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STRIPERTHON 2010 Catch and Release Contest

The time has come to pick winner of the Surfcaster’s Journal  STRIPERTHON 2010 contest. We believe that STRIPERTHON 2010 with over one thousand participants is the largest season long catch and release contest in United States. We narrowed down the submissions to 15 pictures out of which you guys will choose 10 winners.

But before we do this, I want to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for providing these wonderful prizes for our contestants. Not only that but their participation  is an evidence of their support for conservation and future of our fisheries..

Grand prize winner will receive the Penn Torque 5 Bailless reel in black  and Penn new Torque Surf Rod , courtesy of fine folks from Penn Reels and Pure Fishing.


First prize is Van Stall FP7000 Pier/Sheath combo which will be sent to the winner by the fine folks at Van Staal

Second prize if furnished by Continue reading

Giveaway from Choopy Lures and Sufix 832 winner

in celebration of the insane sand eel bite we have a special giveaway of these two sweet lures from Charlie at Choppy Lures
You see, Charlie forgot all out sending us these beauties months ago. But sometimes it just takes time until we can get to a giveaway.
Check out his whole line at
Just wait till you see what we got for you for Christmas giveaway…can you say one of those hand stitched never-need-another-as-long-as-you-live surf bags???…..details to follow
You know the drill
Come plug with Santa in the morning if you haven’t put your gear away
The winner of Sufix 832 super duper braid is… Nick G

You need to get back to me at and email me your shipping address

Sunday with Santa

Santa will be whipping green tube tails into the wintry winds this Sunday.
At sunrise in the vicinity of the F.I. Lighthouse. Come down and take a couple of casts next to Santa. (WARNING) Santa’s costume is NOT movie quality, so small children and adults of mediocre intelligence might question his existence. If your child asks “Why does Santa look like a bald Irish guy with Tattoo’s and a wig?” We are not responsible. Come up to Santa mention The Journal and get a free sticker!!!!

All the news that is fit to print

I recently received an email from a subscriber who was suggesting that my posts without locations really do not have any value and are in some way useless. Mind you, the fellow wasn’t looking for spots, he was nearly inquiring in which state I was fishing.

From now on, you should assume that everything I write, unless specific location is mentioned takes place somewhere between Brooklyn and Montauk Point, New York.

When we started this blog I was very apprehensive about three things in particular. One was to be careful not to come across as a pompous ass who uses the blog as a pulpit to talk down to people. If you read my books you know that is not my style. Yeah, I get frustrated sometimes like many of you but my ego is almost nonexistent. Regardless how full of air I might get Da Wife does a great job in deflating that balloon.

Second thing was the products that we are talking about it. I understand and accept the responsibilities that some people might take my word as gospel. And I know that regardless how much I might think of a product, you might despise it. For Christ sake, some people hate VS, which to me boggles my mind. Take this for what it is, opinion of one guy and nothing more. You should take it as a beginning of your education about a product instead of a final word. What I can assure you Continue reading

The winner of Tsunami Junior STRIPERTHON Contest

Saying that all kids are BIG winners here along with their parents would be a colossal understatement.

But you guys had to pick out one picture…I know it wasn’t easy

The winner of Tsunami Junior STRIPERTHON Contest is …

picture # 10




Please get in touch with us so we can see how we are going to get this rod and lures to you. And again, I have to express my sincerest thanks to folks from Tsunami who provided the prizes. In fact, the contest for kids was THEIR idea !!!

Also, thank you Tsunami for making the best kickass sand eel imitation ever


Thanks to our plug builder who wishes to remain anonymous, each child will receive one of these beautiful lures ….


I said I wanted to give each child a mtk t-shirt only realizing latter that the smallest size I had was Medium…but then Tommy jumped in and donated these Plugoholic t-shirts in small size…


So each child will receive one t-shirt, (either mtk or plugoholic) , one custom lure and a SJ sticker

All parents, get in touch with me and email me your shipping info along with your child picture # to

The amount of stuff we shipped this month in giveaways and gifts is insane. No wonder we are broke.

In better news department, I spoke to Penn yesterday and Penn Torque 5 , black and bail less should be here in about a week or two.  Give me few days and I’ll get everything ready for the STRIPERTHON 2010 vote..We got some unbelievable prizes to give to the winners.

Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night

By know you probably know that the book I been working on for a while is out and in the stores. Some of you might be wondering why I bothered? After all, there is not a word or a sentence in that book that is mine. But that is precisely the reason…

You see, when I got a surfcasting bug, Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night just somehow appeared in my hands. It blew my mind to know that people fish at night, with big lures, on jetties…..And catch big fish. Of course, today I know everything (insert heavy dose of sarcasm) but still, I always regarded this book to be my personal bible.

It really does depend on when you get into the sport. Some of you are worship my first book (or so you say) while other credit Frank D. for getting their panties in a bunch.

