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Perfect night…not!…Cuttyhunk Chronicles 2012 part 2

Its two days after a new moon and I am swimming out to a perfect rock in Cuttyhunk , in  a perfect cove. As I bob in the water I look around me, and I see no one. Perfect. Another five minute of swimming and I am   standing on a rock for two with a gentle waves washing over my knees. Even the rock is perfect. Unlike many gorgeous rocks on this island that are big and flat, this one you can actually get on top. There is even a  “step” in front of the rock which I used to get up on it. It is even slanted upwards on the back end so if the wave pushed you backwards you don’t slide downward and are easily holding your ground. Hell, being alone on this rock, I can make four steps backwards if I get pushed by a wave and still not fall off the rock.

I checked my gear, making sure that everything survived the swim to the rock. The perfect size rigged eels are safely tucked in the Commando front pouch, plugs are where I put them, the belt, camera and all other stuff is where it should be. Even the perfect live eels in my eel bag appear that they endured the walk here on a hot summer night without a problem.

The conditions are something I could only dream about. Gentle wind over the right shoulder, flat ocean, 15 to twenty feet deep  clean water in front of me. Even my broken casting finger ,which has given me such pain lately seems to be itching to go.


My friends decided to go to another spot. Although I am quite uncomfortable here in the darkness, I did this dance before. The first thing that comes to my mind, and I am sure it’s the same for many of you, what if something goes wrong? I am a hundred feet offshore, with no house for miles, and no surfcaster in sight. But I push those feelings aside as I am too excited to make my first cast. In the long run, we are all dead, I reason with myself. Might as well make most out of my time here on Earth.

I check my watch and it reads 9 pm. There is still a little bit of light present, in about half an hour this cove will be black as coal. I decided to start with plugs. Few casts with Super Strike Darters, followed by Lemire’s needlefish and swimmer find no takers. It’s ok I say to myself. For one, it’s still early and two, I has nights on this rock where is quiet for two hours and then the place erupts with fish. One of the best nights ever happened on for me on this rock with six fish over thirty pounds ate my eels.

I checked my watch and its 9 21

Time to try a rigged eel. I pull out a sixteen inch rigged eel out of the pouch. I just rigged them an hour ago before heading out. There was a reason why this eel was on top of the other ones, Unlike the other two, this rigged eel has a black belly, and very black back. Just the way I wish all eel looked like. Did I mentioned it was perfect?

I lost track of time as I am casting a rigged eel repeatedly. I am guessing that I been at it for an hour or so but my watch says 9 21 pm.


Is it possible that I misjudged the time? I guess. Maybe I read the watch wrong before. So I keep casting. But after every cast I check my watch to see if the hands moved but they remained stuck on 9 21. Oh Lord, this sucks I say to myself. I keep casting the rigged eel for another, well, I have no idea how long but I was getting bored so I cut the leader off, tied an Gami hook and opened my live eel bag and grabbed the biggest eel I had.

For those of you who don’t know me, I don’t fish live eels. Or I haven’t been in at least 5 or 10 years, no idea when was the last I cast. But I know this is one part of my game that I am not that good at. So instead of accepting that, I figured why not challenge myself and learn. The eel did not liked the feeling of a hook penetrating his jaw and out trough the eye one bit. I attached the eel bag to my belt and started casting.

So far , everything has been perfect, perfect conditions, lack of crowd, perfect size eels, gentle swell of the ocean, perfect clean, deep water. Everything except the stupid watch was stuck at 9 21. But that is not a big deal, is it? After all, that is just one thing that went wrong out of hundred that could but didn’t. I was still on a perfect rocks in my little cove casting perfect eels under optimal conditions, right?

Not so fast

In short order I stared to wonder what time it was. Was it 10? Was it 11? Or even midnight? I had no idea. My friends were at another spot which produced best at the last of the flood but the flood was at midnight. Is it too late to join them? What if it’s already midnight and they left? I would be making a loooong walk for nothing. Besides, I didn’t want to get there and find that the current is finished.

In ten minutes I went from being totally content to losing my mind on the rock, and all because I could not tell the time. I kept casting another hour but I did not know if it was closer to morning or evening. I guesstimated the time but that gave me a little comfort. Where before I was praying to be alone in the cove, now I was hoping someone, anyone with a watch would walk down the path.

I got myself all worked up, I jumped off my perfect rock, into my perfectly deep, clean water and swam to not so perfect shore. I walked for a mile on bowling balls, casting interment but halfheartedly.

In a span of an hour I went from being the world most content surfcaster to a cranky, confused soul, stumbling on the rocks with no idea what time it was.

Do yourself a favor and lose that Mickey Mouse watch you bought on sale that is “water resistant”. That will do for the shower at home but not much more. Get yourself a real waterproof watch so you won’t be as dazed and confused as I was.

So much for perfection….

