Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fishing tunes

Simple question, what gets you in the mood? For fishing that is. I am talking music. I would like to see someone wrote a feature on music and surfcasting, but in the mean time, let hear it. What is playing in your car on the way to the beach. What puts you in the mood ?

I have a very eclectic taste in music from Eminem to Mel Torme to ZZ top…but when I am going fishing nothing beats a crooning from Best of Dean Martin CD…love the old stuff

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They are baaaack!!

Sadly, Jeff Chobot, the original winner of these sweet Guppy’s puppies never contacted us within 5 days as our rules state. So we will give you a chance to win these Great looking pencil poppers from Guppy Lures  again..cause that is how we roll at SJ……but there is a catch this time…lets avoid mindless “I am in” entries, instead just tell us what was your favorite part/story,/picture of this issue of SJ and we will pick a random winner sense in waiting, either you are in or out…and every guy that posts “I am in” will be disqualified immediately and will receive ten lashes on his buttocks with a wet noodle. Capish….?

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This and that


First, we are going to turn blog outline blue in honor of the Giants and Patriots. It was a crazy Sunday but I guess destiny was calling both teams. I must add that a part of me feels for the 49’s and Ravens as they left all they had on the field. Congrats to all the teams.

The winner of free Choopy shirt, long or short and deliver when printed is….Chris G

Please get back to us and will put you in touch with Charlie from Choopy Lures

The winner of Lemire’s Plugworks, Goo Goo Eyes Swimmer is Barry K

Congrats , you have 5 days to send us your email address.

If any of you have any issues downloading any books from our site, please let us know and we will try to help you. We tested and retest yesterday and everything is working fine but we found out that some of you had an old OS on your phones that require you from downloading and such. In any event, if you have issues, contact us.

Show season is upon us, right now we are only committed to Continue reading

New Project

I been thinking about doing this for a long time, putting stuff I wrote over the years in some kind of order or format. No, I had no inclination of re-printing stuff. I know many of you missed articles that appeared in the Fisherman or in On The Water over the years. That why I put many of them on the blog and at one point on my website too. As I began converting mine and John Skinner’s two books into an eBook formats, I realized that finally there is something I might want to do, create an eBook. But as I goggled myself (that sounds a lot dirtier than it is) I found that people have been lifting the stuff off this blog and my site to drive traffic to their website, without even notifying me. Isn’t that nice? Continue reading

Keeping an open mind

Talking about the replacing the swivel with a knot…to me , it’s almost unnatural thing to do. After all, I been thought that swivel reduces the line twist. For more than twenty years it’s been what I have done. Yes, there were times when I wished I had a longer leader. And yes, I have friends who use long leaders in same manner Crazy is doing it. I will try to get more info from him, just to kind of figure out why he does what he does. What some people don’t realize, or they are so closed-minded to do so is that we are here to bring stuff to your attention. New leaders, new ways of doing things, lures you might have not know about it. We are not suggesting you go and buy everything, or change the way you fish. Our job Continue reading

Stainless steel leaders in the surf

As you can see, I am still congested and look like a truck ran over me…but I couldn’t  stay still yesterday at home. I hope this cold at least lets up a little in time for the game. In the mean time, check out this new Stainless leader from Tuff Line….neat stuff


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Win a Goo Goo Eye from Lemire's Plugworks

I got my Giants pajama set on, my son’s lucky Cruz jersey, my NY slippers….and a nasty cold. After fighting trough the week with it on a job that is as cold as an icebox, I finally relented and took a day off, trying to get better. Construction can be a tough business when you are not feeling well. No sick days, no vacation days, no mercy. You are not up to it today? Don’t worry, we’ll get another guy from the union to replace you. Thankfully I been working for good people all these years who have been nothing but good to me. Still, you hate an unpaid day of in middle of January…October? Now that is much easier to take:-)

I want to give you a chance to win an very cool plug from Lemire Plugworks. I was looking at this plug this morning as I was taking pictures and boy, does this lure speaks history ! Eight inches and 3 ounce Goo Goo Eye , it has been a go-to plug of the Cuttyhunk captains since like …forever. Some world record fish over the years fell for its seductive motion around that fabled island. Al from Lemire’s Plugsworks does a really nice job in recreating this historical plug by using today’s technology and premium hardware to assemble it. Really sweet…

Good luck to you all, I feel bad that only one of you will win this beauty but that will make it even sweeter..for the winner that is

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Alberto's Knot

On a recent trip to Florida I managed to bust three rods in the span of a 24 hours. One snapped like a pretzel when I was setting a hook. Another one I broke on a kayak on a first cast by snagging the other rod in the kayak (I never said that I was bright). And last, and the one that bugs me the most, I cracked the tip guide by casting with a swivel inside the guide. How big of a klutz am I? You decide

To be honest, this swivel/guide thing was always a problem with me when fishing 7 foot rods. I never shorten up my leader and therefore I would hit the tip with the swivel more time than not. Laziness, stupidity, ignorance, you can call it whatever you want.

Crazy Alberto stood behind me while I busted all these rods and finally he said something that I knew it was coming “Why are you still using swivel”?

I don’t know, because that it the way I was thought?? Because that is the only way I ever fish? What about a line twist, it’s that suppose to make a mess of my line?

Not according to Alberto who has been using his ,what he calls, Alberto’s knot for years. He tried to explain it to me, something about Chinese finger trap, seven times be honest, I envision my fingers tied to the lure which was tied to the pliers which was tied to the rod…you know what I mean. It sounded complicated.

So, while we were doing the interview on camera in my hotel room, I asked him to show me the knot. Hey, not only was this quick but even I could do it! ok…maybe


  Continue reading

Win a shirt from Choopy Lures

First, the winner of those super-sweet pencil poppers from Guppy Lures is Jeff Chobot

Congratulations Jeff, you have 5 days to email us your address at

Second, I already told you that Charlie at Choopy Lures is doing a limited run of his shirts in few weeks. You can go to his website at and get all the details.

We are going to give you a chance to win one, long or short sleeves. We will put the winner in touch with Charlie and he will mail a winner a shirt in his size when made.

Good Luck to all, hope you had a great weekend and hell, yeah, GO Big Blue…another great weekend to be a NY Giants fan


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