The upcoming issue of SJ

Ok, so we are working on another issue in between the shows, literally and figuratively. Here is a sneak peak of what is coming your way in March Issue

50’s in 2012 – Anderson talks to all 6 of the casters who took 50’s in 2012

Surfcasting from the Other Side – Veteran striperman, Charley Soares takes us back to his days in the surf fishing the areas between Point Judith and Westport, MA.

Nicaragua – Central America Surf Fishing adventure
Following Suit – CT Surfcaster Will Sirotnak advantages after making the switch to the wetsuit,
Gibbs In His Own Words – late Frank’s Pintauro legendary interview with Stan Gibbs

Anderson – Herring.
Albano – Cooler Racks
McKenna – Something Old, Something New

Roger Martin  first striper
Caruso – Keyboard Rod Building (is this like keyboard sharpie ?”lol)
Papciak – Fly reels
Skinner – well, i need to say more?.
Paoline – Plug dude extraordinaire
Chase – More excellent foodie fodder from a classically trained chef

Of course there are some reviews and stuff but wait… there is more!

First, new episode of Lure Building with Ron DiCostanzo..this one has to do plug sealing “secrets”..ok, just joking about the secret part although many plug builders will disagree. Because they live in a “man cave” that holds a lot of “secrets”..oh brother. There will be some ruffled feathers I bet

Second, new video with Lou Caruso. This one is on how to fix you hourglass line on your Van Staal reel. Hey, just because you paid a lot for your reel does not entitles you to have the line lay right on the spool. You could get a different reel but then you’d have to stop calling yourself “hardcore”..ha-ha

The Montauk thing…I am hopeful that I can get the segment out of that documentary done in time. But first we are off to Rhode Island for RISAA show

oh yeah, another video surprise..but more on that tomorrow.

If you have not subscribed the new SJ Journal here is your link.. you got a lot of catching up to do

Here is a video of Ron strutting his stuff and preview of all the things covered in 2013


The winner of our Guppy Pencil Popper Giveaway is . Guys from Guppy lures at contacted me and asked me if I would mind that they sent a newer version of this lure to the winner. I get to keep this one, I asked? They said yes. Why would I complain about THAT? 🙂

9 comments on “The upcoming issue of SJ

  1. Captn Bob

    Can’t wait for the new issue. Great seeing you and Tommy at the Berkley show last Sunday. Wind howling at 50mph . Great day to sit with a book on surfishing stories! LOL

  2. landliner

    Been waiting for the weather to getter and the mag to come out…looks like they both will arrive together.
    It will be like Christmas all over again!

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