Category Archives: Blog

New video, Vertebrae Lures

A new lure that we were given to try at this winter show to try, made by a local guy

We don’t get much new stuff in the sport of surf fishing these days so I thought this was rather cool


Striper Day 2016

Who is glad Show season is over ! Can I get an Amen?

No offense to anyone who enjoys attending these shows, but the vendors get absolutely exhausted eating God awful food every weekend, and standing on their feet all day. You also have to understand (and hopefully respect) that most of manufacturers reps do not get compensated for doing weekend shows. As one well known rep told me, “ no one asks me on Monday in the office what show did you do this weekend or are you tired, they ask if i was ready to produce”

So here is my salute to these hard working guys and ladies. Don’t feel sorry for them, most of them love what they do and would not trade for the world but you have to understand that world of “shows” has drastically changed in last few years.

We use to have “big” shows like Somerset, RISAA and Suffern which big boys attended, and smattering of flea markets that manufacturers reps general would not attend. A guy selling a gorgeous St Croix rod is not going to compete with a dude selling $1 sinkers or $2 used plugs. Instead they do “store shows” by supporting their retailers when they have special gatherings. But JSS Surf Day changed this a little as it grew fast and attracted both, guys specializing in surf fishing products and regional manufacturers reps. This is yet again testament to great organization on the part of JSS. And part of why we spent so much time in NJ this winter and every winter

Connecticut Surfcaster’s Association is starting to make similar inroads with their show and I am glad to see that. NY?

Ehhhh..not doing so well. We had a show in Farmingdale few years ago which was awesome and had a lot of potential, but I don’t think that venue is available any longer. We are SJ are perfectly happy attending shows that other people put together, you have no idea what it takes to do it until you try it. But after years and years of waiting and attending dinky flea markets (which really is not our target audience)  I spent a better part of last two months turning over every college on Long Island and hotel upside down. What did I  found out? That I will never complain about The Fisherman show entry fee being $25 when it takes $10k just to rent empty room for few hours on LI. That 99% of schools  on LI will not rent their facilities to anyone other than their kids (this makes sense). That you can find a gym for a thousand people but a seminar room next door that holds 50.  And on and on and on. At one point few weeks ago I was driving home dejected after visiting Stony Brook. That was my LAST and best option but I was not happy with what I heard. Doable,? Yes. Perfect? Hardly for multitude of reasons. My phone rang on Northern State and it was a very polite lady from Hofstra apologizing for not getting back to me sooner as she was on vacation. I shot over immediately and the rest is history. God works in mysterious ways.

To make a long story short (and its already too long and I can go on for another hour) if you live in Long Island, you will get your own show next January 9th at Hofstra University Student Center.

Not only do we have use of a 300 + people theater right next to vendor area but our sponsors will make your trip to the show worth while

With your paid admission you will receive a package from Super Strike, Hogy Lures, SPRO, Savage Gear, SJ and more.

In addition, Van Staal VSX reel will be yours to win as the Grand prize. There is a lot more, but for now, here is a new website so check it out

We also have a new Facebook page up just for the Striper Day. Click on the link and like it so you get notified when we do giveaway on that page (in fact we got one going up already.We givinging away these aluminum pliers)


Appearing for the first time in NY

Big Rock Lures

Flatlander Surfcasting

Guppy Lures

Hogy Lures

MAK Surfcasting

A.O.K Tackle

Couch’s Cedar Works

Choopy Lures

MagicTail Bucktails

Line Stretcher Lures

J.Jaget Customs

DT Lures…and ton more


Two new SJ videos and one insane shark video

I want to wish all our readers Happy Passover and Happy Easter. As I mentioned before, we have few things we are working on. First was the STRIPERTHON 2015 Catch And Release Contest sponsored by PENN Reels. This year we will have a Spring and Fall contest for you guys so that is something to look forward to. Few more things to be unveiled in the upcoming week so stay tuned

For now , here are two new videos, one shot at RISAA show recently and the other shot last year but somehow never published. I never did say I was the smartest tool in the shed

We had a pleasure of having our booth at RISAA this year next to these two ladies. They make some awesome fishing art. Check it out  [youtube][/youtube]

You ever had your batteries die in the middle of the night (yes, of course you should always have a spare light on you). You ever had your spare light die ? I did

You ever found yourself away from home or store (like pre 7/11 in Montauk) without batteries?

Yes, little things like batteries seem insignificant to worry about it when you have DMag plug in your bag that you bought on eBay last week for $200..but I’ll tell you what. When that light dies you’ll never see those sharp hooks coming in the direction of your face at night. What, for $200 you expected dull hooks?


As for the shark got to watch this is you are a hard core surfcaster!


Surfcaster’s Journal announces SPRING STRIPERTHON 2015 sponsored by PENN

STRIPERTHON 2015 sponsored by PENN Reels

June 5-7, 2015

The STRIPERTHON 2015 is open to all Surfcaster’s Journal subscribers with active subscriptions. There is no entry fee, as a subscriber you are automatically entered. (Subscribe today at to become eligible).

