Win a Sebile Magic Swimmer

Iย  know that you have heard enough about Sebile lures ย to peak your curiosity. How do I know? I read too, you know ๐Ÿ™‚

And there is more coming..two of our columnists are singing praises in the upcoming issue. I will keep you in suspense for few more days until the new issue comes out. In the mean time I will give you a chance to win a Sebile Magic Swimmer

In case you are wondering, we at SJ have no idea what our columnists are writing. Neither do we give them instructions, nor do we have any clue of what they are working on. By the time the article ends up in our email its usually two weeks late already and too late to change anything anyway…lol

I guess we could “suggest” or “nudge” our columnist in the direction we wanted to go, like write about a specific lure or advertised product. But then again,ย that wouldn’t be a Surfcaster’s Journal way, instead we would be like all other publications.

I think we’ll stick with creative freedom..people seem to like creativity, unexpected results and honesty. Which on the end of the day, it’s the only thing that matters.


Good luck….


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300 comments on “Win a Sebile Magic Swimmer

  1. Pete Harrison

    enter me please ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jounalistic freedom has to be maintained,and a review needs to be honest and unhindered.
    It is better for a collumist to write about what he/she is actually doing naturally right now,that way you and we all learn.New tackle,methods,tactics are constantly being devised and/or improved or modified…thats the beauty of fishing we all do what we want,when we want and all learn from each other ๐Ÿ™‚
    Keep up the great work,top quality stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ken Nowicki

    Count me in! I would love the chance to win one of these lures… I’ve heard nothing but good things about them but have not tried them yet. Thanks!

  3. Fred Fishbone Fischer

    Some day I,m gonna right an article from a 65 year olds perspective on starting to surf fish and title it Nick the New Old Guy I,m In Fishbone


    Im in and let me know if their are any leftover sweatshirts in l or xl. we talked at surfday i know i blew it but iv been away for a while

  5. David Strom

    I am in, thanks.

    Hoodie, Tshirt & hat arrived yesterday (Wed)…
    Good work guys, they’re really nice!


  6. Paul S

    I’m in! thanks for the chance! always wanted to fish one of these but being a poor college student i cant afford

  7. fishtrek

    I’m in Be interesting if you had a chance to show how they swim And thank you for all you do Doug

  8. Loco7 Matty

    Yohay, I ‘in. Nice looking plug, never used or saw one in action. Hopefully I win one but if not maybe I ‘ll pick one up. Any feedback from any of you surf rats would be greatly appreciated

  9. harv

    I’m in thanks btw I received my scj black t shirt awesome! Great work tommy (fish hooks 4 eyes on skull) got many likes on FB as soon as it was posted even from non fishing people & the girls

  10. Croaker

    Great swimmers… I’m IN, Thanks!

    Received my Hood, Cap and T’s. Nice! Threw them in the wash. Came out true to size, Xl fits perfect, plenty of room. Look’in GooD…

  11. pistol pete

    Im in.

    The funny thing abut the columns: Many of us have been trained over the last 2 years that the daily blog post has been writing by zeno… Recently i was halfway through reading when it said something like “i grew up fishing as a kid in long island waters” DING DING…Whaat? I thought Zeno grew up overseas??? scoll up to find it was signed by: ________. and not written by zeno. My point is, unless people are really paying attention, the majority of readers might be under the impression that you zeno is still behind each and every daily post.

  12. Jim M.

    I’m in – thanks for the chance!

    Looking forward to new author’s work, and glad to see Z not carrying the whole enchilada. Having my kids grow into that crazy schedule and lousy hours at work, I can certainly appreciate how difficult it must be to squeeze something like this in. I’ve always appreciated the quality work done on a great mag, that has always come with great local wisdom – free.

    Thanks again for doing all this stuff, you, Tommy and the others…

  13. njplugger

    I’m In

    Certainly a really nice plug.

    Love to see how they work.

    Z, thanks for the chance & your ongoing efforts, GREAT JOB!


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