Author Archives: tcorrigan

Lets talk about waders.

Specifically the bootfoot category:

What do you wear? What do you like?

I have personally gone through 5 pairs of orvis tailwaters xt’s. Great fit and great boots but they were not designed for rough saltwater use. So I was on the quest for a rugged pair of bootfoots . I had a pair of sno-bee breatheables and they lasted a few seasons but I can find them anywhere. Recently I plunked down $60 bucks on the cabelas waders. I have a feeling come summer they will be a sweat pool.

What do you like?





The proof is in the pudding.

We do a superstrike give away where you have to pick a page in the magazine and actually type the numbers in your response.

But as we suspected some of you see “give away” in the post title and don’t even bother reading (what takes “z” 4 hours of spell check to type).

Shout out to everyone who actually cares to read our stuff!

And to the others…

Good Video

We don’t know these dudes but this is a good video.  As NY’ers we will ignore the side arm action and give 2 thumbs up for the C&R action.  Bonus high five

for wearing shorts. Why wear waders in the summer? (Thats what I always say) -Tommy


With the 2011 season around the corner what are some things you guys and gals are doing to get back into shape?

The SJ crew ate a lot this holiday season. Z has been hitting the treadmill and I am currently the heaviest I have ever been. Time to get motivated.

Sunday with Santa

Santa will be whipping green tube tails into the wintry winds this Sunday.
At sunrise in the vicinity of the F.I. Lighthouse. Come down and take a couple of casts next to Santa. (WARNING) Santa’s costume is NOT movie quality, so small children and adults of mediocre intelligence might question his existence. If your child asks “Why does Santa look like a bald Irish guy with Tattoo’s and a wig?” We are not responsible. Come up to Santa mention The Journal and get a free sticker!!!!