Category Archives: Blog

New Surf Fishing 101 video

Here is latests entry in the Surf Fishing 101 series

I am still in Europe visiting familiy, drinking like a fish and wondering why I ever left this place… then i think about  long winters and no job prospects (still awfull economy) and then I remind myself that when a man wants a opportunity or at least a chance to succeed, USA is still the place to be.

But the water is gorgeous ( fish are few and far between)


Surf Fishing Tip of the Week # 24 Beach Structure, Sandbars and Troughs

I’ve done this video last fall at Smith’s Point (yes, once in awhile they actually do let us drive with out permits in the beach).

Every time I look at this short clip I remind myself just how vastly different underwater structure can be yet we might not be aware of it all.

I in in Europe visiting my 92 years young  grandmother. Got more videos lined up for you but till then, I will be quiet and enjoy every minute of being with the most important women in my life

Hope you all have a great summer


Issue #44 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online magazine is live

New issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online magazine is up for your reading pleasure .

There is a  LOT of good stuff here including new videos from Comanche surfcasting, Surf Fishing 101, new articles AND yes, new food column by Chef Brian Russell. We think you are going to love it. I am typing this from JFK while waiting for a flight to Europe to visit my family and I hope all of you have a great summer



The bait blitz

I am sitting at JFK airport ,waiting for my Lufthansa flight to start boarding and to pass the time i started to read the latest issue of The Fisherman magazine. An excellent Toby Lapinski article on matching the hatch got my attention, and made me think that maybe, just maybe we are thinking about this situation opposite of what we should.Let me lay out for you what i am thinking

No, this will in no way part from conventional thinking, in fact what i will suggest is that we are over thinking this particular scenario. The question in matching the hatch situation is quite often the same, how do we get gamefish to notice our lure that looks like exact replica of probably thousands of real live baitfish in the area. And advice is more of less the same, be that go with biggest lure you have to differentiate your offering from the real thing, toss a big pencil popper to get attention, work the edges of schools where bigger fish lurk or work away and behind the blitzing fish as biggest fish are more often trailing behind the main school. All of these are excellent choices, tested over time and chances are some of them will work in any blitz situation. What’s really got my brain to spin is circles is not how to make something work but how doing NOTHING might be the best course of action.

Here is my thought. We often have discussions of how our lure that looks like zillion baitfish in the water and cannot be distinguished by the fish. Therefore casting a bunker shad into school of bunker is really waste of time. I would tend to agree with this with one caveat.

Baitfish travel in tightly packed schools for protection so that gamefish cannot isolate one particular one to eat at will. And i am sure you have seen videos when shark or billfish attack a school of baitfish a big hole develops in the area around predator as the baitfish tend to move away in unison.This makes very hard for gamefish to isolate one particular baitfish to eat. Now lets say you toss your lure into a school bait

A)Af first the baitfish will scatter scared which will isolate your lure in the sea of baitfish and make it stand out.
B)If your lure is much larger than baitfish, they might feel threatened by it and stay away from it again creating an open area where the lure will be more noticeable than if in the school of baitfish
C)And last, when predator attack a school of fish where your lure is also in general area, wouldn’t that mean that baitfish would scatter and leave one single baitfish in the area that would either say “ i am too weak to move” or “ f#&** you bass”????

I guess what i am trying to say that by your lure being in the area of attack it will stand out regadless of size or shape by simple fact that it will not move in unison with live bait.

I really don’t have a “point” to share with you. I am kind of more interested to see
how many of you perceive this situation.

Because there really is no way of fishing the bait blitz.

Except one….Fishing on FB from your couch

ps..typing on ipad will result insilly number of spelling if i could write any othe way ?


New Tip of The Week video and STRIPERTHON Standings

New Video in Surf Fishing Tip of the Week series

Surf Fishing Tip of the Week #22-  Roy Leyva on Cape Cod Canal tides

Congratulation to all the guys that places in this year STRIPERTHON 2017 tournament. As you can see, the fishing is not what it used to be as we did not fill up all the spots even with a new moon tides and good weather. We are going to continue to encourage our readers to be conservation minded and to harvest with care. This does not mean that we will turn into a tree huggers who are opposed to keeping a fish but we believe that while the stripped bass stocks are low, we should do our part to try to help them recover. On the personal level I am continually disappointed by the attitudes  of surfcasters in the few places where fishing is still ok, who do not seem to know or care what is going on with stocks along the rest of the striper coast and are literally will keep (and sell) as many fish as legally allowed.


1st place Tim Surprenant 40 inch

2nd place Michael Battaglia 38 inch

3rd place Brian DiMento 36

4th place Mike Benzinger 34 inch

5th pace Ed Sousa 34 inch

We would like to thank again to to all of our STRIPERTHON 2017 Sponsors for providing great prizes

Prizes for the Spring 2017 STRIPERTHON
1.ODM 10’6 Frontier NXFX-1066 Surf Rod (
2.Van Staal 7 inch Titanium pliers (
3.Costa Del Mar Sunglasses (
4.Super Strike Lures Set (
5.Guppy Lure Co Set (



1st place Tim Surprenant 40 inch

2nd place Michael Battaglia 38 inch

3rd place Brian DiMento 36

4th place Mike Benzinger 34 inch

5th pace Ed Sousa 34

We would like to thank again to to all of our STRIPERTHON 2017 Sponsors for providing great prizes

Prizes for the Spring 2017 STRIPERTHON
1.ODM 10’6 Frontier NXFX-1066 Surf Rod (
2.Van Staal 7 inch Titanium pliers (
3.Costa Del Mar Sunglasses (
4.Super Strike Lures Set (
5.Guppy Lure Co Set (
6.Tsunami Lure Set (
7.Trail Head Deflators (
8.SJ Gear Packstriperthonspread2017

Savage Gear Striper Bass Long Tee giveaway

Today giveaway is a Savage Gear  Long Tee with a Striped bass logo. 5(Five) winners picked at random by app, each will receive a awesome long sleeve Striped Bass Shirt from Savage Gear. Our thanks to the folks of Savage Gear USA for making this possible.(Sizes while supplies last )



Enter Giveaway here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget STRIPERTHON 2017 THIS WEEKEND !!!!
