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Beach Access and NJ Perfect Together?


Occasionally we we feature stories on the blog from readers of Surfcaster’s Journal Blog. Do we necessary agree with everything we feature from our guests? No, but if we feel like you would  be interested in someone’s else’s view on certain topicS , we will certainly make every effort to feature it here
Today we are featuring story from Jim Hill
Beach Access and NJ Perfect Together?


Recent changes in the guidelines to beach and water access in NJ are being battled over in the NJ courts. Four groups of access advocates are fighting this fight for all of us who use the beaches in NJ. CRABS (citizens rights to access beaches) The American Littoral Society, The Surf rider foundation, and The NYNJ Bay keepers are spearheading this effort. I recently discovered this issue and thought as a surf fisherman what can I do to keep my access open so that I can fish?

Changes to the access in NJ are coming on fast these will allow each individual town/municipality to set their own rules for access. The following are examples of the DEP changes, which could be made by individual towns:

  • Loss of 24/7 access to coastal waters
  •        Loss of 24/7 access wow this is a big deal for us as surf fisherman. Imagine not being able to hit your favorite beach with a black SS needle after dark? Never again being able to see the sun rise on bird play while throwing that big old Big Don Pencil? I can’t imagine not being to eel off of the Manasquan Jetty through the night?
  • Loss of the requirement for 1/4 mile access points
  • Loosing access points to stretches of beach which we now use might just cause issues of trespass onto private property. I can’t imagine areas that are fishy being ignored because of limited access. Guy’s will just cut through private property.
  • Loss of requirement Continue reading

Smile for the camera

Well, no one guessed what my second favorite picture was so I will save that for another giveaway….and the dude who won the Super Strike Killer Bee Darter never sent in his address…you know the rules, we don’t contact you, you have 5 days to send us your address.

Well it’s been a week so we are going to do a another Killer Bee giveaway. I will remain sanguine about prospect of someone else winning and claiming the prize. Sanguine (confident or optimistic) is a word of the day little thingy I am staring at as I am typing this. Sorry, I promised Da Wife I will actually put it in use…once. Now I am done 🙂

Below you will find a picture of embroider Surfcaster’s Journal Hat. No ,these were never offered for sale, Tommy made only few, one which is on my head and this one I will give you a chance to win.

In honor of upcoming season, sleep deprivation and hands that stink of eel,clam or bunker juice, I will send this hat to the first blog subscriber that sends me a picture of a striper over 15 pound that he released this spring. No rules, just have fun

I am on my way to River’s End, some of you are too and many of you are hitting the beach. Remember to bring your cameras

Hook em up

How  anal are you about sharpening your hooks?

I’ve seen it to both extremes, guys who fish with dull hooks that look like they should be in King Tut exhibit, encrusted in rust.

I seen guys sharpening their bucktail after every cast under the lighthouse. Often times I will replace the hooks instead of sharpening them if I don’t like the way they look. There was a time when I carried ton of plugs in the back of my truck, thinking I need the latest and greatest wood to catch a fish. It was a pain in the butt to keep them all sharp and in the rotation.

Today, things have changed. Actually a lot of things have changed and one of these days i will have to write a mea culpa ……………I carry a dozen or so plugs and I find it easier to keep up with keeping the hooks sharp. I do know my limitation however…I will never be as good and meticulous as this dude..

that why he is a sharpie and I am a guy with a camera


Coming up this weekend, Surf Day at River's End, CT

On tap this Saturday, one of my favorite shows of the season. It’s in Old Saybrook, CT at River’s End Tackle, hosted by Pat Abate. For those of you who might not know, Pat is not only the owner of the shop but is considered by many of us who know him one of the best surfcasters of this generation. Many surfcasters from NY and NJ make a trip, catch few seminars, enjoy a bbq (on moose stew we had few years ago!). River’s End is also a place where you can have your VS reels serviced and on hand will be VS super Rep Craig Cantelmo with other factory reps. I will be there speaking on strategies for big bass. Why did they ask me, it’s a mystery. Everyone knows I catch most of my fish with the keyboard 🙂

Looking forward to seeing many old friends and meeting some SJ fans

See you there..

River’s End STRIPER SURF DAY April 2nd, 2011 10-4

It won’t be long, the first migrating schoolies will be at the wall and the long wait will be over. Until then join us in celebration of surf fishing. It’s a great day to hang out, take in a seminar and just get reacquainted with some old and new surf rats. We’ll have great speakers, demonstrations, factory reps, sales, door prizes, same lousy food and good friends.

Zeno Hromin – Strategies for Big Bass
Craig Cantelmo – Fishing the Montauk Surf

FACTORY REPS from Super Strike, Van Staal, Shimano, St.Croix, Lordship Lures, Tsunami, Aquaskinz, Northbar, Line Stretcher, Lunker City, Power Pro, Loomis and more will be here.