When I got back to the house and joined the rest of the crew for some after midnight lasagna, I was dumbfounded that none of them use a watch when they fish. And they were ok with it, but I am not.

And they were ok with it, but I am not. So I take some friendly ribbing from them. Actually, by the end of the night,I feel like a coo coo bird for wearing a watch.

But I need to know when the current turns, when the water slacks or how long have I been on a rock…maybe I am just weird like some people say but I need to know what time it all times

more Cutty rumblings coming up


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May we ask for a huge favor and try to post and tell us if you got a “timed out request” message when you try to post? We tested about a dozen PC and Mac’s today but until you tell us we cant know for sure..or have a giveaway 🙂


Cuttyhunk Chronicles 2012 part 1

Just a quick note that we just got back from our annual SJ Cuttyhunk trip and that is why there haven’t been any blog posts. Full report when I come to my senses.

As far as the blog, we haven’t done anything to fix the posting issues since we have been away. I will try to rebuild it in next few weeks if I have some spare time

SJ Art Director Tommy Corrigan with maybe the fish of the lifetime


Great White Hunter ripping the Surface Cruiser

“Fearless” Ray with what was a very “average” fish that magic afternoon

 And I ? I was the full time camera dude that day. Never made a cast

Stay Tunned..

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Problems, headaches and yes, some good news too

We kind of got ran over with the hijacking shit last week so I never did get to tell you why I mentioned last Sunday that we are having “Super Strike weekend”. There is a method to my madness although not always evident at first. If you don’t believe me, ask my poor wife 🙂

After a year of persistent begging, badgering, threatening and growling, the legendary Don Musso, creator of Super Strike lures finally agreed to sit down on camera last Sunday and talk about his life as a lure builder. From his days in the military, to his first striper, the first lure he ever made to everything else that happened along the way to superstardom. Now if you don’t know Don, let me fill you in on one thing. The man is as modest as they come when it comes to taking a bow for his contribution to the sport of surfcasting.  It was a nice hour long conversation, recorded for the current and future generation of surfcasters. The history of this sport is something that we are losing a little bit of every day, as every old salt takes a piece of it with them to the heavens. I am trying my hardest to document their experiences over the years.

When are you going to see this video? No time soon. We still have to shoot some additional footage and hopefully over the winter we will put it together. But first, we are going to ask my poor wife to type the best part of the interview for a feature in the future issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.


As far as the blog go, you can see that we are having more problems that we can handle. I am not sure how many of you are having time out issues, feel free to email me at and tell me what you experiencing. Otherwise we will never know…

We had a crash of some kind yesterday and then godaddy got it up mid day. I am not sure what the problem is to be honest but until I can be certain there are no problems with posting, we will suspend all giveaways. No sense riling you up with a giveaway you might have problems entering….which is too bad because we had some very unique stuff lined up for you, stuff we never gave away.

What will probably happen (at least this is my expectation) is that I will have to shut down the blog and build it back up from scratch. Expect a lot of changes regardless of what it is, maybe this is a sign from above for me to bow out.

Anyway, new issue is few weeks away, Tommy is doing his thing and I am pulling my hair out with this crap. So that is it for now, I am sorry if you are having problem posting and in case you emailed me and haven’t heard back in timely manner, understand that my life has been turned upside down with this stuff.


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Winner of SS Wonderbread Bottle and some unscheduled wader testing

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Sure looks like it’s gorgeous weather wise. Let me get this stuff out of the way as we got bogged down with problems with a hijacked blog all week.

The winner of a Super Strike Wonderbread Bottle plug is TomS . Please send your mailing address to

Speaking of problems on a blog, we are still trying to fix the posting issues. On some of my computers it works fine, on others, I get timed out. Tommy is looking at possibility of moving the blog from godaddy to a dedicated server. Some people have told us we might have too much traffic or whoever we share the server with might. In any event ,this has been a nightmare of a week. I don’t want to do any giveaways until I am certain that all of you can enter. So if you guys are still having posting issues, please reply here and tell us. There is no other way for us to know.

Then there is an issue of notification emails which one day went to Chinese site, another day the link was broken. Holy shit, like a perfect storm. And my knowledge of computer is limited to this one index finger pecking away at keyboard. Just ducky.

I think some of you will find this amusing…I told you about the Redington zippered waders the other day. I obviously tested them by going into the water to my chest to make sure zipper does not leak. We’ll, last night we did some unscheduled testing. I was trying to navigate some rocks in a very hairy spot in the inlet and missed the rock and ended up in the drink. Of course I sloshed around like a beach whale. But eventually I did regain my composure although with a bruised ego. However, the balls stayed dried. Which on the end of the night is very important. Unless you went to Scores or Gallagher’s, but then you probably don’t need waders but a wad of singles instead.

