Since we often feature one giveaway a week, its time to play again. But first we need to announce the winner of last week Bull Nose Pliers giveaway, courtesy of Fisherman Headquarters in Ship Bottom , NJ. You can see a full description here and they will have them at Surf Day in NJ in two weeks. The winner of the giveaway is
You have 5 days to contact us at with your address.
Ok, on to other cool things. Like a chance to win these Prey Swimmers from Big Fish Bait Co. I’ve known Larry, the maker of these lures for many years now and his better half, the Fishchick. I just didn’t know both of them are more talented when it comes to editing videos than I am. Then again that is like saying that a fifth grader has better English spelling skills than I do. Whoever invented the MS Word spelling app saved my life!
Back to Larry and his awesome plugs. I tried to go on his website but it does not seem to be working properly. Maybe its just me…again. But the dude makes some awesome plugs and I will never, ever forget a day at the Sewer Pipe few years ago with Silver Fox and Donny Musso when I was manning a camera during an epic blitz. The problem was no one could get a fish to hit anything and yet they were swimming around our feet. The water was flat, the fish were on tiny bay anchovies and could not care about plugs, bucktails or flies. Don’t ask me why I went back to the truck parked in lower lot and grabbed a while Big Fish Prey and a rod . Do ask me why I did not take my at least my pliers if not a belt, as I had to call Silver Fox on five consecutive casts to borrow his pliers to unhook a bass.
Then I put the rod away, gave the plug to Silver Fox and grabbed the camera again. I got on to the giant rook at Sewer figuring I’d get a really good angle to a fish crushing the plug for video. But as hard as Silver fox had tried, he could not get a fish to hit . He did get half a dozen of halfhearted swipes. I came of the rock , grabbed my rod again, took my plug back and made a cast. Bam!!! Don Musso said its the must be the orange sides on the plugs. It definitely wasn’t my skills. haha
Whatever it was, Pray has been one of my favorite metal lip swimmers for calm to moderate conditions since I met Larry many years ago. I know he makes plugs in fits and starts but I do hope he resumes his plug making in full one day.
Today , we will give two of our readers a chance for each to win one Big Fish Bait Co Prey swimmer, courtesy of the Big Fish Bait Co.
Good Luck
In it to win it
↓I am definitely in! Thanks for the chance!
↓I’m in it to win it!
↓I’m In .
↓I’m in Thanks for a chance
↓I’m in, Thanks for the chance
↓I’m in. Thanks Z.
Im in thanks
↓“I’m in” I have not fished Larry’s plugs but would love too. I will be meeting up with Larry at the SWLCC show on the cape in May and get me some of his plugs But would love to get a freebie Thanks guys
↓I’m in thanks
↓I am in! Thank You!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in Thanks Z, how’s the elbow?????????
↓I’m in and have never had the chance to fish his plugs.thanks SJ
↓I’m in as well.
↓I’m in! I’m lucky enough to have one of his plugs and love it, and would love to get my hands on another. Thanks boys.
↓im in thank you
↓I’m in! Thanks guys. Awesome looking lures
↓im in thanks again sj
↓I’m in, thanks for the chance.
↓Beautiful plugs I’m in! Thanks
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓Im in. Thanks Larry and SJ.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Love to give one of these a swim.
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓Im in and thanks
↓I’m in , thanks!
↓I am in, yes big Fish makes nice stuff, he little swimmers are a great plug as well
I’m inr
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Count me in, that’s a good looking plug!
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in………………thank you very much for the opportunity…………..great looking plugs.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in…thanks
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in… Thanks Guys! Great looking plugs!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in , thanks guys
↓I’m in…
↓I have a place for them! Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m In… Thanks
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Thanks for the chance to win these good looking plugs.
↓I’m in
↓Im in! Thanks!
↓I’m in…thank you!
↓I’m in thank you
↓Awesome story. I’m in!
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thx
↓I’m In!! Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in.
↓I am in
Thank you
↓I am in thank you so much.
↓I am in
Thanks. I am in.
↓im in thanks!
↓Im in. Thanks SJ!!!!!!
↓i’m in. Thanks for the chance (and the great magazine).
↓I am in. Thanks
↓I am in. Thank you Zeno and Sj!
↓I’m in thanks
↓im in thanks for the chance
↓Awesome plugs! Thank you I’m in!
↓I also had a problem with his website the last time his videos were on SJ. I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m In!
