Win one of the best lures on earth

They back! Who you might ask?

Your little tailing striped friends are trickling into the harbors and bays in the northeast as we speak. Yes, it’s that time of the year, when the expectations are high and anticipation is reaching a fever pitch. Even the weather seems to be getting better although too slowly for my taste.

Many are sharpening their hooks and tying new leaders. They are carefully stuffing their surf bas with poppers, shads, bucktails, swimmers, darters, needlefish, metal lips, tins. And  any lure you can think of its probably found somewhere on the surf coast in someone’s bag.

Is there a lure however that should be in EVERY surfcasters bag most of the time, depending on the conditions of course?

I’ve meet a lot of so called “experts” over the years. And your definition of expert might be different than mine. And that is fine, that is what makes this world go around. You can be an expert with a chunk and a great guy and have everyone’s admiration. I know a few and they are incredible fishermen. But I am talking about plug and eel fanatics, amongst all my “experts” , they hold one lure in very high regard. In fact, one of my favorite experts has landed more than half a dozen fish over fifty pounds on this lure over the years.

What is this “magic” lure?

It’s a lure that will crush schoolies in early spring, that will cull big cows in June and hammer all types of fish in the fall when conditions are right. A mighty Cotton Cordell Redfin

And today, thanks to generosity of our friends at Pradco and Cotton Cordell we will give three of our readers a chance to win one Redfin each.


221 comments on “Win one of the best lures on earth

  1. Jim J.

    By the number of comments I seem to be a little late today but I was up on Plum Island and there is all most no beach access but I knew that seems that up here we have a little bird that keeps us off the beach so I was driving and searching for a better spot there are several that I am going to try and would love one of those Redfins to try at my new spots Thanks guys I’m in

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