We got another giveaway for you guys but first few announcements
The winner of the KVD Braid Pliers, Lanyard and Sheath giveaway is Steven McDonald stevemac1515@gmail.com
You have 5 days to contact us at info@surfcastersjournal.com with your shipping address. Congratulation
This is something I just put on our Facebook page. If you would like to nominate your deserving veteran, please do it on SJ Facebook page, not here on the blog
A Surfcaster’s Journal subscriber wanted to honor our service personnel by purchasing Five subscriptions to the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine and instructing us to award them to five deserved surfcasters. He prefers to remain anonymous, his only reason was to acknowledge the sacrifice these man and women have made to keep us and our children safe from harm .You must nominate either an active or retired member of the armed forced. All the other info is on our FB page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Surfcasters-Journal-Online-Magazine/365270663420
Ok, for today’s giveaway.
I have a set of new Bomber “Long Shot” lures from Bomber. Our thanks to people at Bomber for providing today’s giveaway prizes. I think its safe to say that more striped bass fell victims to the wiggle of Bomber lures over the last few decades than probably all other plastic swimmers combined.
These are new for 2014
Here is a description from Bomber website
The Bomber Saltwater Grade Long Shot
The Bomber Saltwater Long Shot slender minnow bait was engineered to maximize four main characteristics that make up a fish-catching machine. First, an internal weight transfer system allows the rattle to roll to the tail end of the bait on the cast, then rolls back into position when the lure hits the water. That, along with the aerodynamic shape that cuts through the air, makes for super-long-distance casts even into a stiff wind. Next, the Long Shot’s wide swimming action mimics a damaged baitfish – a strike trigger for all species of gamefish. Another characteristic that sets the Bomber Saltwater Grade Long Shot apart from the rest are the color patterns and decoration that are regionally specific. Whether you’re fishing the Gulf off the Texas coast or big waters anywhere, there’s a color pattern that fits your needs. Finally, if you’ve created a lure that big saltwater fish want to eat, it better be strong enough to handle the battle, time-after-time, and the Long Shot is up to the task. It comes equipped with 4x Saltwater hooks and heavy duty hardware.
The winner will recive a 7 inch, 1 3/4 oz Bomber Long Shot lure in Menhaden pattern
and a 5 inch , 3/4 ounce Bomber Long Shot in Baby Blue Fish pattern
I’m in thanks
↓Im in thanks
↓I am in thanks.
↓I sure would like to win these lures.
↓Good site for the surf fishermen… I really like the look of those Bombers
↓Please include me. Both of these are excellent striper lures!
↓im in
↓I’m in..Thanks.
↓I’m In! Thanks Z
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in for great plug give away!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks!!
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓I’m in… Thanks SJ!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in – thank you,
↓I’m in! Thx
↓Looking gooooddd , I’m in!!!
↓I’m in, please!
↓I’m in
I am in
↓” I’m In ” looking foward to trying these.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in.
↓Sweet, I’m In!
↓I’m in…
↓I’m in….
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in too! Nice choice of colors. Thanks YOGI
↓im in.
↓Gotta be in on this one thanks Zeno.
And just in case, I am more than happy to pay the intl shipping costs.
Thanks again, Andy
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in, Thanks.
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in, Thanks for the chance
↓Thanks I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓thanks. I’m in. Rich
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in guys, we have bull reddrum, and tarpon crashing the surf after big schools of menhadden so these lures would work perfectly
↓Iam in PLEASE!!!!
↓i’m in, thanks
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in… thanks SCJ!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thanks. About time bomber made this change.
↓I’m in
↓im in! i need all the help I can get this season!
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thankyou.
↓Count me in. Thanks!
↓I’m In! Would love to try these!
↓met you at the show,but you didn’t bring your plain.I’m in ,thanks “Z”
↓I’m in
↓Im in
↓I’m in! Thank you.
↓I’m in.
I’m in. Thanks z !
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓im all in
↓im in.
↓I am in.
Thanks, Z. & Bomber.
↓I am in
↓I am in.
↓I’m in ! Thanx
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in…Thanks!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I am in ! Thanks.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!! Thanks SJ 4 ALL U DO!!
↓im in thanks for the chance
↓im in, thanks
↓i am in thank you
↓i am in thanks
↓I’m in – thanks Z.
↓I’m in!!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓i saw these in a baitshop….awesome lures….im in…thanks Z……….
↓I’m in Thanks SJ
↓Thanks! I’m in!
I’m in !!!
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in – thanks
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓i’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓These lures will be catching a lot of fish.
↓I’m in……!
I am in thanks.
↓I am in !!
↓I’m in baby!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in Thank you!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓I’m In!