I’m in Thanks!
↓I’m in & thanks!
↓I’m In! Thanks!
↓I’m in Thank You!!
↓I’m in !
↓Easily some of the best casting metal lips you will find out there.
I’m in!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in…thanks!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I am in ….
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓im in thanx!
↓I’m in!
I’m in! Thank You! Awesome plugs!
↓I’m in thanks, Lami
↓I’m in, thank you!
↓Count me in !
↓im in
↓I am in, thanks Z
↓Im so in
↓Sweet Plugs I’m in,
↓Thanks Guys
Awsome looking plug’s!! I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓Wat a great story Zeno! Yeah, I’m sure it was the color too……
Thanks for the chance.
I’m in!
↓Beautiful plugs, I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓Zeno flatters me with his kind words…thanks “Z”! My apologies to all looking for my website as it has been gone for a few years now. I could not keep up with orders and work full time though as Zeno says I do still make plugs from time to time. However as winter drones on and spring is around the corner I have been busy getting many plugs ready to have on hand! If anyone has interest in finding my plugs you must go to my Facebook page. I release groups of plugs there periodically and if anyone is looking for something in particular or special…..I will try to accomodate! Good luck on the giveaway to all and for supporting a fine online publication like “Surfcasters Journal”!
↓PS-I think I am better on video when I am not talking….less “Ummmms”! LOL!
↓I’m in.
↓I am in , these plugs look great and can’t wait to get some even if I don’t win one!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I am in Thanks
↓Please include me. Thanks.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓I’m in thanks
↓Im in thanks
↓I’m in too! Nice video and music , almost dream like.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in , thanks !!
↓Sharp looking plugs! Thanks for the chance, I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓Those would work for me. I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓Please enter me in for a chance to win thanks … And thanks for every thing you guys at SCJ do, you guys are making this winter tolerable…
↓Im in. Thank You.
↓I am in !!!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in it for a chance to win it
↓I’m In !
↓I’m in! Thanks…
↓…Beautiful plugs! They look like cow magnets.
↓I’m in…..!
I’m in thanks. Rich
↓I’m in!! Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance guys.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓I’m in.
↓Nice vid of the cape. Really enjoyed! Thanks, for sharing it.
im in. Thanks.
↓Thanks!! I’m in Great video!
↓I’m in – thanks.
I’m in…
↓In thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in! Thanks for the opportunity.
↓im in. thanks Larry & Z.
↓Thanks ,im in
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓Count me in. Thanks.
↓I’m in, Thank you for the chance.
↓I’m in thx!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓Please count my in. Thanks
↓I’m In!
↓I’m in. Those Lures look great.
↓I’m in!! Thanks for the chance to own these fish magnets!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Wow, lots of guys in another great giveaway! Super plugs … count me into this one!
↓I am in it !
↓I’m in..Thanks.
↓I’m In!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓Nice, I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m In. Thanks!
↓I am in, looking forward to buying some even if I don’t win.
↓I’m in
↓Thanks Guys… I’m In!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks for the shot.
↓I,m in! Thanks
↓i’m in.
↓I need more plugs. don’t listen to my wife. count me in!
↓Thanks. I’m in!
↓I’m in thanks. No such thing as too many.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓Nice plug. I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓i`m def in , thanks
↓I am in!
I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in!
I’m in, thanks!
↓they would look awesome swimmin off my outfit…
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I am in!
I am in!
I am in!
↓Im in, thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in!
↓I am in!
↓Thanks for the chance.
I’m in!
Thanks Z
↓Im in ..
↓I’m in!
↓Put me in!
↓I’m in
↓Count me in please.
↓I’m in
↓I wasn’t logged in but I am now I’M In
↓i’m in!
↓I’m so in!!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Yes I’m in thank you
↓I am so in, thanks for chance.
↓I’m in!
↓Im in. Thanks
↓I am in thank you
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thankyou
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Im in it to win it. Thanks
↓Awesome! I’m in.
↓Im in
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in it to fish it! Need them both for the blues this spring.
↓I am in!
↓I’m in
↓im in thanks
↓Im in it to fill my new comando bag. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in thank you for the chance Z. These will be great for the spring Striped Bass run!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓“I’m in”
↓im in
↓I’m in! Thanks for the chance guys!
↓Im in guys! Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in.
I’m in!
