Category Archives: Uncategorized

Win a New "Super Bread" from Super Strike Lures

I am constantly amazed at transformations that are slowly but surely taking place at Super Strike Lures last few years. First there were weighted bottle plugs, then the whole line of needlefish got a makeover with a “Heavy” versions. And then they are new colors Steve Musso has been painting…oh my. If you are a fan of super strike on Facebook, you already have seen some of his latest creations. I am very much of a proponent of keeping my lures simple and carrying only those that I feel that have good “mojo”, regardless of the moon phase, time of day or conditions. Yet I look at the picture below and I start to droll uncontrollably.

Yeah, that is a new “Super Bread” pattern from Super Strike. I was told that it will be available at Surf Day, River’s End Show in CT. From what I understand, it will be available in all models in near future but in limited sizes.

It’s only fair that Surfcaster’s Journal Blog readers get a first crack on winning one today. There are few, if any  sites out there that have more SS fans than here at SJ. Thank you Mr. Steve “DudeBro” Musso for making this possible. Happy Sunday ladies and Gents from us at SJ and SS crew.







We are shutting down the pre-order page for SJ Hoodies, Knit caps and t-shirts Monday afternoon. You must get your order in by then if you want us to pre-order any SJ gear. Monday afternoon, we will take the order page down and place your orders for hoodies, shirts and caps.

After then it should be about a week or so before they are made and shipped to you. You will recive a Paypal notification once the item is shipped and we will make a post here on the blog

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New video and a chance to win some neat Tactical Anglers gear

You didn’t think we’d go a whole week without giving you a chance to win something neat, did you ? 🙂

Here is a video I shot with Crazy Alberto when I was in Florida recently. He is the kind of guy that you can spend hours talking to on camera about fishing. And I did…and one of these days I will sit down and get to the really fun part…editing.

But right now, here is a video we did with Al talking about his clips



And yes, after watching the video you will be eligible to win these Tactical Angler Clips and a Tactical Angler Hat that has some mojo . I swear Crazy One (or Mr. Miyagi as some have called him recently) rubbed it for a good luck…honest. 🙂


Good luck


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Kids and Fishing – Yesterday and Today

I was a certified water rat if ever there was one. I still remember my first official “deep sea” fishing trip with my father. I was five. He actually pulled me out of kindergarten that April morning to go Mackerel fishing on the Shamrock, out of Point Pleasant, NJ. We filled up a garbage can full of fish. My guess is we kept about 10% of that, and fed the family and neighborhood with the rest. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t crazy about the way it tasted, but I told him it was good. So he gave me more.

It was more than just fishing – the anticipation, the smell of the salt, the waves, the old crusty characters on some of these boats, all the weird things we hooked on these trips.  I couldn’t get enough. One of the very first times I got into “serious” trouble at home was a year or two after, when I, along with another kid from the neighborhood, hatched a plan to ride our bikes a couple miles from home to a lake, to try some of our own fishing. I still remember my mother pulling up and tooting the horn. She had her hair up in rollers and she was still in her nightgown. I got a verbal assault, but for reasons I never understood, she let me continue fishing. Continue reading

SJ Hoodies, SJ Night Shift Crew Shirts and Knit the online store

I know , I know , it’s been long time coming. We been doing this magazine almost two years and yes, we appreciate your desire to wear SJ gear because you love the magazine and support us. And we appreciate it. And, yes, you have asked it many times. And ,yes, I sucks at this…

So let me make this short on words and long on pictures.

For the first time  Surfcaster’s Journal is offering Limited Edition Hoodies, Knit Caps and T-shirts with SJ logos. These are pre-order items, just like we did with those vintage shirts in the fall. We will take orders till early next week, then we will take the order page down and order and make your stuff. Figure two weeks for shipping  to you. All prices include shipping, and hooodie orders get a free $15 Old School SJ knit Cap. You can click on any pictures and it will take you right to the order page.


SJ Old Knit Hats

Made in USA to Military specs.

Super warm 100% acrylic wintuk.

with old school sewn on felt patch. $15 includes shipping




SJ Night Shift Crew t-shirts

100% cotton black t-shirt

s-xxl $20 shipping included

xxxl $22

xxxxl $25 if you need 5 xl send us an email




SJ Lighthouse hoodies…Every sweatshirt order comes with Free SJ Old School Knit hat.

Included, No Charge, FREE….capish?

100% super heavyweight 12oz cotton.

