
Tommy and I  were bouncing around ideas this morning of how to help …but there are so many to help!!!

We as surfcaster’s are of course sympathetic to other surfcasters than most other people. And in some ways, we would like to personally help them. But like I found out this morning in a conversation, that is not as easy as it seems. You see fundraisers for people who have lost it all. A surfcasters whose family needs everything…then you find out that four of your friends have also lost everything. All the barrier islands, people in NY and particularly in NJ, they been hit so damned hard. On the end of the day, you realize that you can help in other ways, sending your unneeded clothes to those who need, some water or food from your pantry. I know  the easiest thing to do is to send some funds and in my mind, for me personally, the Red Cross is the place.

A friend of mine got evacuated from Long Beach, NY and he is with his wife in a  shelter at the local college. I went to see him, if for no other reason than to offer support and company. I was shocked to find the place staffed with Red Cross volunteers…from Wisconsin, Louisiana, ambulance drivers from Iowa. Wow, I am in owe of those people! God Bless them and their families. We will come up with something in few days, I am still waiting for power come back on and can only get on the net sporadically.

We still have to draw a winner of Super Strike sick darter and a book giveaway, we’ll get to that too. Unfortunately my mind in not on fishing but where to get more gas as LIPA informed us that it will few more days before they get power back on line here.

You ever listened to the stories of how fishing was back in the day? Before this or that bridge was built? When a storm made an inlet in the place that does not exists? In some way, you will now be able to tell the new generation of surfcasters years from now what have you experienced as a lot of structure along the oceanfront has been altered. Some temporarily, some forever. It is silly to even think that our bankrupt government will be able to fund all the things that need to be done. So for awhile we will have to, just like your parents did, find ways to get to certain places to fish. Tin boats, kayaks and even wetsuits in places no one used them before.

I have also heard of a lot of dead fish in the back bays that were tossed around by a surge. This is unconfirmed, just a rumor. Which made me think about something. What does our beloved striped bass things about Sandy? Were their migration interrupted? Are they hungry and searching for food too? Someone should send Geraldo Rivera to ask them in person… 🙂

I guess the best thing we can do right now is finish up the new issue. We hope that reading it will give you a break from all the sadness around you…at least for few hours



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7 comments on “Weekend

  1. Juan

    besides the inconvenience of losing power that just came on yesterday my loses are minor in comparison to the hundreds of thousands who have lost most if not all their positions, homes and even livelihoods as a result of this disaster. My prayers go out to you. And even if i don’t get a chance to wet a line for the next few weeks because of work. I’ll look forward to the new issue of SJ.

  2. Jim J.

    You guys mentioned the red cross I live up in mass and have very limited ways to help so I make sure that I get to the red cross and donate platelets every two weeks they do a great job making sure blood supply gets to were it is needed Jim J

  3. Lou C

    Z, It’s possible those fish died from all the fuel oil spilled into the bay. I went to let some eels go the other day after the storm and saw an oily film on top of the water and the smell of fuel oil was horrendous…. Many of the oil tanks were disrupted on the south shore.. That has not even been mentioned..

  4. Vito Orlando

    Z, I made out pretty well. Need a Chimney & Front Gutters. Maybe Rear Gutters also at my expense so they match. Ins Co will pick up some but I will go for the rest. Small peanuts compared to what others have to go through. I aqree That The Red Cross is the place to send a donation. I already sent one over the weekend. Stay well.


  5. Gene

    Kind of you, Zeno

    FYI as posted on various fishing sites:

    Thanks again for referring me to: http://www.rockawayhelp.com. It’s a wonderful site with information so I can find ways to help friends in the Rockaways.

    My wife and I just got back from the Rockaways. The Marine Park Bridge is open and it is toll free today. I went into Ft. Tilden. The Virginia Missionary Trucks are there. They are making 30,000 meals a day. The Red Cross (which is just setting up there) will deliver the food.

    I went into Breezy and tried to find my friends house. The roads are bad as expected and would probably need a 4×4 to reach him. On the way there, a quarter of the way in as you enter Breezy, my wife and I noticed a Church on the left (South side) with donations in front of the Church (St. Frances??). We spoke to the volunteer who said the gym is completely filled mostly with clothing. They do not need more cloths. We left cleaning supplies along with paper towels. More trips to come.

    On the way out, we stopped off at the Silver Gull Club which is opened with a sign posted – which reads in essence “…no clothing needed but you can leave food, water, shovels, boxes and brooms…” I would also add large black plastic bags.

    We were told that the residents can vote at St. Johns Church. On the way back over the Bridge, I looked into Floyd Bennett and saw a ton of trucks in there (FEMA? etc.)

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