When I said the other day that we are looking for ideas for a magazine, I did not mean a suggestion of what we should write about, instead I was looking for stories that YOU wanted to write for SJ. We feel that our readers are the ones with a passion for the game. So if you have an idea you want it to pitch to us, you have our email. Please drop us a line

I don’t usually ask questions on this blog, sometimes a spirited discussion can turn into argumentative debate and insults like some other places. Today , out of curiosity, I am making exception. I wanted to know how would you rate your spring? Are you catching more/less? Is size bigger or smaller than usual? Do you find your honey holes stocked as usual or bare this year?

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more thoughts on gear

Someone asked about Penn Torque. As many of you know, I fell on mine few weeks ago and broke the stem. Fortunately great folks from Penn made it whole again. What are my impressions after about a year of use? Same as what Alan Hawk has written. Not just good but exceptional reel. You know how some companies, when you tell them “you should fix this” tell you “thank you for your thoughts now go away”? Not Penn. The first Torque that hit the market I believe had a small screw that was holding the roller. Sometimes on  day with a crosswind the line would get caught on this nut after you completed a cast. Nothing more than annoyance but to a guy who fished with manual reels for years, it was very aggravating. I emailed them, within a week they redesigned the screw by sinking it into the body. Problem solved for everyone. Talking about listening to feedback from end-user !The drag is nice and smooth and no, it does not seize when you turn in half turn like some other reels. I like the fact that it applies drag gradually as you turn the knob. I would probably prefer a round , metal knob on a handle, again, it’s probably out of habit. This reel is a buy

Heard a lot of good things about new MAK Angler bags but did not get to see one yet.

Rock hopper clips..simplicity in its purest form. Works as advertised and eliminates a lot of headaches for me in regards to how I place my gear on my belt or attach stuff to the belt. Another no-brainer

Super Strike new Heavy poppers? did not get a chance to wet them yet, or did Lemire’s Plugworks needlefish, both on my to-do list. If this fracture bone in my casting finger ever heals….

After 10 years or wearing Grunden cheap pullover jacket ,this spring I went googan all the way and been using a Columbia PFG jacket. Yes ,it had a zipper and no , my balls are not wet…lol

Funny, huh? Zippered jacket, Zippered waders and a two piece rod? I tell you what. If you are a serious surfcaster, you want to eliminate as many possible failures as possible. So plain waders, pullover jacket and even one piece rod might be better suited to your fishing style. Don’t let anyone ever talk you into getting stuff that you don’t feel you need, don’t like or don’t want just because some pro-schmo is using it. I am merely trying to bring to your attentions few things that actually do hold up just fine in the surf contrary to popular belief. But this also has a lot to do with a modern age materials we use today. We came a long way from substandard zippers and two piece rods that had as much action as a broomstick. I would not be surprised if Lamiglas comes out with a kick ass once piece blank in the near future. They have the capabilities, brain and manufacturing, I think it’s just a matter of time… not that I would have some info you don’t. Just thinking out loud.

Tactical Angler Clips…yes , I tried breakaways and I like TA better. I tried another brand, don’t remember the name and did not like it. For me these clips are the ultimate no-brainer…they are pricey but you paying for the knowledge of Mr. Myagi 🙂

We are still having posting problems so if you could let us know what are you currently experiencing in regards to posting, we’d appreciate it. Also, the feed burner email that you get once we put on up a new post. Is it still pointing to a Chinese site? Or broken link like yesterday? Or back to normal. We were told that the issue can be either at our server at godaddy or because we have way to many users. We have no idea but the planned changes are coming in few weeks anyway…maybe this is a sign of God that is time to close the shop. What this is  , a major annoyance and again, we are sorry for inconvenience

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Trouble in paradise

We understand that some of you received the notice from the blog recently about a new post but when you clicked on it redirected you to another site. I been told that our blog might have been “clicked jacked” meaning you click on one thing and yet it takes you to another place.

You can always read new posts by going directly  to Some guys do this as their first thing in the morning with their cup of coffee, some do it later, and some only when they receive notification.

Some others have had issues with posting and entering giveaways last few days. They got “session expired” message and were unable to post. We are trying to figure out what is going on. If you are having issues, please drop me an email to and explain it to me what the issues are. If we know what they are, maybe we can get a better idea on how to fix it as we don’t receive the notices from the blog and we are always logged in so we don’t see the blog the same way you do,

Again, my sincerest apologies for your inconveniences




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Looking at gear a year later

While we are on subject of revisiting stuff from the past, now that some time has passed while using some gear, here are few thoughts.

