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Issue #8 of the Surfcaster's Journal Magazine is now live at

While you were celebrating the July 4th weekend, we were busy working on issue # 8 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

So instead of you dreading work after the holiday, we gave you something pleasant to do. Tell your boss you need a little “alone” time. 🙂


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Two piece rods

To some extent the plug craze has been replaced by a rod craze. The most remarkable part of it that it wasn’t some super-duper-one-piece blank that has all the internet boards buzzing, but instead its two piece offerings from companies like St Croix, CTS and Century.

Who would have thought even 5 years ago that we would be comparing a two piece rods to one piece sticks? I would have personally put a large wager on the fact that after fishing my Lamiglas 1321M for ten or fifteen years, I will never ,ever fish with two piece rod.

And what am I fishing with today? Two piece St Croix Legends and Mojo rods.

I am not much of a “must get the hottest toys” kind of a guy. I buy my trucks used instead of new. I wear $99 LL Bean waders, $70 Grunden splash top and cheapest laced up Korkers boots they make. My plug bag is stuffed with Super Strike and other affordable lures. The only “fancy” thing I do fish with is a VS 250 that I’ve had for a  decade. Its it so beat up, most of the paint is gone. And this is all fine with me, I prefer to let others beat up and test new products. If I learned one thing over the years is that hype is rarely justified when it comes to fishing products. If for no other reason than because our personal fishing styles are so different.

When we tested St Croix Legend and St Croix Mojo rods I was impressed in how light, crisp they were. In Mojo’s case I was surprised at the retail price too. That is a lot of rod for your money. My Lami 1321M seemed like a dinosaur compared to these rods. But one thing about the Lami, it has never failed me. It has tossed ten ounce rigged eels and ½ ounce bucktails when asked too. It has fallen with me from the rocks, whipped some big fish and fell on ground more time than I care to admit.

I was intrigued about the St Croix Legends but one thing gave me a pause, the placement of the reel seat. It was just too low for the way I cast. So I got two Legend blanks , a ¾ to 4 and 2 to 6 and had our Surfcaster’s Journal Rod Guru Lou Caruso wrapped them and placed the reel seat where I wanted. He also added butt cap, something I suggest all of you do it if you are fishing on the rocks. For few bucks its  very good investment.

So although I used the factory Legends in Costa Rica and little bit last fall and this spring, I eagerly awaited the custom ones Lou was building. I finally got a chance to use them on our SJ annual Cuttyhunk trip .I thought this would be a great place to put them to the test. I used ¾ to 4 exclusively back home throwing lures and caught few fish . I already used this blank in Costa Rica on some very powerful Jacks and Hound fish and I had an idea of just how responsive it was and how well does it cast. Since my plan was to use rigged eels that were  anywhere between 4 and 10 ounces, my 2 to 6 ounce model was going to get a workout…

And that was some workout!

It handled the casting of rigged eels into the wind with ease. It cast the rigged eels with a wind for a country mile. It swam from rocks to rocks with me, it pulled giant stripers onto rocks, it yanked the big 8/0 hooks out of the bubble weed forests on the bottom of the sea. It whipped the schoolie, the teen fish and even few twenties with ease. It handled many thirties without issues and forties were no  match either. The darn thing is so light, so crisp, that after doing an all-nighter everything hurt but my shoulder, something I wasn’t expecting.

You are probably wondering after all this swimming, catching, falling, how many times did I have to adjust the guides to be in line with a reel? Exactly once and only because I placed the rod on top of the rock I could not get on, only to watch a wave sweep it into the water. I did find it and yes, the guides have moved a little but that is the only time I had to fix them.

All in all , I am thrilled with the performance of the Legends. I am sure many of you guys have had the same experiences with CTS or Century rods Lou or someone else has built for you. If I ever had reservations about two piece rods being inferior in any way to a one piece stick, I don’t have them anymore. There is nothing wrong with a having a one piece rod. In a lot of ways, one piece stick will always be more desirable because they have, well, one less piece. But there is no reason to not consider a two piece rod when looking into buying a new stick. Just saying….

He is…………..The Most Interesting Man in the World

The dinner he made last night was delicious …..Ask anyone

The last time he shaved, he donated a double-king sized comforter to an orphanage

He makes the sun rise……..interesting

When he hides the salami, no one can find it

He wears black like nobody’s business.

When he rocks the house…the house really rocks.