Natural Gas Wells and Our Waterways


Occasionally we we feature stories on the blog from readers of Surfcaster’s Journal Blog. Do we necessary agree with everything we feature from our guests? No, but if we feel like you would  be interested in someone’s else’s view on certain topicS , we will certainly make every effort to feature it here
Today we are featuring story from Jason Gribschaw


Natural Gas Wells and Our Waterways

Jason Gribschaw

Natural gas wells have popped up all over the country, along with the promise to end our dependence on foreign oil.  Well, they have yet to put a dent in that dependency, and they are destroying our land, tainting our water systems and damaging our health. 

Environmental damage has been a big concern for PA residents and probably for others around the country.  I was first told about the drilling by a friend who has property up in the mountains.   They have used the property to hunt, fish and rent for many years. Each year they have their well water tested, and the results have always come back flawless.  The water was so pure that the people testing it would state that it was some of the cleanest water they have ever tested.  That analysis remained the same, year after year, for as long as the family has owned the property.  Drilling companies repeatedly offered up big money to drill on the property and everyone in the area had refused.  Then, one year a property was sold and the new owner accepted the gas company’s “pay day”. 

 I cannot remember what year, but it was within the past 5 years or so that the test results have changed.  A phone call from a Continue reading

Pick a picture, win a Bunka Boy Swimmer

Some of you have complained in the past that we make giveaways too easy so I am going to give you something to think about to win this Bunka Boy Swimmer from Guides Choice Lures.

You know how we usually have a contest where you try to figure out  our favorite pictures? Well, I let you in on a little secret, my favorite picture is on page 84.

What you will have to do is guess is my    SECOND  favorite picture in the current issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal. First one that guesses which page the picture is on will win this Bunka Boy Swimmer from Guides Choice.

One guess per subscriber so choose wisely

Go 🙂



We’ll make it easy for you

here is a mag 🙂

[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110308003917-21741ced73f243ec859cfedc908ef1cf docname=issue6 username=SURFCASTERS_JOURNAL loadinginfotext=issue%206 width=420 height=162 unit=px]

Winners (and losers)


It’s time to announce our winners for Super Strike Killer Bee darter the winner is…

Karl kjellberg


Karl, you got five days to get us your  shipping address to so we can pass it on to Super Strike. Thank you all for entering and thanks  to Super Strike Lures for their generosity.


Winner of Angelo Peluso’s signed first printing copy of Fly Fishing Long Island is

peter douma

Peter look above for instructions

Again, thank you Angelo for your generosity, and we are looking forward to your new book. Btw, you will soon have a chance to win his highly acclaimed signed book, Saltwater Flies of Northeast


Stay tuned to SJ Blog for more details.


We have some more guest commentary Continue reading

Salt water license in NY

This is written exclusively for SJ Blog by Charles Witek ,chairman of the Costal Conservation Association Atlantic State Fisheries


For more information on CCA please click here

On March 23, a joint committee of the New York legislature announced that it had agreed on a proposal to suspend the fee charged for New York’s salt water fishing license for two years, and would permit the state’s anglers to register with the state, in compliance with federal requirements, for free.  Since that announcement, there has been considerable buzz in the angling community, with license opponents cheering their “victory” and many thoughtful anglers wondering about what, if anything, they had won.  Right now, the answer isn’t completely clear.

Assuming that the conference committee’s suspension of the license fee survives the final Senate and Assembly votes on the budget, which it almost certainly will, the lost license revenues will be made up by payments out of the General Fund.  That will certainly be the case in the upcoming year, and legislators will likely do their best not to upset the deal in the year after.  However, should overall state revenues fall far below predicted levels, or if other state spending needs soar, there is no firm guarantee of General Fund money being available in the second year.  If it is not, the DEC will be unable to fully carry out its programs, including those which are of benefit to anglers. 

There is also the issue of federal Wallop-Breaux money.  Some are claiming Continue reading

New Book

It is midnight and I been doing something I haven’t done in a long time. I read a book, cover to cover in one sitting.

Except this book is different. It has no cover or pictures, just hundreds of sheets of text, titles and summaries. That is because this book is not done yet but I sincerely wish it was, and that you can read it.

It’s that good.

What is it?

Its first pure surf fishing book written by William “Doc” Muller in over 20 years. His last surfcasting only book, Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night was updated and reprinted last fall. This book, , let’s call it for lack of better term, ultimate guide to surfcasting, covers it all,  in the way only  Doc can.  From gear to lures to bait to fishing clubs to tackle to fighting fish to proper release, from eels, to shads and plugs and teasers to mindsets, structure and who knows what else, twenty three chapters so far.

Here is your chance, just like last year, when I asked to contribute photos. You want to be a part of this book ? We are actively looking for photos , if you have anything you would consider submitting, please email it to

Scenery, fish, people, lures, you name it, I am interested

Expected release? Sometimes in the fall of this year. Man , it felt good to read 200 plus pages in one sitting…it’s been a long time

and now, good night…tomorrow, a winner of Super Strike Killer Bee Darter..your last chance to enter is today