$50 from s to 2 xl, 55 3xl, 60 4xl

Available in sizes S though 4xl…if you need 5 xl send us an email. Free SJ old school knit watch cap with purchase.


any question, feel free to reach out at

I know a lot of you have asked this before so I will throw this out before I get bombarded again. The PayPal process the payment, you don’t need to have a PayPal account to complete the order. You can use your CC…If you want to mail a check you must drop us a line

New project

A fellow called me the other night, looking for some advice on self publishing, for  his upcoming book. I was happy to help in any way I can. I know the process is not fun, you will have to trust me on this. I am actually excited to see this book in print. I will hold the details for now and no, the book is not about surf fishing, but it is about striped bass. I haven’t seen it yet so I won’t make any comments till I do. Anyway, this fellow, with whom I spoke to previously on the same subject, told me he did not know I was as he put it, a “publisher”. He said that if he originally knew, he probably would have not contacted me, in fear that I would not share my experiences and contacts. Which is silly because the first thing I did is gave him my book designer phone number and the printer that I dealt with. Why wouldn’t I help him in any way possible? Silly if you ask me, to even think like that. I don’t consider myself a publisher but if you insist, you can call me an “accidental publisher”. Meaning guys like Doc and Skinner asked me to use my experience and contacts to bring their books into the market. To me, both of these guys are my heroes, so maybe I have blinders on but I am more than happy that I helped them.

I had toyed with an idea of writing another book. It was going to be a book of stories along the lines of “shit that only happens to me”. I got most of it done but then I decided to work with these guys on their projects, and this magazine basically sucks out any life out of me that I have left…so that gets pushed back. Maybe never to be seen again. Who knows, maybe it’s for the best.

I did decide to make the series of interviews I did few years ago for the Fisherman into an eBook. I figured some who have missed it might be interested in reading it.

The second project I been working on was a book of articles that appeared in On The Water and Fisherman magazines over the years. Again, only in an eBook form. These articles are not meant to be tied together by a theme, instead, I picked the stuff I liked the best. The ones I found to be most interesting.

The first book of articles, and possible the only one, who knows what life will bring, is now live.

Surf Fishing, Collection of Articles Volume 1 is now at Amazon, Barnes and noble and our online store available for  downloading to your kindle, nook or ipad. I hope you enjoy it.

  Continue reading

SPRO split Snaps

Sometimes we write about the stuff…and you just want to see it up close. Yes, the picture is worth a thousand words but the video is what answers many of the questions you might have. So I case of SPRO new Split Snaps, we did just that..

We think you are going to find it interesting. We also think that at night, while bracing for the wave in complete darkness the regular clip style will be a lot easier to put on with eyes closed. On the sand, it might be a completely different story


[youtube][/youtube] Continue reading

Future anglers

I always felt like the luckiest man alive. I am sure many of you feel the same way when you sit down with you family and look around dinner table. I have no grandiose plans to be a fishing celebrity or dreams of having a fishing show. In fact, when presented with an opportunity to appear in one, I run the other way. Fast. Some of us are born with a face for a radio as they say…and I am cool with that.

This sport of surfcasting is my passion and it has been great to me in so many ways. I have few friends outside the sport but the benefit was I got to meet so many wonderful people over the years. Given a chance to promote the sport I love, I took it with both hands and ran with it. That is why we are here, why the magazine is here, why the blog is here.

There is no “light on the end of the tunnel”, Continue reading

Guest Blog from Anglelo Peluso : 2012 Youth Essay Writing Contest

By Anglelo Peluso

In today’s world rife with high-technology communication capabilities, email and texting have contributed somewhat to diminished writing skills among today’s generation of students. Remarkably, I’ve heard stories from corporate recruiters that have actually received resumes accompanied by cover letters written in “text-speak.” For example: “I hear UR hiring. Here’s some 411 about me. WBS. Ciao.” Back when I was hiring for the corporation I worked with during my business career that resume would have made a quick acquaintance with the trash basket. But some organizations involved with fishing and the outdoors have set about to do something to change that or at least make a small difference. Continue reading

Eliminating failure

You can tell that this two piece rods, pro and con,  is bugging me because it keeps reappearing in my thoughts. No, it’s not the two piece rods per se. Instead it’s something I wrote about many times over the years, the inability or unwillingness to change.

Someone asked me what if my top section flies off on the cast while I am on the rock? Good point. But what if you snap your one piece stick on the adjoining rock? We are both screwed. Yes, I do have one more thing that  can fail….which brings me to the subject that I want to bring to your attention.

Should you eliminate all chance of equipment failure? Then you won’t have a choice but to tie directly to your running line. No leaders, no split rings, no swivels, no clips, no two piece rods. Hell, throw away your waders and buy a wetsuit because ,hey, you MIGHT get wet. Your knot might slip. Your leader might chafe. Continue reading

What Else?

You’ve all heard the saying – something like “10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish.”
I was never sure on the percentages, but I do think this phenomenon plays out quite dramatically in our local surf community.

Pathological liars aside, I personally never found that the so-called “lucky minority” – the ones that always seem to be catching fish – had any super human powers, nor did they have King Neptune on speed dial.

The “lucky minority,” in general, were simply willing and able to spend *much* more time on the water than your average Joe.

I know what some of you are thinking – “Sure, I agree that more time on the water means more fish, but I just can’t fish six or seven nights a week.”

Even if you could, this has the potential to end badly. How many of us know of a fishermen or two who were racking up some incredible numbers, in their day, but burned out and no longer fish at all? Continue reading