I thought, how nice would it be to update the advice in this book and bring it back to the new (and old) readers. So here it is, I hope that all the work in getting this published pays off…, not in $, we only printed a short run so chances of making anything are slim to none, I hope some of you get out of it what I did. That’s all I ever wanted…

There is  soldier out there reading this and there are thousands just like him. They are putting their lives on the line for your son and my daughter, my son and your wife, my mother and your father. Continue reading

Sufix 832 giveaway and Trailhead winner

The winner of Tire Deflators in Richard M…

You need to get back to me at and email me your address and phone #

The guys from Tire Deflators will call you to set you up with a right size kit


I got so much stuff to give away, I don’t even know where to start…

How about this

A spool of Sufix 832 Superline, 300 yards of 30lb test

I put this line on my reel in August , after using Fireline for 10 years. Mind you, I did not switched the line, I just agreed to try it. I am not sure now if I can go back.

The Sufix 832 is a winner of ICAST best line of 2010

Sufix 832 Advanced Superline™ is the strongest, most durable small diameter braid on the market. R8 Precision Braiding and fiber technology provides superior strength, roundness and line consistency. Constructed of 8 fibers (7 Dyneema® plus 1 GORE® Performance Fiber) and 32 weaves (pics) per inch. GORE® Performance Fibers improve abrasion resistance, increase casting distance & accuracy and reduce line vibration. Dyneema® fibers provide high strength & sensitivity, hydrophobic water-repellent protection and small diameter.

We got a full review coming in December issue


You know the drill


How do you feel about “changes”?

Not, not the sex operation and if that is what you had in mind you might be on the wrong blog….I am thinking about changes to the way you fish.

I think many would be surprised to find out that certain things I did few years ago I rarely do now. And certain things I never wrote about in my books have my full and undivided attention

I don’t know about you but I go through these changes just about every year. I was on a bucktail kick for a long time…one year I threw more darters then I’ve done before and since combined. My metal lip kick was obvious if you read The Art of Surfcasting with Lures. Continue reading

Tsunami Kids Contest….go and vote for your favorite picture

But first READ the rules below.
Thanks to fine folks at Tsunami for making this possible. It was their idea to have a Junior contest and they provided all the prizes.
A 10 foot Tsunami SS1002MH Airwave Surf Rod with storage/carrying case
Plus all the lures you see in this picture…Christmas will come early for one youngster:-)
Here is the deal. We narrowed down the pictures you guys sent to a dozen
We assigned a number to each picture.
You job is too vote for one favorite picture.
The picture with most votes will win .
In case there is a tie we will take another vote with only those pictures that are tied.
You are voting only once and only those that are entered in the STRIPERTHON 2010 (basicaly registed to Blog before October 31st) are eligible to vote on this thread .
You are to vote only once
We will disqualify any vote  from a voter whose email address does not match our records. Our word is final. (Ok, we borrowed that from Da Wife but it felt good saying it for once :-))

Kids Contest

No one said life is easy and road is straight and narrow. There will be some bumps regardless on road you travel. 
I have two kids if my own so I am very sensitive to what transpired. We could have had same thing happen with a STRIPERTHON 2010 contest and some jerk could walk away with a penn torque, vs pliers or handful of beautiful lures. I get that there are bad people in this world, but its our job to show the kids we can protect them from them. In this case I think we succeeded
 I understand some feeing were probably hurt but its for the best, in the name of fairness. I am certain if you polled each one of the kids they would tell you that no win is meaningful if the results of getting there are questionable. After all, that’s what we teaching our kids, right? Fairness above all…
So we will do this the old fashion way
You will get to vote on the thread I put up with pictures of the kids
You will vote for one picture by #..
Whichever picture gathers the most votes will be declared the winner
As per our rules only participants in the contest can vote. That would mean those that registered before October 31st
This will mean that I , who has all the free time in the world, will have to go trough each entry and assure that the email address a person voted with matches the one in our subscribers files.
I will ask you parents for one thing. DO NOT get your kids all riled up by tailing up the vote and telling them they are winning. I cannot check each vote as it comes. So on  Monday I might have to sit down and if I have to disqualify 15 votes, that will change the results.
The only thing I can assure you is that every vote will come from the email we have on file.
From a blog subscribers I ask one thing….please vote.
I know its hard to pick one picture, they are all deserving of a prize. They been such a great sports too. But by not casting your vote, you might be shortchanging someone’s a chance to win
and last but never least
Kids are the focal point of my life and I know many of you share the same sentiments.
All we want is to protect them and show them the right way. I am sincerely sorry that any child is disappointed over what transpired.
But I also wanted to make sure that no kid ever thinks that they are the afterthought to what adults do, or fishing in general
So in addition to this beautiful lure donated by our anonymous lures builder



I will send each child this Montauk t-shirt.