↓Nice looking plugs
↓I’m in, thanks
↓Im in!!
↓Thank you I would love to win.
↓I want to win it! “Thank you for the chance”
↓I’m in,thanks guys
↓Let me in please…
↓I’m in, thanks!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in , nice plugs
↓I’m in thanks
↓Nice plugs! I’m in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
↓I’m in it to win it. Thanks for the chance guys
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Ol’ Pinky will get’m!!! WoooHoooo!!!
↓Thanks for the chance to be in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in! Thanks for the shot.
↓Im In! Thank You
↓I’m in.
↓Thanks for the chance guys.
I’m in please!
↓I,m in. thanks
↓Im in…
↓I am in. Thanks.
↓I’m in thanks so much
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m In Thanks
↓Count me in
↓I’m in…thanks boys.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓Nice plugs!
↓Count me in.
↓I’m in Thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I am in!!
↓Im in!!!! Hopefully this bad boy is on the end of my line! W a monster striper
↓I’m in!
↓Just got a new Tsunami rod, a new Penn Spinfisher 6500, got 40 # suffix braid put on yesterday. Got no lures!
I’m in, thanks for the chance!
↓Would love to fish them!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in there like swimwear!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks Guys!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in it to win it!
↓I’m in. thanks
↓Count me please.
↓I am in it to win it!
↓I am in thanks
↓I’m in. Can’t wait to try them out this season!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in, thank you
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I am in, thanks
↓Looks like an awesome plug. I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in!
I have always wanted a Prey swimmer… never could get one
↓Hope fully this is the chance
Please count me in – thanks!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks Z.
↓I’m in, great plugs
↓I’m in thanks Z & thanks Larry
↓In in. Thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I am in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in to win! Thanks!
↓I’m in! Thank u!
↓I am in for sure
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓im in! great lures
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in – thanks
↓In it to win it
↓I’m in. Thx
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in ! Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance
↓Always skeptical about this design plugs to buy. I am in so I can try if that works for me too!!! Thanks!
↓Always skeptical about this design plugs to buy.
↓I am in so I can try if that works for me too!!! Thanks!
I’m in
↓Thanks for chance
I’m in! Thanks!
↓Please count me in
↓im in thanks!
↓I am in. Thanks
↓Count me in!!!
↓Im in.
↓I’m in! Nice work turning those plugs
↓Im in!!!
↓I’m In
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in for a spin! Looks like a winner for BIG FISH.
↓I’m in
↓Very cool lures, please put my name in the hat.
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Im in thx!!
↓I’m in! Thanks for the opportunity!
↓i´m in
↓im in
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in. Great plugs. Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!!
↓Have heard great things about the prey for years…
I’ll take a shot
↓i’m in it!!!!
↓I’m in. Beautiful plugs-good story.
↓Count me in too!!
↓im in thanks SJ !
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓im in thanks
↓Any idea when the BFB Co. website will be back up? Was trying to figure out if any shops on LI carry these.
↓Hi OldFord! The site is gone and has been for a few years! If you are on Facebook look for the BigFish Bait Co. page! They are not in shops any longer as I keep my builds small as my time is at a premium. I release small groups of lures weekly starting in April or you can contact me through the page and I can help you!
↓Thanks, I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in it to win it!
↓Thanks Im in
↓I’m in! Tight lines!
↓I would like to win
↓I’m in, thanks Z
↓I’m IN Thx
↓Thanks for the chance. Im in.
↓I’m in
↓Count me in! Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓i’m in
↓I’m in – thanks!
↓Hope to have Z’s luck with my new lures! Please add me to the list!
Awesome chance I am in!
↓I’m in, thanks boys
↓I’m In!
↓Sleep when your Dead!
WOW! Count me in. Thanks
↓Great canal video. Really cool!
↓I’m in.
Looks like its time for a bigger plug bag or I’ll just have to make room in my old one.
↓I’m in & thanks
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I am in. Thanks.
↓Can I get in on that too, LOL
↓I’m in!
↓I am in.
Thanks, Z.
I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in!
↓Thanks Zeno!
i’m in. awesome lures!
↓Thanks for the chance, I’m in. Weekly giveaways and great reading what could be better?
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I need to beef up my swimmer collection this year. These would be a great start,
↓I’m in…Thanks!
↓I’m in … Thank you
↓I’m in. Thank you!
↓Definitely, I’m in!