Super Strike Halloween Bunk O’Lanterns lure set giveaway

Since it is Halloween, its only right that we celebrate in style. I for one can’t wait to steal all the candy from my kids and fall into chocolate food coma. But you might be in a hunt for something more spooky, like these bunker Halloween Super Strike plugs?

Muuuuhaha. We got those

Their official name is Super Strike Halloween Bunk O’Lanterns lures and today (and tomorrow) we will give all our blog readers a chance to win a set of Halloween Bunk O’Lanterns by Super Strike Custom Lures.  Also, Super Strike will be giving another set of these on their FB page today so make sure you stop by and enter there to..and of course, become a fan of their page

Muchas Gracias Senor Musso and  Felize Halloween muchachas

( I had no idea that I can speak Spanish in addition to Cringlish till today)

SS 2013 Halloween

400 comments on “Super Strike Halloween Bunk O’Lanterns lure set giveaway

  1. George

    I’m in. These are sooo freakin’ cool. Steve – you never cease to amaze. I am having extreme Zig-Zag envy right now!

  2. pistol pete

    i used to smash pumpkins by the dozen as a kid… I would love to see a bass smash one of these just as hard.
    I….. AM……IN !!!!


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