Calvin Klein calls every day…….he does not retun his calls

His mother has a tattoo that reads “son'”.

He taught a fish how to read email for him.

If he were to punch you in the face, you’d have to fight off the urge to thank him


He doesn’t  always drink beer, but when he does, he prefer Dos Equis.”

“Stay thirsty, my friends



Happy Fouth of July America!


Our hero, Art Director Tommy Corrigan aka Yo Dude who is burning midnight oil designing the issue # 8 as we speak….for you

The Complete Guide to Surfcasting by Joe Cermele, book giveaway

Here are the winners of the Guide Choice Old Swimmer Lures
I would like to thank Frank from Guides Choice Lures one more time for making this possible. You can visit them at
Anthony Rich
Chris G
Matt V
Get back to us at asap with your mailing addresses
We want to finish up the week right by giving away another copy of a new book ,The Complete Guide  To Surfcasting by Joe Cermele.
You can get more info about the book at Burford books at
Its our way of thanking you for your support, wishing you Happy Fourth of July weekend and hoping that this book helps you in catching that fish of your dreams

Here is another picture from our trip last to love rigged eels

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What would you do ?

We are a little tired, a little cranky and very sad that we had to get of the Pleasure Island aka Cutthyunk on Sunday after our annual trip.
Look for a full report in a week or two, its going to be a long one as I am already over 12000 words.
We are working hard on issue number #8 due next week…and then there is a big weekend coming…Who said they like to stay busy? What I’d like to is to sit somewhere in Mediterranean, sip macchiato with shades on to hide the hangover..soon

I never thought about this until this moment while I am sitting on LIRR and typing this on my net book. I’ve spent three nights around Memorial Day weekend chasing after fish that were not there. Like a sucker, I took my son at dusk the 4th day reasoning that the tide was perfect. What we go was about 30 bites ……mosquito bites. He got one, I  got the other 29. Then  my friends went out the night after that, most of the tide, three good spots on outgoing tide, on downside of the new moon and got skunked. Which got me thinking…

What would you do if striped bass got so scarce that you have better chance of running into Christie Brinkley alone on the beach then catching one? Highly unlikely you say? Maybe, but that is what I thought about weakfish just a few years ago .Now I believe that I have a better chance of being Arnold Schwarzenegger love child than catching one.  Bass don’t have to disappear to be scarce. They can just  stay offshore with bait and never come in. Or you have to travel to out of the way to catch one like I do? Becouse they sure are not in my usual spots…

What would you do? Stop fishing all together? Buy a boat? Turn your efforts into making a sea robin a game fish?

LI Oudoorsman  finally received their shipment from Korkers that was supposed to be here in late March.They are now a direct dealer and have in stock the new boots that all the wetsuiters have been wanting.The Metalhead boot and the Redside boot.They also have the new Rocktrax cleats and replacement studs and removal tools. Visit Rob and crew at Rockvile Centre and check it out…

here is a picture of our Art Director Yo Dude from the weekend

taking a chance….

How much risk are you willing to take to catch a fish? A fellow we all know was so tired of watching bass annihilate the bunker schools just out of his casting range he went to the store and bought flippers. Then he swam to the school and got towed around by a thirty pound bass.

There are fellows that swim to rocks in the middle of the night, rocks that would require adult diaper for me to get to.

How far would you go to catch  fish?

I have this split personality disorder when it comes to this. One hand, while I sit on LIRR and typing this, I don’t want any part of it. Swimming, skishing, storm fishing, being wet, any of it. For what, to catch a fish  just like the one I caught yesterday? Maybe even the same one? Is putting myself in the harm’s way really necessary?

But then I get to the beach and Mr. Hyde comes out. Suddenly no blitz is too far to chase after, no rock is too far to swim, no jetty is too slippery, no sandbar looks unappealing enough to  not think how to get on it.

World record striper?

I think we are due. For the new world record that is. A fellow in Rhode Island came close recently.. Really close, just one pound shy of that magic mark. What do you think chances of an 80 pound striper being caught are?

I think they are pretty good. Forget for the moment all the anecdotal evidence of catches of large fish signaling the decline in striped bass population. I am more curious about what your feelings are on the record being broken. It certainly feels like we are getting close.

Al McReynolds fish certainly did not bring him fame and fortune. Do you think a new record holder, if we get one, will fare any different. Is catching a world record striper a life changing event?

