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Monatuk Blitz…a video diary

Yes, it’s a show season. But unlike many in the past, this one feels different. Not only because some have been catching bass with regularity all winter. But because it feels different. The buds are starting to sprout from the ground. You don’t have to drive to the show and dump your truck on a mound of snow and walk through the slush to get to the place. This kind of weather, I could get used to.

This week I watched the video rough cut by a pro crew…they have done a really good job capturing the essence of surfcasting. You will get to see it soon, I am not at liberty to share it with you. The point is, these dudes are very good what they do. I mean very good, from angles to special effect to framing, I felt they nailed what fishing in Montauk is all about. Multiple cameras,sound and lighting dudes, all spent a day in Montauk talking to locals and regulars,all for a few minutes of video….remarkable

As Tommy said, this kind of video can either crush you or inspire you. Being a self thought video/photo/editing one man show, I kind of resented their skills first time I’ve seen it. At first I was crushed when realizing my own limitations. So much that I told my wife I never want to make another video again. Ever.But just like many of us with the surfcasting, these guys followed their passion into video production. And they are very good at what they do. So on the end of the day, it did inspire me.

I don’t think I will ever be able to wow you with my artistic abilities. I don’t think I have it in me. But I will try to help promote the sport to the  best of my abilities



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Win a Sebile Magic Swimmer

I  know that you have heard enough about Sebile lures  to peak your curiosity. How do I know? I read too, you know 🙂

And there is more coming..two of our columnists are singing praises in the upcoming issue. I will keep you in suspense for few more days until the new issue comes out. In the mean time I will give you a chance to win a Sebile Magic Swimmer

In case you are wondering, we at SJ have no idea what our columnists are writing. Neither do we give them instructions, nor do we have any clue of what they are working on. By the time the article ends up in our email its usually two weeks late already and too late to change anything anyway…lol

I guess we could “suggest” or “nudge” our columnist in the direction we wanted to go, like write about a specific lure or advertised product. But then again, that wouldn’t be a Surfcaster’s Journal way, instead we would be like all other publications.

I think we’ll stick with creative freedom..people seem to like creativity, unexpected results and honesty. Which on the end of the day, it’s the only thing that matters.


Good luck….


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"The Walk"

Why is it we generally want what we can’t (easily) have?

Whether we *need* it or not is another story.

New Jersey reportedly has about 130 miles of coastline, Long Island has about 118. But if you double that to include bays and inlets, points and coves, you might still be underestimating the total surface area that a surfcaster can access.

Let’s make it easy and call it 500 miles of fish-able coast, a conservative estimate for just these two states. So why all of the fuss over those relatively few miles that cannot be easily accessed?

New Jersey has the infamous Sandy Hook north rips, situated at the northern extreme, and the Cape May Inlet at the other. The former requires a hell walk through agonizingly soft sand in waders. Cape May requires either a Coast Guard pass (if attempted from the south), or a 1+ mile walk from the other direction. I’ve enjoyed the fruits of both locations, but I’ve been obsessing over better ways to access these spots for years.

Then we have the islands to the north: Block, Cutty, Vineyard and Nantucket Continue reading

The Hunt for Big Stripers

First, I need to tip my hat to Jersey Shore Surfcasters for putting together a hell of a show. Everything they did was fantastic, could not think of a thing that they did not respond quickly and effectively. We are proud to be a part of it.

I been burred printing labels for shirts, sweatshirts and caps. Some of the stuff should be in the mail tomorrow and hopefully all or most of it by Wednesday night. I still cant believe that I spent more than 15 hours in my chair this weekend printing labels…holy crap…..Most of the stuff is done, few more items we still have to make so bare with us for few days until we get everyone’s orders filled. Hopefully by weekend all of you will have what you ordered. This was definitely a bit more that I can chew or expected but we will make this work. As you can imagine, I had time to take my wife and kids to a diner for a quick bite to eat, and other that five trips to 7/11 to get a large coffee to keep me going, my Sunday was spent in this chair.

So you might as well be listening to someone who goes fishing AND knows a thing or two about catching a big Bass on this Monday

Our friend, Crazy Alberto Knie as he talks about a the Hunt for Big Stripers



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We are on the way to NJ for a Surf Day…if you are atending, stop by and say hi.