↓Wow look great!
↓I am in!
I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in!
↓i’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in like flint
↓I’m in and congrats Steven for the win on the kvd pliers
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in, thanks. Guess Bomber saw what Daiwa and Savage was doing and came up with their own. I’m gonna buy me some of these new Bombers and try em out anyway; glad to see a free market system give me more choices.
↓I’m in!
Thank you Z
↓Please put my name in the hat! Need to beef up the arsenal after a long summer in the salt!
↓Thanks to all at SJ…
I am in & thank you for the chance
↓I’m in
↓Thanks Z
I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in ,thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I am in!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in… Thanks for the chance guys!
↓i’m in.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓Im In!
↓Thanks Im in
↓I am in …Thnx for the opportunity
↓Its a bomber lure! Im IN!!!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓gorgeous lures
↓Im in too
↓im in…tight lines
↓I’m in. please and thank you
↓I’m in! thanks
↓Way IN!!
↓I’m in
↓They look great! I’m in please.
↓Im in ! Yehaa
↓I’m in! They look great!
↓I am in
↓I am in. Thanks
↓I’m in
↓I am in thanks.
↓i’m in, I need!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks!!!
↓I’m in guys!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓Im in. Thanks for the chance.
↓Im in!
↓Cool lures, I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’M IN…
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Please Count Me In!
↓I am in . Thanks !
↓I am in
↓I’m in. thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓Im in!
↓Im in!
↓Please count me in
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m In
↓I’m in, thank you!
↓I’m in thanks guys!
↓I am in!!
↓Im in. Thanks!
↓Im in thanks
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓I am in!
↓I’m in Thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓Casted in
↓I’m in. Thank!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Im in Thanks!
↓I’m In!! Thanks!!!
↓I’m in it to win it……
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in.
I’m in
↓Yep they look good
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thank you for this chance, those plugs look amazing for the fall Striper run.
↓I’m in !!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓In it to win it!
↓I’m in thank you !!
↓I’m in.
↓Im in, thanks
↓I’m in please
↓I’m in, thanks
↓Im in
↓Love to have it, I’m In.
↓Count me in!! I would love to try them in NJ!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓IM IN!! They work great I could use some more!
↓I’m in. thx!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Im in thank you
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in!!!!
↓I’m in!
↓Awesome Lures! I’m IN !! Thanks for the opportunity!
↓I want to win.
↓I’m in. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks!
↓In in
↓I’m in
↓Im In
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓I’m in thank you.
↓I’m in. Ty
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in,
↓The plumbers in
↓i’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks guys!!
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓Thanks so much! Im in!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, Thanks
↓I’m in thank you!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Nice give away!
I’m in …..thanks SJ
↓I’m in. Thanks Z!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I`m in the fall bite is coming !
↓I’m in
↓I’m in guys! Thanks for the chance!
↓I’m In!
↓Please count me in.
↓I’m in, THANKS!
↓I’m in!
↓Fall is coming! I’m in!
↓I’m In !!
↓I’m in. They look great.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I am in classic colors nice!
↓I’m in, thank you guys I would love to win!!!
↓I’m in too.
↓I’m in
↓thanks I am in
↓I’m in for sure
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in~~~
↓I’m in! Thanks
↓I’n in Thanks
↓I am in. Thank you much!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I am in for these beatiful lures. Thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m In!
↓I’m in to win
↓nice ! i am in.
↓Heading to Mexico in October, could use them for surf casting…
↓I’m in
↓I’m in awesome plugs thanks
↓I’m in – great lures
↓I’m in! Thanks SJ!
↓Im in thanks!!
↓I’m in
↓Im in thanks
↓I am In
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓I’m in.
I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in too! Already have space in my tackle box!
↓count me in!
↓I’m In. That is one lure with allure! Hitting Block Island with 20 guys in a few weeks.
↓Win or lose I’ll have one of those bad boys in my bag.
I’m in…thanks guys!
↓I’m in!
↓i’m in—thanks
↓Im in guys! Thanks!
↓I am in, thanks so much! Good luck everyone!
↓I would like to fish this summer, but im doing a Santa Stint
↓i’m in as well
↓trying to win
↓i’m in thanks sj
↓I am in! Thanks!
↓IM in thanks
↓I’m in thank you
↓I’m in thanks
↓Sign me up….I know it’s a Long Shot….
↓Thanks for the chance
↓I love bombers and would love to win I.m in
↓I’m in.
I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Im in! Thanks!!
↓Im in it to win it!
↓Love to try these on stripers. Been using SP minnows but sounds like these Long Shot lures already have the heavy duty 4x hooks installed and ready to go…….send them my way….