Category Archives: Uncategorized

New video from SJ

There is nothing like a spoken word. Yes, you might have read the interview in the last issue of the magazine, but listening to someone talk about what they are passionate about is a whole diferent feeling



This and that

Few things that you might not known…but you will now 🙂

Charlie from Choopy Lures, our supporter from way back when is doing a limited run of shirts. You can get all the info by following link at SOL

ZeeBaaS is having another hands on workshop in their headquarters in Stratford where they will show you how to self service your reel. It is scheduled for Sat, Jan 28 at 9:00AM, You can call them, visit their website or Facebook page at!/ZeeBaasReels

And now shameless self promotion part of our day. Continue reading

Guppy Lures…yes we have them and yes, we will give you a chance to win them

Every year, once the holidays are passed, I hear the same thing. My friends complain about shows being boring, that show is too far to drive to, this one has lousy speakers, and on and on. Granted, I get engaged in this conversation too on occasion. But then I thought about something else..

Few years ago I went to Asbury Park Fishing Club annual Flea Market. I will be first to admit that I don’t know many players in this industry (that non-social thing rears its ugly head once again). Yes, I been invited to many pre-show parties and even more after show dinners or drinks. I have yet to attend one. Call me silly but I love getting home, as fast as possible once the show is over.

This might have been my first year at Asbury. This was in the days before SJ and during the time plug craze was raging. No one really wanted books, all they wanted was plugs, plugs and more plugs. So instead of just being ignored at my table I walked around and got to meet Ray Smith, bunch of NJ plug builder and one guy that came down the Jersey all the way from Massachusetts. That fellow was Wayne Hess, maker of Guppy Lures. Continue reading

We goofed

I sincerely are hoping that you guys are enjoying the new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. But before I say anything else, I need to issue an apology to one of our blog members Stephen Barone.

We were originally slated to run Vito Orlando brand new poem If Striped Bass Could Talk in this issue. Somewhere along the line I dropped the ball and did not noticed that we used Mr. Barone’s poem Quest For An Old Friend instead. This alone would not be a major embarrassment for me as I like both of them. However, Tommy , since he assumed it was written by Vito , gave Vito the credit for the poem. We have since made a corrections and Stephen’s name and bio is in the proper place where it belongs. Again, it’s on me. I don’t know if it was the holidays, the new diet number 68 I am on or what, but I royally screwed up. So again, my sincerest apologies to Mr. Barone for this mix up. I am not going to make excuses for this oversight, I just hope it doesn’t happen again.

Since we are discussing the good, bad and the ugly of what we do, here is your chance to tell us what you think of this issue, what you like, what you didn’t, more of what you want to see …

… pats on the back are unnecessary but hey, who doesn’t like a little love

Tommy does draw a line at group hugs though

We are all ears

 stay tuned for a nice giveaway from a very cool wood lure builder….
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CA Surfcasters need your help

The guy who nailed Crazy Alberto picture choice in this (soon to be past) issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal  is c4red

Congratulation pal, please send your shipping address to

Speaking of the magazine, the new issue is coming , all 200 and then some pages. Sometimes in next 24 hours or so, barring any more  technical difficulties.

I particularly like the cover shot this issue because its different than you usually see on the cover. We are trying to keep stuff fresh, as much as we can. You will also find that our resident Art Director genius has moved some stuff around to confuse the crap out of you. Because that what you asked, and we are listening.

Now I want to bring to your attention what is going on with our beloved stripers in California, land of Lohan’s and Kardashian’s. I sure hope someone invites me to go striper fishing in CA one day, it’s on my bucket list. But from the look of it, there might not be any stripers there very soon, so you guys need to get involved by either writing a personal letter or just using a automated one. Either way, take one minute of your day to get involved and read this. If you don’t agree with it, do nothing. But if you do, get involved. I know CA seems like is another world away but on the end of the day, surfcasters are surfcasters no matter where they practice their craft. That is the reason we started this magazine. Continue reading

Let’s get the BIG news out first.

The winner of super-duper Commando CUBE Surf bag, courtesy of Commando Surfcasting is…John B,

John, you have 5 days to contact us with your shipping address at


EBooks..I been thinking about this a lot lately. I can’t believe how quickly is world changing around us. Borders is gone and today Barnes and Noble announced that they are looking to spin off the Nook into a separate company I guess…before they go belly up too. Amazon is killing them all. And now that sales of eBooks are eclipsing the sales of paper book, I don’t think we will ever go back to the way we were. Continue reading

To Log or not to Log..that is the question

Lets announce our first winner of the week, the lucky recipient of this super Strike Lure is  Josh… You got 5 days to contact us with your mailing address at

Tomorrow Commando Bag winner announcement…If I don’t freeze to death before. Yesterday all our temporary water pipes froze on a construction site. Guys were shiting in buckets like they were in the old country. You think they would pay a pipe coverer to insulate the pipes?…wait, I am a pipe coverer and I was there. Wonder why no one asked me ? Hmm, trying to save few $ and hope to get through the winter without this happening? Stepping on dollars to pick up pennies if you ask me

I got to ask this because it’s been on my mind lately. And when you see the video below you will know why. Continue reading

Win some Crazy stuff from a Crazy dude on a Crazy cold day

I am not much of an ass kisser. For whatever reason, I never developed social skills to be a good bullshit artist and be loved by masses. Ask my wife if you don’t believe me. She said that I have the worst social skills of any man she’s ever met. As such, I generally turn down almost every fishing invitation, preferring to fish alone. I don’t know, socializing for sake of socializing was never my thing. I fished with Crazy Alberto twice in my life, and both times he spanked me. Which is fine to be honest. Yes, I always thought that he was an exceptional angler but never really thought that he was head and shoulders above all other “experts”. Continue reading

Do you feel like writing?

It is about time to get up in the morning and feel good about being a NY Giants fan. Funny story…my wife was on the two months ago looking at stuff to spend money on. Hmmm, why does this sounds familiar? She asks, who is this guy Cruz from NY Giants? I said, no one other than your son’s favorite player in the whole world. This is before anyone knew who he was…but since my son blogs about sports for a year already, he knew and loved the potential. So she gets him an authentic jersey. Let’s just say kid hasn’t taken the thing off since Christmas…Cruuuuuuuuuuz

Sometimes we post entry on the blog, asking you about the stuff you want us to feature in the magazine. Today, we are asking for readers to get involved and pitch us the stories that they would like to write themselves. You might be chummy with a plug builder, you might know an old-timer that fished with Woolner. You might be a brilliant surfcaster who can take apart strategies Continue reading