I have mixed feelings about it. If the fellow who catches it is a charter boat captain he might benefit greatly by never worrying about bookings again. After all, he will be a record holder. If a surfcaster catches it, I got a feeling he might regret it, especially if he catches it alone. For his sake, I hope he catches it in front of 100 people in Montauk blitz. Otherwise the story that he bought it from a trawler will start before he gets home. Personally I wish it will be caught by a guy whose skills in the surf are unmatched. That would definitely eliminated me from consideration which is just fine

Turning into ashes

The death of Al Pelini has me thinking, which is always a dangerous thing. I didn’t know Al all that well, I mostly admired him from a distance. In the times when big alpha males beat their chests at seminars about their greatness, Al was a polar opposite.

But you should never make assumptions about a person before you meet them or if you don’t know them well…I never seen person his age swim to the rocks in the middle of the night alone. I never seen a man of any age swam further in pursuit of his bellowed striped bass. I never met a man more fearless  then Al. Maybe his death is a poetry in motion, passing away in the place he loved the most. For me , and I am sure for his family and friends too, it was too early. Too sudden.

Just last week Bear’s Den shop called me for some books after two years because Al was giving  seminar there on weekend. I meant to get in touch with him to ask him if he would consider writing story for the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine but I never did. Most of all, I wanted to sit with him on the camera and capture some of the events his experiences in his past….and there were many. Not everyone gets to catch 60 pound plus striper during the heyday of Block Island, gets to sample the best of Cape Cod fishing and swims to Cuttyhunk rocks and tangle with giant stripe.

But I never did get around to asking. And I know why, fear of rejection. There was a time not too long ago when I had this crazy idea of sitting down with the old guard and interview them o camera. Maybe turn it into the documentary about the history of the sport. I was less interested in their catches than I was in their experiences. And I definitely wasn’t interested in their secrets spots. The questions about the spots wasn’t even on the list.

But after talking to few who were gracious enough to sit an hour for camera like Rhode Island sharpies Steve McKenna and Dennis Zambrotta, I found nothing but doors slammed in my face. I expected some of that, the older generation was not about promotion, about publicity. They just fished. But most of them declined the idea of talking on camera. Heck, some walked away as soon as I brought up the subject. Not just people I don’t know, my own friends, people I fish with, refused to even consider it.

But the Father Time waits for no man…there is less and less of them around every day. And their experiences, the history of surf fishing as we know it today is dying with them. I hope that someone else , at some other time, in some other place, considers doing this. There is a lot written about old lures and tackle. Very little is written about the people who used them. How great it would be if two generations down, a new surfcaster could meet those who blazed the trail for them, in person , on their monitors. How great it would be for our grandchild to say, I heard about those men but never met them. Sadly, I don’t see it happening. Some stories are just meant to be turned into ashes.

Here is Dennis talking about Ted’s Tackle in Brooklyn, NY.


Winning…with Guides Choice Lures

you guys are a lucky bunch of sob’s, you know that ? 🙂

Frank Cresciteli. maker of Guides Choice Lures got a wind of Andrew’s conquest at Cuttyhunk a week ago

Hey Zeno, let your readers know I am so happy with Andrews success, that I am letting him get a little more “cred” for it. So you can give away 4 more Old Schools on me. I’ll send them out now!


Aren’t you guys special?

Here is the deal, instead of mindless I am in, we’ll let you earn it. Tommy picked 4 favorite pictures from this current issue. So four of you will walk away with one Guides Choice Old School Swimmer lure . Your job is to pick one of the pictures Tommy chose. You get one shot so choose it wisely.


Pick one picture, win one lure

here is another shot of Andrew from that faitful night

Nice view from above 🙂


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Saying goodbye to one of our own

For those who are interested in paying respect to our friend, surfcaster extraordinaire Mr. Al Pelini…the wake will be held at Hill Funeral Home in East Greenwich, RI this Wednesday from 5 – 8pm and his funeral will be the following day at 10am at Our Lady of Mercy also in East Greenwich.

I am going to miss seeing that familiar shape in the middle of the night, on the rock I wouldn’t dare to swim to, arched back, bent knees, leaning backwards with a big bend in his rod

May you rest in peace our friend. You are going to be missed by many.

The winner of the Guide Choice Old School Swimmer giveaway is

 Drownin Worms

please send your address to