Only saltwater striped bass may be entered into the tournament.

All fish entered into the STRIPERTHON 2015 must be caught in a surfcasting situation. A surfcasting situation constitutes contacting the ground, rocks, beach or a dock with ones feet. Any means may be used to reach these destinations, such as boat, ferry, swimming or kayaking but the fish must be hooked and landed while the angler’s feet are in contact with the Earth or something permanently affixed to the Earth.

All fish entered must be caught using a rod and reel and a legal live (or dead) bait or lure.

The CONTEST TAG will be posted on the blog at 5 pm on Friday June 5th. The TAG must be included in the photo for each fish entered into the tournament. You may also download it onto your cell phone and show the TAG on your phone screen in the photo as well

All measurements will be ROUNDED UP to the nearest whole inch.

All qualifying fish have to be photographed with the CONTEST TAG and next to a measuring tape showing entire length of the fish in inches visible in the photo accompanied by a SECOND photo of the angler holding the fish. This event is intended to be a CATCH AND RELEASE competition, remember all fish must be photographed alive. Minimum size 32 inches

The largest fish by length will win first prize, second largest second prize and so on. In case of a tie, the first entry submitted will be placed ahead of a second entry of the identical size.

You must send us your entry pictures by 5PM on Sunday June 7th. Email pictures to with email heading “SPRING STRIPERTHON 2015″.  Include your name and phone contact.

Anyone caught cheating in any way will be disqualified, ejected and publicly shamed.  This means any photo editing, unannounced substitutions, entering fish caught by non-members etc, will result in disqualification. We reserve the right to disqualify any entries in which the measurements are not clearly visible without enlargement. The SJ tournament committee will have final say in all disputes concerning the legitimacy of photos, size of the fish and quality of the photo submitted. Photos entered without a CONTEST TAG shown will not be counted, no exceptions.

Your CONTEST TAG must be printed at a size of 6 inches by 6 inches or larger.

You are urged to take whatever means necessary to protect the TAG. Designating a page in your leader wallet is a great way to protect the tag. It is also wise to print several extras because, water and paper don’t mesh well.

All anglers fishing in any STRIPERTHON 2015 tournament agree to do so at their own risk. Surfcaster’s Journal, it’s owner, partners, sponsors or employees are in no way liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the act of fishing or traveling, walking, boating or kayaking to or from a fishing location. By printing the CONTEST TAG you agree to indemnify and defend Surfcaster’s Journal, it’s owner and/or employees against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs which may, in any way, arise from your  participation in the STRIPERTHON 2015.


  • First Place PENN Torque Spinning Reel + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Second Place StormR Surf Top and Gloves + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Third Place PENN 706Z reel + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Fourth Place Sabre 11′ one piece rod by Lou Caruso + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Fifth Place PENN Spinfisher reel + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Sixth Place Set of Lures from Super Strike + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Seventh Place Set of Lures from Guppy Lures + 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid
  • Eight Place SJ Gear package (SJ hoodie, shirt and hat)+ 300 yard of Spiderwire Braid




I am sure a lot of you have been antsy to get out on the water. As you should be, it has been a brutal winter. Our job is to hopefully make the winters more bearable and I hope we helped a little. We are working on two major things that we hope will fall into place by this weekend and we can make an announcements. One is a STRIPERTHON 2015 sponsored by PENN. There will be two this year, spring and fall with great prizes for longest fish from our friends at PENN, Spiderwire, StormR , Super Strike Lures and Guppy lures. The  third even I am not at liberty to discuss yet but I am pretty psyched about it. i just never thought it would be so difficult to pull off. Explanation coming this weekend.

The past week winners

The winner of this crazy overbuilt Flatlander Belt is Tom Pirraglia. Tom you have 5 days to contact us at with your shipping address

For those of you who are interested in the belt, find Flatlander Surfcasting on FB or contact Jamie at as he only makes these belts by order and in size you need


The winner of  this  Surfcasters Lure from is

Mike Cellansasas

The winner of  this  Surfcasters Lure from is

Kevin kline3144620bc99b717408c6d06a3a199003 2

The winner of  this  Surfcasters Lure from is Nelson R Puchabe6230f63eeb463ffbdc9aa423bd0837 2

All the winners, you have 5 days to claim your winnings by emailing us your shipping address at

