Continuing in our tradition of weakly giveaways, today we have another one for our readers but first the two winners of those Big Fish Bait Co Prey metal lip swimmers. The winners are Ronsimmons69 and Mike
You have 5 days to contact us at with your shipping address. Consequently, we know that Larry’s Big Fish Bait Co website is not really operational and that he makes small batches and makes them available thought Face book. You can contact Larry trough his FB page at or via email at with any questions.
Ok, Tommy and I are at Babylon Flea Market this morning at American Legion Hall 22 Grove Place in Babylon from 9 AM to 2 P. Stop by if you are in the area, we got some show specials for you as usual. Some new hi performance shirts, new SJ hats, and more goodies.
As for today’s giveaway, it is a courtesy of one of our readers who wanted to share some of his stash but wanted to remain anonymous. You know who you are.
We’ll draw two winner and each one will receive one lure. Today’s giveaway is for one
BLACK LABEL PLUGS 2 ounce Jointed Danny
and one BLACK LABEL PLUGS 2 ounce Surfster
I don’t need to tell you just how good these plugs look, you can see it yourself
I’m in, thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in Thank You for a chance and Thanks to the anonymous donater
↓I’m in! Thanks guys!!
↓I’m in! Thanks Zeno!
↓Wow! Those plugs are beautiful! I am definitely in and thanks to the anonymous donor for their generosity!
↓One comment on “Two custom metal lip swimmers giveaway from the Surfcaster’s Journal
↓Very nice patterns!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in thanks for the chance to win
↓I’m in
↓I’m in !!!
↓I’m in…
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance
↓I’m in thankyou
↓I’m in
↓Sweeeet !! I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓I”m in
↓I’m in thank you
↓Hot plugs. I am in thanks
↓I’m in thanks guys
↓I am in !!!
↓I’m in
↓Im in
↓I’m In
↓Nice looking plug for stripers in the surf!
↓Sweet looking plugs…Im in…….. would love to throw one of them this spring…….
↓I am in
↓thank you
I,m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks for the chance!
↓I’m in!
↓Thanks for the chance
I’m in.
I’m in! I can always use a couple more of Bob’s plugs!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in, thanx for the chance to win. Good looking plugs
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks. These giveaways are great!
↓Im in ! Nice looking plugs
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in
↓‘I’m in” those are wicked pissa looking plugs great colors and I’m a big fan of jointed plugs Thanks again SJ.
↓I’m in thank you!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. You guys should start giving away snow removal equipment.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in !
↓I’m in too! Thank You Black Label Plugs and SJ.
↓Im in!!
↓I am in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in! !
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks
↓Yes please! I’m in!!!
↓I’m in, would be a great birthday gift, just saying.
↓I’m in!
thanks im in i know u must love bingo! z lol
↓Would love to add one of these to my plug bag!!!
↓“IM IN”
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in see you at surf day !
↓I’m in.. Thanks
↓I’m in please !!! Thanks. Was looking forward to the flea market unfortunately couldn’t get out of work, thinking about going to jersey
↓I’m in. THANKS!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in.
I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓I’m in. Would love to break them in this year!
↓I’m in for the pretty things. Thanks
↓Im in
↓I’m in! Beautiful lures. They look tasty.
↓Cool lures!!! I’m in!!!
↓I’m In thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓Im in
↓I’m in… thanks guys
↓Sweeeet!! I’m In
↓I’m in
↓I’m in ! Nice gesture
↓I’m in
↓I’m in – thanks!!!
↓Thanks, I’m in. Rich
↓I’m in! Thanks
↓Bring it to Texas lets see what they can do.
↓I’m in!. Thanks for this chance and please let me be the winner to try these lures! Thank you!
↓Thanks, I’m in
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in! Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m In!
↓I’m In also. Thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m In!
↓I’m in!
↓I am in, thanks.
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m In
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓im in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks for the chance
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in thanks.
↓Nice looking plugs! I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓Nice lures! I’m in.
↓I’m in, Thanks- beautiful plugs
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Im in. Awesome looking plug amazing art work
↓Good luck everyone!
i’m in, thank you for the opportunity
I’m in
↓Nice plugs thanks whoever u are..I’m in
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in,Good lookin plugs.
↓Please add me in. Thanks!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Nose down Ass up! I will take both please!! The danny is awesome!!!!!
↓I’m In thanks
↓im in
↓I am in Thanks
↓Im in ty
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I am in to win!