Two piece rod…

What a crock of shit you are being sold by those who tell you that you absolutely must use one piece rods…I should know, I was one of those people…lol

My St Croix Legends, Mojo’s and CTS Vapor Trail..I was told they will twist, I was told they will separate on the cast, I was told that the “feel” is not the same. I can only give you my opinion but I never had more fun fishing any rods till I had these. Not only did they not separate, not only do they not twist, but they handle everything just beautifully as long as you stay within range. Which is true for most rods

Speaking of which, if you were only to get one rod that does it all, a rod you can throw bucktails, pencil poppers, eels and even chunks, do yourself a favor and have Lou Caruso our rod guru make you a Lamiglas GSB custom rod. There is a place for “do-it-all” rods, and there is place for performance rods too. Nuff said

ZeeBaaS reel…why it took me so long to fall in love? You want the truth? Because previous owner sold me a reel that seized after few trips many years ago. Stupid design with holes on the drag knob. But now, now this is a beautiful machine that does all you ask for and then some. And Ron and crew do a great job servicing and maintaining reels. I am not the only one who thinks this. Many of my friends have bought one in last year and are loving it.

Korkers Chrome boots

I have nothing nice to say about Korkers. Every time I open my mouth and say something good I live to regret it. The people that design Korkers should be tied up under the Lighthouse, on the rocks, and left there for a week to get beat up by waves. Maybe then they would realize what you guys do and what they sell you for what you need. Seriously, what, they redesign the soles on their boots every year? Are you kidding me? I been using the new Chrome boots for a year now, and as much as I hate to admit it, they are fine. This latest revision to their inserts is better than anything they made before. No more stupid tools to put your insert back in a boot. Could you imagine doing this in a rock, at night? I could tell you the story when I was sent proto soles to test…I am on the rock in Montauk in the middle of the night and every single stud fell out. EVERY ONE! You want to talk about taking life in your hands by trying to walk back to shore on rubber soles while the waves are hitting you in the back? I drank more seawater that night that all others nights in season combined. So my opinion on Chrome? Nice…would I tell you to buy it. Hell no

Olympus camera

I think you guys misunderstood me regarding focusing in Olympus cameras. I was not referring to pictures but video instead. Yes, you will get a stunning 1080 video but you also will get a fuzzy unfocused mess. If you want 1080 video get a Go Pro. At least stuff is in focus. Period. As far as their toggle switch for menu, for us surfcasters, that is a joke.

Hansom pliers, like I said in the video, very impressive what you get for under $50. Period.

Commando Bags…damn, that man might make you a bag that will last you a lifetime. Judging by one year of use and no sign of wear, you just might get to pass it on to your kid…in mint condition

Super Strike Heavy you really need to ask if they work? Has something ever came out of Don and Steve Musso shop that did not work? Time and place, time and place, but a great addition to their lineup and my bag.

Guides Choice Mucho Minnow and Skinny lures in their lineup. Smallest of bunch and very productive for me in the spring.

Would you be surprised if I told you that I fished with a zippered Columbia Jacket all spring and stayed dry? Yup, that would be me, the king of all googans. Two piece rod, zippered jacket and last year leader and…wait for it…..ZIPPERED WADERS.


Yup, all spring I wore Redignton zippered stocking foot waders and no, the water never got it. And yes, it saved my few times from doing number one on my hands and number two in my pants.

That’s all folks

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A look back at some reviews and chance to win a super-duper wonderbread bottle plug

The Super Strike “Heavy” 2 3/4 ounce Little Neck Popper goes to Javier, You have 5 days to email us your shipping address at Congratulation.

Here is a look back at Hansom Pliers and  Olympus cameras.


Let’s make this into a Super Strike Lures weekend…I will explain why during a week but for now, I will dig into my personal stash and give away one of these Wonderbread Super Strike Casting Swimmers aka Bottle plug.

Good Luck

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Thank you

May 6th 2012 should go down in the history as a significant event in the life of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. Not important, just significant. Like that 49 pound striper…it is really not as unimportant as we make it seem when we cry that is a “pound short”. Same thing with readers of our magazine. Having 59 999 or 60 000 is technically insignificant but mentally important. Or at least it is to us

The milestone

We started with low expectations but high on passion. Our first issue was viewed by 9165 visitors according to our hosting company. Yes, these numbers probably reflect Tommy and I each visiting issue number one 4582 times each and you visiting once. It’s probably not that far from the truth.

Over the last two years, particularly in the spring, our visitors number  increased significantly. First to an average of 30 000 visitors an issue and then to 60 000 + visitors  for the last few issues. Our January 2012 issue has been the most visited issue so far with 73 315 visitors.

Today , Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine received its 100 000 visitor, making it the most read Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine issue ever.

This is not a pat on out back, but instead a shout out to you, a thanks from all of us at Surfcaster’s Journal for your continued support.

I can only think of one person that I would want to help me celebrate this special occasion, our friend and Montauk Legend Vito Orlando. I had a pleasure of sitting down with Vito for an interview for a film project last week. Something that is a year or two away in the future…

But we also go to talk about some stories from the old days, including one of the most hilarious stories I’ve ever head regarding Fishing and Nature Calling..


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