Now that show season is over, I am looking back and saying holly molly did Surf Day grew into an “event” over the past few years. And I am also thinking that plug craze is “back on” from what I have seen at Berkeley and Asbury. I am conflicted on this one, as my bag is loaded with Super Strike but man oh man, some of the stuff these guys make today is pure art. Its up to you if you decide to get it wet. I use to snicker at idea of buying new plugs to collect as I always have held onto my Donny’s and Danny’s stuff and not much else. But after seeing some wild stuff at shows I wish I had a man cave where I could hang them and stare at them. Yeah, you probably are noticing if you live anywhere other than NJ that we never talk about surf related events in your state. I know many have tried to pull it off in my back yard and over the years none had gained any traction and I am not sure if they even exist today. Makes you wonder why, doesn’t it? And for those of you who complain that Fisherman Fall Surf show has $25 admission, I would not be surprised if its $40 in few years. Why? Go ask a hotel in buckfuckvile LI to see how much empty ballroom costs in the middle of winter to rent during the day with no food? few grand, five the most..ok , maybe 7? How about cool 10k? They better be serving caviar off Kate Upton bosom’s for that price! Long Island, the land of NIMBY and Hampton prices even if you are hundred miles from Hamptons! Jersey anglers win this battle hands down. Surf Day, Asbury, Berkley AND Somerset. Good for them. I like the what CT CSA guys are doing. Hope they grow it into something big.

There are fish being caught as we speak in NJ and CT (ahhh, the wonderful power of instant FB selfie posting). They are mostly holdovers but they are fish to be had. I know we had a brutal winter but fish have been on the move from down south for awhile now. All we need is a week of “normal” weather and you’ll see the life all around you. Normal would be a day without snow or flakes

Let me know when that happens

Flatlander Surfcasting Custom Surf Belt giveaway

We have few big things to announce in the next week or so. Please be patient until we put finishing touches on what we are working on but I can assure you most of you will be very happy. We will also announce the winners of Surfcasters lures giveaway this weekend so stay tuned for that too. And ,btw, for those of you that are twitter crackheads, you can follow us now on Twitter @SurfcasterJRNL

Whatever that means… sooner or later we will need to clone ourselves to keep up with twitter, linking, fb, google+, instagram and on and on. who needs to go fishing when you can be an internet celebrity on so many outlets?

Today we will give you a chance to win a  very special and extremely sick surf belt from our friend  Jamie at Flatlander Surfcasting. To say this thing is overbuilt would be a colossal understatement. Last time I seen anything like this was when Hunter was making belts.

When was the last time you’ve seen a belt that stood like this on its own ? That is one stiff belt!gvetfgv

You want a buckle that can only be opened with by pressing both ends?



Here is description given to me by Jamie

AustriAlpin Cobra polymer buckle.

Since it’s polymer it doesn’t corrode in saltwater, it is great in the surf and it is easy to use with gloves on.  Also, the AustriAlpin system is very secure and requires BOTH releases to be pushed at the same time in order for the belt to be removed (that’s why it’s used on police belts – very secure). 

Two layers of stiff dive belt webbing plus an outer layer of adjustable webbing.  On the inside of the belt I line it with loop velcro so you can slide on a d-ring (with hook velcro inside the loop) and the d-ring will not slide around the belt – it will stay in place.

I have had a number of questions asking if I can show exactly how my belt functions so I enlisted my daughter to shoot this quick video. I hope this helps!

Posted by Flatlander Surfcasting on Monday, March 16, 2015

Surfcasters Lures MEGA Giveaway

We’ll kick off the weekend with a sweet giveaway courtesy of Surfcasters Lures at Since first words out of many of your mouths at the show are “I never win anything”, we’ll have three winners this time.

Each winner will receive one lure

Surfcasters Lures Predator


Surfcasters Lures 7.5 inch needlefish

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Surfcasters Lures L.C. Junior

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on a side note, this is the last show weekend for us. We are working on few major things including the STRIPERTHON 2015 and hope to have few announcements for you in upcoming weeks including something totally new to us.

Stay tuned

Tommy will be at River’s End Tackle Striper Day in Old Saybrook CT and then we all reunite at Patchogue Flea market in NY on Sunday. See you there



March 21st, 2015 10-4

Under the snow there really will be a spring run. Get ready and celebrate it at Striper Surf Day. It’s a great day to hang out, take in a seminar and tell some lies with fellow surf rats. We’ll have great speakers and an emphasis on how to demonstrations, factory reps, sales, raffle prizes, great food and good friends.


Toby Lapinski – conducting a seminar on “How to fish Block Island” Toby, Steve McKenna and Dennis Z. will also be fielding questions during an open Q&A format seminar.

Steve McKenna – will be demonstrating how to rig sluggos and load Redfins and Northbar Bottle Darters.

Dennis Zambrotta – will demo how to rig teasers using Redgills and Senkos and how he rigs his redfins 4 different ways depending on surf conditions. He’ll also be signing copies of his book “Surfcasting Around the Block”

Dave Anderson – will demo his online magazine “Surfcasters Journal” Be sure to sign up or renew your subscription

Adam Romagna – is displaying antique striper plugs and can help ID and appraise your old lures.

Shimano – Roy Levya will demonstrate their new line of long distance surf rods and reels, including the new 9’6” model.

We’ll also have various reps from

Van Staal, Mak Surfcasting, Tsunami, Stormr,

Albie Snax lures, Gibbs lures, Guppy Lures,

Northbar Tackle and more.

It’s free, just show up.