For those of you who ordered hoodies, shirts and caps with SJ logo we have an update. The caps have been made and sweatshirts and shirts should be done by Monday. Barring some unforeseen development, we expect to be shipping all items by Tuesday or Wednesday. We understand there are some of you that missed out on the gear and are asking for more. Please let us ship all the preordered items and then we will talk if any additional items might be made in the future.

Here are the new videos from this week, just in case you missed them

Great Bill Wetzel, a friend and Montauk crazy full time



a little “under the light” compostion i put together, working on something else, hopefully in few days


Spro new Split Snaps



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Win a Lemire's Plugworks Giant Prowler and this week winners

I have to apologize for being behind a bit this week but its been crazy.

To those of you who attended my seminar on Wednesday night at Cow Harbor Tackle, thank you from a bottom of my heart. I expected 6 people on a weeknight, not 60!

Now the winners, something that is overdue but like I said, I didn’t want to just pick the number and call it a day, I wanted to make sure I had time to sit down and use the Random Number Generator to the dirty work and give me the #

The winner on Tactical Angler Clips and A Tactical Angler hat is ..Dan Radman…(same last name as most of my wife’s family…lol)…

The winner of Super Strike “Super Bread ” Darter is …Bob… RMF0913@AOL.COM

You both have 5 days to email us your shipping addresses at We don’t hear from you, you lose.



And since is Friday, and we like to send you into the weekend on a right note, let’s give you a chance to win something special.

First dude or dudete that guesses what my favorite picture in this current issue of the magazine is will win this super-mint metal lip swimmer from Lemire’s Plug works…I mean really sweet.

This is a one kickass plug at 8.5 inches and 3.5 ounces , made just for that cow with your name on it. 🙂



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The Surfcasting Community (Doing Good Stuff)

(This is not meant to be a guilt trip, not directly anyway.)

 What is most interesting to me is that surfcasters, as a whole, tend to have a fairly strong sense of “community.” It’s probably true that this trait helped lure me in in the first place.

 Community? I am talking about the willingness of people to come together, on their own, to share ideas and enthusiasm about the sport, and at times to do something good for others.

 There is no shortage of surfcasting clubs in the Northeast. I once thought the internet chat boards might render the surfcasting club obsolete. But they have continued on. There is clearly an understanding of the limit to what can be shared over the internet, especially if it involves hard-earned local knowledge. Clubs also generally excel in the “social department.” Some dabble in environmental causes (like beach clean-ups) or general philanthropy. A few have gotten involved in general conservation issues, but those surfcasters who feel a strong need to get involved in “bigger picture” issues often have to look beyond. And many do.

 Then you have the local association Continue reading

Winter blues

Some days you don’t need anyone to tell you anything about fishing. You don’t want to read, you don’t want to talk about it. You just want to go and do it.

Today is one of those days. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are warming up. Maybe I can make your day a little better, (or worse) by giving you these mindless few minutes of fun :-)..sorry, no celebrities here , just regular guys who fish their asses off. Leave the  filming of celebrities to other people


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This week happenings

We don’t do many shows over the winter, mostly due to lack of time. But we are looking forward to this weekend Surf Day, put together by Jersey Surfcasters. We hope to see some old friends and also, we’d like to meet some of you we haven’t met yet. So stop by our table and say hi.

In addition, I will be at Cow Harbor Bait and Tackle this Wednesday at 6 30 for a weekday seminar.

You can visit for more info

Tomorrow ,if I have some time, winners of Tactical Angler hat and clips and Super Strike Super Bread Darter..and yet another video so to make your winter go by a little faster.

The Jersey Shore Surfcasters
5th Annual
“A day dedicated to the surfcaster.”


8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
All seminars will begin and end promptly.

8:30 DOORS OPEN SD 2012 OFFICIALLY BEGINS! Continue reading

The hardest working surf guide in Montauk

Today we have a video blog. I did two video sessions this weekend, one with Bill Wetzel and one with William ” Doc” Muller. This is just a little trailer from upcoming interview with a man we like to call “The hardest working surf guide in Montauk”.

He doesn’t need any introduction. He is passionately insane, he either fishes or dreams of fishing, and he loves nothing more the juicy big water in Montauk.

He runs a forum at, he guides, he lectures and somehow he hold down a regular job and round the clock guiding in Montauk in season.

our one and only, Bill Wetzel

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