↓I’m in. Thanks Guys!
↓I’m in.
↓Count me in!
↓I’m in.
↓In it to win it. They look sick
↓I’m In Thanks!
↓NICE! I’m in!
↓I’m in, thanks for the chance.
↓Im in and thanks
↓I’m in! Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in! I’m pretty sure the person that makes black label plugs lives in my neighbor hood, as I drive past his truck every morning. Always wanted to catch him while he is out and see his plugs. I heard there sweet and gone ones in these pics look awesome. Good luck to the winners!
↓I’m in…Thanks!
↓Im in! Those look good!
↓I’m in, thank you
↓I’m in great looking lures these are for the spring Striped Bass run!
↓I’m in..Thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m In…thank you!
↓Thanks. I’m in. See you at surf day
↓I’m in.
↓I”m In !!!!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Very nice! Count me in please.
↓I’m in. WOW ! Those plugs are outstanding !!
↓Pretty lookin’ plugs! I’m in! Thanks….whoever you are!
↓I’m in…thanks mr onominous
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in, thx.
↓Love them! I’m in!
↓I’m in……..Thanks
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Nice!! I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in!
↓I would love to have em!
↓I’m in. Thanks to SJ and the mystery man.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Great Looking Plugs, I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓Im in!!!
↓I’m In Thanks!!
↓I’m in Txs for the opportunity
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I AM IN ! love everything about SJ , a bud told me to join while
↓we were at the RI show last year. I am pretty sure it was the MOST ACCURATE intell he has ever let me hear.
I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓Im In, Thanks SJ
↓I’m in I am.
↓Im in. Thanks again
↓I’m in Thanks!
↓I’m in! Thank you for the chance.\
↓im in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance
↓that JOINTED DANNY!!! Holy Moly…
im in… Very cool gesture indeed.
↓I’m In!
↓Sweet lookin plugs!
Those look cool. I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks…
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in,
↓Like it , im in.
↓I’m in
↓i´m in thks
↓im in..thanks
↓Those are two sweet plugs.
I’m in!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in thanks for the chance!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in . Some real nice looking plugs.
↓Wow those are very nice!! I’m in
↓I’M in!
↓I’m I’m!
↓I’m in……..thank you.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in
↓Hey, wish me luck and thanks for the offer.
↓I’m in……here pluggy pluggy
↓I’m in.
↓Thank you.
I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in… Thanks, nice plugs!!!
↓Love to give’em a try!
↓I’m in see you next weekend in jers
↓Thanks ! I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’lm in! Very nice lures, Thanks.
↓Look very nice. I’m in
↓Im in
↓Sweet plugs count me in!
↓Thanks. I am in..
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I am in. Thanks
↓I’m in.
↓Thx Im IN
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Wow… I’m in . Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in thanks to anonymous and Z
↓I’m in
↓Put me in please. Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓l’m in thank you
↓I’m in!. Thanks for the opportunity!
↓I’m in!
↓Wow, beautiful plugs. Thanks for the opportunity,
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in thanks Z.
↓I’m in. Thx.
↓…these look like fish-catching machines!
↓I’m in….!
Im In. Thanks for chance .
↓i`m in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓im in, thans z, see you at NJ Surf Day.
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in! Thanks for the opportunity.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I am in
↓I’m in
↓I’m IN!!
↓I’m in, thanks Z.
↓I’m in!! Thanks SJ.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓Good to see you guys yesterday and thanks for the giveaways! I’m definitaly in.
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓Im in thank SJ
↓I’m in……..Thank you….Phil M.
↓I’m in…THANKS!
↓I’m in! Thanks.
↓I am in thanks for the chance
↓I’m in…Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in thanks and congrats to the winners of the other plugs.
↓I’m in – thanks!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in! Thanks SJ!
↓I’m in
↓those looks amazing I’m definitely in
↓I’m in, thanks SJ!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓Count me in. Thanks.
↓I’m in. thanks
↓I’m in,thanks
↓Great looking plug would love to try it. Jointed love to see how it swims.
↓I’m in
↓Great lures! I’m in.
↓I’m in & thanks!
↓I’m In.
↓First off Congrats to the winners! I’m in guys! Thanks for the chance guys! Thanks to the anonymous person who made this giveaway possible.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓Love to win and try this lure in 2014. I am in Thank you!
↓I’m in , thanks Z
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanx.