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Spaghetti chronicles part 2

The monofilament snapped right above the swivel and the big bluefish fell in between two rocks. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the swell building and I was aware that within seconds these rocks will be under water. I also knew that although the fish was jammed in tight, once the water floods the rocks it will lift the fish and it will be gone. Which was perfectly fine if my favorite bucktail was not attached to its mouth!

I drooped on my knees and lounged for the tail. At the same time the wave came over me, almost sweeping me in the drink. I managed to get my hand around the base of the tail and I just held on to the fish  with one hand while with the other hand held a death grip to a rock. My left flip flop came unattached and it was gone, never to be seen again There was really nothing to do but to wait till wave receded. I was already soaked from head to toe, almost shoeless and crouching in almost fetal position. Finally, the wave abated and I scurried back to the top of the rocks carrying what still was an very angry fish.

For some strange reason I felt victories. Yes, I lost flip flop to the seas but I managed to save my lucky bucktail. After unhooking the chopper and tossing it back into the water I tied on a fresh leader, clipped on a bucktail a made a cast. A smarter person would have quit while ahead but I didn’t…but I should have.

The whole point of me coming here was to test the reel but instead the monofilament, or my lack of familiarity with its properties  after fishing with braid for years, because the overwhelming factor. I was cursing out loud as I tried once, two then three time to set the hook while the rod and monofilament acted in unison to crate strech-o-rama. Unfortunately for me ,these blues were big and they weren’t going to left my incompetence prevent them from hooking themselves. I said unfortunately because next thing I know is I had a fish on and then all I had is slack. The bluefish  swallowed the whole bucktail and cut the line instantly. So much from going through all that torture to save a special bucktail…

Now I was pissed and often the upset mind does not make good decisions. After attaching a new leader I decided to cast a popper instead. Not often will you get a chance to cast a popper no more than 20 yards and have gigantic bluefish explode on them. With that in mind I clipped on a Guides Choice Popper and cast it ahead of the rip. Only working a popper with mono proved even more challenging then working a bucktail. The darn stretch in the line, coupled with cross wind made working the popper almost impossible! Try it as I may, I could not get a popper to “pop” properly. Not that the fish cared as it lunged at the lure as it was racing across the surface. Although the Guides Choice popper is not a small lure the big bluefish had no problem engulfing the hooks and half a lure. I instantly with my right hand tapped the place where my Boga Grip is hanging of my belt and cold sweat started to run down my spine when I realized I left my Boga in the truck.

Oh boy, is this going to be fun, trying to land a teen sized bluefish , on the rocks, in the swells, almost shoeless, without a Boga Grip and with two sets of trebles imbedded into its mouth. As I stood on the rock ,enveloped in the fog I pondered what my options are. Breaking off the plug on purpose is not an option. Maybe a single hook that would fall out of its mouth , but two sets of trebles and a lure? I looked at the swells and tired to time them to see how many seconds are in between sets and if they are coming in sequence. I needed any edge I can get under the circumstances.

Of course I said few prayers to good Lord, hoping he would make the fish come unbuttoned and save me from this ordeal. But I am sure he had more pressing matters to attend to

By now the moon tide was almost at peak and rock I just stood on few minutes ago lading the fish was underwater. I decided to just play the fish into the rocks and then lift it onto the rock I stood. The big bluefish was tired of fighting the swells and current and she came is surprisingly well behaved. Until I grabbed the line…

I use short leaders with short rods and I couldn’t reach far enough to reach the leader. So I did next best thing and grabbed the line. Bad idea! Two head shakes and the line popped like grandmothers dentures when she bites into an apple. There goes plug number two…

I’ll spare you the details and only tell you that I lost another two plugs before I went home. Yes, 12 pound mono on the rocks with one flip flop and swells is not something I’d recommend you try. But I was there and these fish were big. And hungry. Needless to say I came with right stuff the next evening on a same tide and got skunked. And the next night, and the next night. Consistency has not been my friend this spring that is for sure.

Anyway, back to my original point of writing this. Monofilament. Jesus, anyone still uses this for plugging? It’s like fishing with a linguini wrapped around your spool. I found it impossible to work the bucktail the way I wanted. Granted, this has a lot to do with habits and use of braid in the last decade. I know plenty fish were landed on mono for years before braid came on the scene. But if I had to go back to monofilament for lure fishing I could envision a lot of missed fish…a lot.

I made some changes in last few years. I gave up on super duper surf tops for a simple Grunden splash top. I am back to using a two piece rods instead of custom stick. I am back to taping my finger for the first time after using a glove for casting for years..but mono for plugging? I don’t think I can.

Now I have to admit that I prefer 40 pound mono for chunking, even if I toss bait infrequently. I never warmed up to increased sensitivity when using 12 ounces of lead and a half of bunker. I feel the mono and the fact it stretches actually helps me when allowing fish to swallow bait…because if I can feel the fish instantaneously with braid…it means it can feel me too….and I didn’t like it. Plus, the 40 pound braid is so thin the backlashes which happen to me more than any other person alive are a major pain in the ass. Some people say, use a 80 or 100 pound braid instead, you’ll like it. Not my thing but neither is mono for pluging

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Spaghetti chronicles

On a recent afternoon I decided to head down to a local inlet seawall to test a reel. I bought this  reel for my trip to Florida few weeks ago , mainly for my son to use. I wanted to test it myself, and possibly write a review in the future issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. But I wasn’t willing to strip the 12 lb mono and fill it with braid. Not only because I was pressed for time but because I feel that my son can use some give of the mono.

My problem was, I forgot what that feels like…

Last time I used mono on the spinning rod was at least ten years ago, probably more. To be perfectly honest, I could not tell you what does it feel to fish with it.

But I was going to find out …

Murphy’s Law states that if something can go wrong it usually will. This day there was a good heave coming into the inlet and crashing into the rocks. It was also a day of the full moon and wind has been blowing out of easterly direction for days.

Let’s put this together, easterly wind, full moon = astronomical high tides and swells coming from the ocean and crashing along the seawall. Why did I decide to go in my flip-flops and shorts instead of waders? Because I am stupid….any of you tried to navigate rocks in the crashing surf? In flip flops? ..I didn’t thinks so

But I thought hey, I can always move back into the inlet where water is calmer. But before I do that I have to make one cast into my honey-hole. After all, I didn’t drive half an hour to water to not make a cast into my favorite little rip. Besides, it was the best place around and if there was going to be any fish, this was the place. How can you test the reel without catching fish anyway ?

I got onto the seawall and looked into the water. The swells were coming from the ocean and crashing along the inlet rocks. It wasn’t your standard calm conditions that you are used to finding in the inlets but it didn’t look THAT bad. So I crawled down on my ass, just in time to see a large swells heading in my direction. Oh shit, I said to myself as I reversed the course and tried to crawl back up the rocks…did I mention I was in flip flops? I did managed to get high enough were my shirt was dry but the wave got my shorts, and underpants…!#$%& great. Haven’t made a cast and I am already soaked. But I am here, I am already wet so might as well cast.

I attached the bucktail to the clip and made a  cast with my trusty the 7 foot St Croix Legend. Except the cast felt weird…it was like casting a lure attached to a string spaghetti !!!

I closed the bail and started to work a bucktail with a short twitch of the wrist. What is going on here? The bucktail is not responding the way I am used to. I have to lift my rod almost  two feet to replicate the action I get with a braid and a short twitch. Has it been that long since I used the mono that I forgot completely? I guess I did.

After about third crank I got a hit but because my lift was so high up I got no leverage to set a hook! Not for the lack of trying as I tried to drive the hook into the mouth with my rod now extended over my head. Then bang,bang,bang…I missed all three hits. I reeled the bucktail in and checked my hook, sharp as a tack. I let the bucktail sail and this time I changed my rod angle, keeping it pointed at the water while twitching. I figured this would give me more room upwards to set the hook with a spongy mono.

 Success ! I hook into the what I can tell immediately is a large bluefish as it breaks the surface and tries to spit a hook. Only this bluefish is well in excess of ten or twelve pounds, I am standing on the top of a seawall, looking at the frothy water underneath me, while holding for dear life to my seven foot rod and 12 lb test monofilament. How am I going to land this fish if I can bring it close without getting cut off on the rocks below? Did I forget to mention that I am wearing flip-flops? …oh man, this is not going too well

While bluefish is peeling the drag heading away from rocks my pocket is buzzing. Now what? I remembered that I put the phone in the buzzing mode because I did not thought I could hear the ring over the crashing surf. Should I attempt the fish it out of my soaking pants and possibly drop it in the rocks, never to see it again? Sure ,why not ? It could be President Obama looking for an advice of how to deal with Mideast crisis. Or even worse, it could be Da Wife telling me that I forgot to turn the dryer on….again. As if it takes less effort to push the ON button then to call me?

I was relieved to see “Lenny” on the caller ID. Lenny Ferro or “Silver Fox” as we like to call him is my occasional fishing partner and a hell of a surfcaster. We fish the same areas so we often run into each other and fish together, but we never call each other to chat about God, politics or weather even though both of us are ardent conservatives. We only talk when we got something “fishy” to say. So you could say this was an call I just could not let go into the voicemail box.

I pressed “TALK” with one hand while holding onto St Croix with a very pissed off bluefish on the other end. Lenny informed me he was on the beach about five hundred yards to the west killing big bluefish on pencil poppers. Not one under ten pounds and some pushing over 15 pounds. I thanked him for the information and informed him of my predicament to which he replied “got to go, got another fish on”. You got to admire a man who makes a call while casting, working a pencil popper and hooking up without missing a beat!

Now it was time to concentrate on task at hand. The bluefish was getting tired but as we all know, never surrendering. I finally got it within ten feet of the rocks but I knew that if I brought it any closer that I am risking a change of monofilament touching a rock and snapping off. Losing a fish wasn’t really what bothered me but the thought of losing my favorite bucktail was freaking me out.

I timed the waved and leaned on the fish hard while at the same time jumping down the rocks to the water’s edge. If I could grab a 50 lb leader and lift the fish before the next set arrive I might be able to get out of this predicament without any further damage. I muscled the fish towards the rocks, putting a bend into my St Croix Legend that I did not though was possible. I was almost home free, the bluefish ,still trashing, was at the base of the rocks. Because I use a short leader however I had a hard time reaching it so I decided to pull on the monofilament and lift the fish onto the rock. Bad idea!

part two tomorrow

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We met our enemy

Maybe you will think we are a bitter bunch because we haven’t seen a bunker or mackerel or herring blitz along the shore in decade. Certainly not the likes that our friends in NJ or Cape Cod Canal have experienced last few years. But trust me, it has nothing to do with that. Yes, our season is off to a miserable start . From what I can gather from my friends, this might be the worst start to a season in decades. Are the bass stocks on the decline ? Do you have to think about the question ? Yes, there are few that will tell you that there are plenty of stripers out there. They are just migrating in deeper water and staying off the beach. And you know what, it’s impossible to prove them wrong. For all we know, they might be right. I sincerely doubt it but I’d love to be wrong on this. But on the end of the day, it’s all speculation, he said she said, nice conversation piece but nothing more then that. None of us are experts or scientists.

But we are not stupid

We know that thousands of stripers floating dead in you tube videos in the south over the winter is not good for the stock. Neither are thousands of bass left in the nets to die because poachers have abandoned them. Neither is lock and load trophy winter fishing by charter and private boats down south.

So we screamed and yelled. We asked for action. How dare they kill that many big breeders? Don’t they know that most of these big fish are females constituting majority of the breeding stock? Have they have no heart or conscience to think what hurt are they putting on stripers population? So we contact THEIR governors, legislators, fish managers. We demand they put the stop to this shit…this barbaric depletion of the species that is more valuable in recreational dollars spent then will ever be as a food fare.

We demand you stop this slaughter immediately so we can…..

Kill the dam thing ourselves as soon as they hit the beaches of New Jersey feeding on bunker or Canal munching on mackerel ?

“Hey, it’s been a long winter and I am out of filets so I will take two big fish as I am allowed by law. F@#$^% you   and your mama too. How dare you look down on me for taking two 30 pound stripers off the beach. It’s not like I let them float dead like the net trawlers down south. Yes, I might have dropped few 20 pounders to die in the j rocks but only because I caught bigger ones. C’mon dude, give me a break, I am in the tournament this week. Besides, after I weigh  these slobs I might even take one home and give it to neighbors. The other slob? I’ll probably leave in the tackle store walk-in freezer. Maybe they can give it to somebody? After all, what am I going to do with all that fish?

Besides, I will catch more tomorrow if there is another blitz. Hopefully bigger. I want everyone to know who I am. So stop breaking my balls. These fish are only here for few weeks. Then they are gone till next year. It’s not like the fishing is good like this  the whole year dude…we got to get on this while its hot, before the fish are gone. Like how they do in the south over the winter.


Oh shit….did I just say that out loud ?”

We met our enemy, and he is us ” Pogo

Losing bucktials

Manny new surfcasters are petrified of using a bucktail. Unlike most other lures there is nothing to “tell” if you are doing right or wrong. The fish are your ultimate judge, they clamp down on it, you got yourself a winning retrieve.

When I started fishing Montauk , using bucktail was one of the hardest things to get used to it. After all, aren’t they going to get snagged on rocks and kelp. Am I  going to lose a ton of bucktails during each tide?

Not according to our friend and Montauk surf guide Bill Wetzel

Here is another short clip from our Winter Seminar Series


btw….those of you who are SJ Facebook fans, you can enter to win one Montauk t-shirt there…only for our Facebook fans

you guys done reading this cover to cover ? more quizes coming up 🙂

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Slim pickings but starting week off right…with a giveaway

I spent few days in Florida and every time I come back I say two things to myself. First, I want to spend part of my retirement here. I swear they are fish in every puddle of water here, salt or fresh. Two, why can we put such an emphasis on importance of healthy fishing stocks?

Yes, I understand that the economy of the state of Florida is very depended on health of the fisheries to being in tourism revenue. Probably more  than any of our northern states. But still…

I loved hearing fishing guides saying although snook fisheries have rebounded from last year epic die-off due to cold temperatures they want the fisheries shut down, period. No targeting, no catch and release, zero. Which is draconian considering the day before hearing this I was catching ( and seeing) snook all over the place.

I am not suggesting we do same to our stocks, not at all. I don’t think that is warranted other than in the case of weakfish. I just love the mindset, let’s do what is best for species first, and worry about end user latter. I kind a like the whole vibe I get in FL when it comes to fishing 

The gated communities and manicured hedges are little hard to get used to it. But the payoff is worth it. I swear all you need is a float and a handful of shrimp and it’s almost impossible to get skunked.

But vacationing is not “real world”. It’s almost like paradise, no worries, breakfast waiting whenever you are ready. No dishes or grocery shopping, no bills to stress over. Just fish, tan and eat….

Which bring me to fishing locally…most of us work our butts off during the day and then we take care of stuff at home. Only then, when most of the world has gone to sleep do we sneak out for few hours of fishing….before going to work in the morning. Very different then vacation, huh? 🙂

I would love to tell you that is early, I would love to tell you that water temperatures are low, I would love to tell you that winds are too high or weeds are too thick. Yes, there are pockets of life that most of us can only dream about catching our chips in. Like the insane bunker blitzes that happened in NJ last week. I am not there so I can’t tell you with certainly but it seems to me even those are not as robust as they were few years ago.

I can only tell you about places I fish. And those spots are bare. Even spots that I consider “automatic”, places were ”Bob the bass” lives, the same teen fish I seem to catch every trip, even those are bare. Bob has left the building…probably fell to a clam and got cooked last week.

I don’t know what June will bring with regards to stripers. It is the month many of us do not wanted to end as fishing kicks in the high gear. I just hope it doesn’t resemble May too much. I have never seen less stripers in the places I fish. I do have to preface this by saying that since they dredged Jones Inlet the fishing has steadily went to shits.

I guess the time will tell. The backside of this new moon in few days will be a big tell. Cross our fingers and hope for the best…in the mean time, I am staring at the big mount of striper on my wall…just to remember what they look like.

