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Plug Give Away Winner…

Took all the fine folks who picked page 90 and fed their names into the surfcaster’s journal z-2000 super processor

with sealed drag.

The Winner is Pistol Pete!

Congrats Homie.

Email with name of your correctional facility and inmate number.

Thanks for playing everyone and stay tuned for this weekends RM Smith plug giveaway from the maximum security SJ vault.


"BLOG ONLY" mega plug giveaway.

Dipped into the SJ secret stash and pulled out 11 lures.


2 choopy needlefish

2 choopy metal lips

2 guides choice bunka boy swimmers

2 super strike loaded needles.

2 charlie grave tins

1 yozuri surface cruiser.

BONUS bumper sticker pack.


Look through the magazine and pick your favorite picture from issue #8.  Any entry without a page number will NOT be counted.




Enjoy the summer

I am glad so many of you enjoyed the synopsis of our Cuttyhunk trip. Although I have a soft spot for Cutty I don’t think it’s any different then Block Island or Montauk or Martha’s Vineyard when it’s “on”. Maybe a bit less crowded and maybe that is one of its charms.

It’s been almost two years since we have been doing this blog. It’s time for me to step back and let Tommy entertain you as I am a bit spent.

I hope you are enjoying reading the issue # 8 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

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Surfcaster…a new book by William "Doc" Muller

When William “Doc” Muller approached me this winter and asked me if I was interested in working with him on a book I was floored. I won’t give you the long version but will only tell you that Doc is single-handedly responsible for many of the things I accomplished in this sport. Because of his writing in The Fisherman and his books in the late 1980’s I got infatuated with surfcasting. Because he was a member of High Hill Striper Club at the time is why I joined too. My wife could tell you about sleepless nights I spent wondering if I would be accepted in the club with limited number of openings.

Although I always had a healthy dose of respect for Doc ,we kind of went our own ways. Doc left the club eventually and we had very little contact other than at the shows. The remarkable thing about surfcasting is that you can fish the same general areas yet rarely run into each other. Over the years I went through quite a few infatuations, with bait, metal lips, eel skins, bucktails, darters, rigged eels, you name it, I tried it. But I never stopped reading what the man had to say, even to this day.

So I was obviously honored to be asked to help him bring his newest book to life. I was amazed of how quickly he wrote it and how long it was. In time it takes me to write a blog post (yes, I know I suck at typing) Doc had a general outline of the book complete. After he finished editing the manuscript I finally got a chance to read it. At first ,I read through it and left to take family on vacation. I thought it was well done, thorough and quintessential Doc. His book on bucktail already gave you his spin on that particular lure so he didn’t spend a lot of time on that particular subject. But he sure did on others..

After returning from vacation I started the process of gathering pictures and read it again. I realized that this might be the most complete book on surf fishing I’ve ever read.

The most remarkable part of reading anyone’s book is being able to get into someone’s head. By that I mean, being able to see exactly how someone is approaching the sport of surf fishing. His and mine approach to surf fishing are nothing alike. I rarely use anything under two ounces and often throw rigged eels that are pushing ten ounces. My favorite pencil poppers start at about 3 ounces where he catches carload of fish on smaller pencil poppers. While you might find me in the inlet on occasion tossing five ounces of lead you might find him in the sound finessing a half an ounce bucktail or catching fish on Bombers and teasers.

I guess it took me few decades to realize but there really is no “wrong” way to fish. There is only “your” way. I always thought, “jeez, do we need another book on surf fishing” but after reading his I realized we did. And we will probably enjoy many others over the years. Because everyone has a different stories to tell, everyone mind works in different ways. Few are able to put it in words as eloquently as Doc can. I really think this might be the most complete book on surf fishing the northeast beaches that was written to date. There is something here for everyone, from beginner to novice. From picking up your first outfit to upgrading to braid and custom rods. From reading the beach, strategies and techniques to beach buggies and discussions on every lure we use in the surf. There are chapter on history of the sport, how to fight and land a fish, proper way to catch and release the fish and much more. There even is a chapter on joining a surf club, laying out for you all the pros and cons and informing you what you should expect from joining one.

All in all a well written book, a project that I am proud to be asked to be a part of. Expectations are for this book to be printed and in the stores sometimes in September, just in time for the fall run. As you know, Doc only signs copies at the shows. The readers of Surfcaster’s Journal Blog however will be able to reserve a limited  numbers of autographed copies by sending me an email @  Just drop me a note and tell me to put a signed copy aside for you when printed.

You can also click on the book cover which it will take you to our online store at There you can actually buy  a “reserved signed copy”  and it will be shipped to you as soon as its printed and sign. Of course, you can always pick up a copy in your favorite tackle shop when available. The book is 204 pages and I let Doc use many of my pictures in it. The price of the book is $19.95

It is kind of cool to be able to be a part of this. Last pure surf fishing  book Doc’s has written was Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night, which was originally published twenty years ago. Funny how life works…if you told me then that one day I would be working with Doc I would have told you that you are nuts.

Learning from the Master

The Master speaks





John Skinner has a new book coming out for holiday. It is basically everything you ever wanted to know about fishing with bucktails but you were afraid to ask. Brilliant if you ask me. I’ve read the manuscript and can tell you that it might be the best book I’ve ever read. Period. And you can quote me on that !

You can get more info about John by visiting his website at

Giving thanks

I hope you are enjoying reading issue # 8 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. Where did the time go ? Issue # 8? I still feel like we are stumbling in the dark, trying to find the right key to press to make issue #2 live…like Tommy always says, it will be a lot easier when BassPro swoops down and buys us for a million bucks…lol

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Wolverine Tackle, makers of my favorite split rings to the list of SJ supporters. Visit them at . You probably have their split rings on your lures and you don’t even know about it.

The winner of the book, The Complete Guide to Surfcasting by Joe Cermele

 is Salty…

Please contact Tommy at    and give him your shipping address.

I would also like to thank all the contributors whose stories appeared in the SJ and particularly our columnists Andrew Chase, John Papciak, Dave Anderson, Lou Caruso and our newest one, Russell Pouline. I think you would agree that these guys are the heart and soul of this publication and adding Big Rock 4×4 column was something that we are thrilled to be able to do. Of course, there are always people in the background that toil in relative obscurity, like our talented designed Tommy Corrigan or our editors Roger and Marie Martin.

You will probably see a lot less of me in the near future and your emails might not be returned promptly and for that I apologize in advance. If you need anything regarding the magazine, feel free to contact Tommy. We do have a seven part series of articles about our recent trip to Cuttyhunk coming up on the blog in few days. I can guaranty you two things, its long and full of misspelled words. Which is basically the whole premises of Zenoisam…overwrite it and misspell it. Not on purpose of course, more because of a lack of proper education. Chasing donkeys with a stick instead of going to school in my youth was definitely not something I would tell my son to do….but it was darn fun while it lasted.

I’ll leave you with another shot from our recent trip to Cuttyhunk.


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