STRIPERTHON 2011 Junior contest…time to pick a winner

Let’s get the party started with Junior STRIPERTHON vote. In few days I should have the main STRPERTHON 2011 entries ready to go.


The Junior Striperthon 2011 contest was open to all children under age of 17 and any species. We wanted to promote getting kids involved in fishing.


This year like last, the prize for the Junior category is generously donated by fine folks from Tsunami. It consist of a 9 foot Tsunami Airwave rods and basket of lures. Not only is Airwave an outstanding rod and quite affordable but the Tsunami lures are always in my bag, I wouldn’t even dream of going to a local jetty without some shads in my pouch. So again, thanks to generous folks from Tsunami, particularly their superrep Nick Cicero on their generosity. When you pass by their booth at the winter shows, please stop by and tell them that you appreciate their support for Surfcaster’s Journal. They have always been very generous in supplying prizes for our giveaway, advice when we were starting the magazine and as advertisers in the magazine. We are proud to call them not only supporters, but also friends.


So here is how it work. We have 5 pictures for you to vote on. You can only vote once and only for once picture. The picture with most votes wins. You MUST be a blog subscriber to be eligible to vote The winner will receive Tsunami Airwave and basket of lures which will be shipped directly from Tsunami. I have to warn you, if you register to blog just to vote your vote will be dissqualified. READ THE RULES.







146 comments on “STRIPERTHON 2011 Junior contest…time to pick a winner

  1. Nicky-No-Show

    #1 – He stood “toe-to-toe” with the Big Boys that day on the open beach during the Oct. 29th snow & ice blow to bag that fish 100% on his own

  2. Nicky-No-Show

    All ready voted….but, you should see the hook set pic that matches #1 for the same 13.5# fish that wasn’t selected for publishing nor his 20.9# he dragged in by himself also not published…. Sorry guys forgive me….I’m just a proud Dad !!!

  3. Nicky-No-Show

    And….not to mention my daughter(#3)who has been banging BIG BLUES on her own for the last couple of years….she is truly “SPECIAL” !!!!

  4. Wkluge

    Very tough , # 1, very impressive when the fish is half the size of the person holding it, #2 is a proud young man, # 3′ bare foot on the beach with a big smile, #4 looks like he should be in a fishing show just about to end a segment on a specific topic, confident, #5, great father and sons picture. I have a son and a daughter, both love to fish, its the smile in #3 that gets my vote.

  5. JamesJet

    #2 – I fished Next to him that day, He made it through a miserable downpour at 3:30AM and earned that fish. Caught on a plug BTW, completely solo.

  6. David Strom

    Picture #2.

    Way to go, Z, making an extra effort for kids!

    Thanks. I have a kid, but no entry in this contest.

    David Strom

  7. FishnGrega

    Tough call!!! #2 Gets my vote! It was a coin flip between #2 and #1 who braved some cold weather! Nice job to you all!

  8. MRisser

    I couldn’t be happier to see my boys on any other site on the internet – they were THRILLED. Thanks SJ for entertaining us and encouraging the next generation. It truly warms my heart to know that I’ll have surfcasting to share with my sons for years to come.

    It’s a biased vote, but #5!



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