For those that made trough the whole post, we have a treat for you today

A chance to win  a Belt Carabiner from Ebbpoint Surf Fishing . The winner of a previous giveaway never claimed their prize so you got another shot at it. Take a look at their complete line at

Happy Memorial Day weekend


just sayin’…if you have few pennies left after Da Wife finished her shopping…:-)

Some news from our friends and supporters

Our friends at Fisherman’s Headquarters in NJ have new $130 MAK angler Surf Bag in stock. Stop by the store if you are in the area


Our friends at LI Outdoorsman are having a special this weekend…

Starting today and ending at close of business on Monday when you buy any VAN STAAL reel in stock you’ll get mono backing and 150 yds of braid installed for FREE.
Lots of gear instock,rods,reels,lures,bags,etc.
FRESH Bunker,LIVE Eels,Clams,etc.
“For All Your Outdoor Needs”
434 Sunrise Hwy
Rockville Centre NY 11570

Our supporter Armand from RI Poppers has just sent a load of lures to Satwaters tackle in West Islip NY 

 www.​saltwaterstackle.​com/  If you are in the ares, stop by and say hi to Mike and crew. Give them our regards

And last but not least, Paulie’s Bait and Tackle Tournament in Montauk Point, NY is on tap for next weekend.


I hope all of you are having a great weekend with your families and remember those who gave their lives so we can live the American Dream.

God Bless our Troops

Roger Martin on a Casting Eggs

it is time to announce some of our winners

First,  The Big Fish Prey Swimmer, courtesy of our friend Larry from Big Fish Bait Co goes to Russ Murr , RUSSMURR@OPTONLINE.NET

Congrats Russ

he guessed first that Roger Martin’s favorite photograph in this issue of the magazine is on the page 95.

Russ, you have 5 days to furnish your shipping address at

Guys, we only have one rule in giveaways, we don’t contact you, you have to read it and contact us. If we don’t hear from you within 5 days, we get to keep the loot…and give it away some other time

The Winner of Lure Tube and a Lure Tube hat from our friend Evan at Lure Tubes hat is ….Ron H

Congrats Ron

Since we already made this whole thing about our esteemed editor Roger Martin, let’s make this whole blog about him 🙂

And now for today’s video…some of you know about this but I know many of you don’t. And even few of you practice it. But it has its moments. I personally have been spanked at Cuttyhunk by an old sharpie with a casting egg and a 1/4 ounce bucktail. And no one tells it like Roger….


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Many faces of a surf sharpie

 Some of you know Richard Troxler from Noreast boards where he is a moderator. Some of you have read his posts or a story in the last year issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

Some of you were stunned by his ” Last Man Standing” masterpiece in the current issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal.

Some of you might even know that he possesses mad woodworking skills. Or that he is a top notch surfcaster.

He is a kind of surfcaster who likes to tinker with his stuff. Never satisfied with store bought bucktails he makes his own. We did this video about a year ago.


All these things make Rich obviously a very interesting person to be around and fish with. But this is just a small part of who Richard Troxler is….

There is so much more to him

including this !!



CTS surf rods

There is a  lot of talk about two piece rods today. In fact, I don’t remember ever hearing about them as much as I did in the  last year or two. Some even dare to compare them to one piece rods although they are predictably attacked fairly quickly by internet experts.

I personally won’t make any proclamations, one way or another. All I am going to tell you that after almost 20 years with fishing nothing but one piece rods from Lami I will be fishing with only two piece rods from St Croix this season. Lou has finished wrapping my Legend  blanks and I am kind of psyched about it…time will tell

One brand that is getting a lot of attention, besides St Croix,  is CTS. I had a pleasure of casting one in the parking lot at West End 2 on blustery April morning and all I could say way Holy !@$#% (although I took that out of the video footage).

Here is our Rod Guru Lou Caruso, sharing his thoughts on these rods.

You can contact Lou with any questions at

And yes, Lou will build you a custom, St Croix, Lami or CTS rod. Dude builds great rods, regardless of who is manufacturing them.


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Win a Big Fish Prey Swimmer

I hope you ladies and gents had a very productive weekend andthe  fishes cooperated.

It’s time to play…name that picture where you can win incredible prizes including a brand new Toyota Tundra courtesy of Tri-State…ok, we are kidding about a new truck but we are not kidding about giving you a chance to win this piece of fishing art, a fish catching machine, from our friend Larry Wentworth from Big Fish Bait Co

Here is your chance to win this Big Fish Prey Swimmer.





By guessing on which page is our esteemed editor Roger Martin’s  favorite picture located in the current issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine

. One guess per person please and good luck.

Here is the magazine for your convenience

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