coming up with recipes for our readers and write on all things that might interest the cook in you.
How good is of a cook Mr. Chase is?
Padma Lakshmi thought his sauce was pretty damn good 🙂
here he is on the cover …
in other news…I am curious if anyone has any experience in living/fishing in Bonita Springs, Estero, Punta Gorda area? If you do can you please drop me an email at please ? I got few questions

New Year


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to making fishing resolutions for new year is to fish more. At least is for most people. Since weakfish disappeared few years ago I came to realization that I was spending way too many nights chasing ghosts. So this year, after summer pattern have developed I basically hanged up the rod and waited for fall. Yes, I made few trips but it was mostly for exercises…did I miss not being out few nights a week? Not really, to be honest. I kind of enjoyed hanging with the wife and kids. So unless the weakfish make a return, scratch me out for muggy, mosquito filled nights for now.

What would I like to accomplish, get better or learn?

  • Continue to improve my eel rigging and fishing
  • Trying to fish or at least attempt to when on vacation Continue reading

Happy New Year Giveaway

Here we are, another year has passed, another season behind us.

As with any seasons, there were highs and lows, ,moments were we  experienced the success and the agony of defeat…sometimes during the same tide.

I  want to thank you for being a part of the Surfcaster’s Journal and  I hope we made your life a little more enjoyable with our blog and magazine.

If I remember correctly we gave away reels this year, Lami rods, custom bags, lines and leaders, lures up to wazoo.

To welcome in 2011 Surfcaster’s Journal is proud to offer you a chance to win these pliers, sheet and lanyard from our friends at Hansom Tackle. I used them during the fall run and I washed them lightly few weeks ago but never got a chance to give them a good look till today. I am damn impressed with what they look like after few months on my belt.

So my friends, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and continued success in your endeavors, fishing, work and family. With help from Hansom Tackle Co, someone’s 2011 will start off with a Bang!

Good luck to all

2011…coming up fast

I am sorry to have been MIA for few days but my brain needed a little break. Don’t worry, it’s a very little brain so it needs only a small boost to recharge. 🙂
I do want to tell you that we take your suggestions very seriously and we are working on incorporating your ideas into the future issues of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.
But again, this all starts with you…yes, there are many of you who are new to the sport and feel that you can’t contribute yet but you might be able to contribute in other ways, maybe a recipe, a funny story, or even venting frustration. If it’s about surfcasting, we want to hear it. I am serious when I say that we will consider any submission. If I wanted to, one finger typing and all, I could have written every issue myself. But we decided that it was more important to involve other people, those you know and many you didn’t.

And those of you with salt in your veins, Continue reading

Commando Bag Giveaway winner

I think it is fitting on a Christmas Eve  Surfcaster’s Journal in conjunction with Commando Surfcasting  make someone’s Christmas really special by announcing the winner of Commando Surf Bag

I had my daughter pick a random # (in case you guys ever wonder we use to generate winners)

and the winner is Continue reading

Making SJ magazine a better publication

Not really how I planned to spend a night before Christmas Eve….I usually look forward to going over the menu for a seafood feast tomorrow with my wife. She makes a wish, I try to make it happen on the stove. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

But I just got home from work, made dinner and are heading back to work for the graveyard shift 7 to 3 am…which would be ok if I didn’t have to be back to work at 7 am again, I guess I’ll find a corner to doze off somewhere for few hours. Darn, this is a lot more fun when you do it between the tides 🙂

Hang with us on giveaway winners, we’ll get to all of it in next few days we hope. I sincerely hope Continue reading

Better later then never..


Inshore Fly Fishing by Lou Tabory

I have no idea why it took me almost 20 years to get this book. All I can tell you, it should be a required reading for any surfcaster.

Forget for a moment about fly fishing, if you are not into it. The discussion on structure and how to fish it is worth more then any fishing book I’ve ever read. Period.

I am like a child as Christmas Eve reading this at LIRR this morning

Trust me, you wont regret it…..I bough it on Amazon for something silly like $4 last week ands started reading it last night…went trough first 200 pages by this morning.. I might be slow but I am not stupid. Get this and if you are green your understanding of structure will improve Continue reading