Tag Archives: commando surfcasting

List of winners, ASMFC and other stuff

Let me get to the winners of past week giveaway. All winners, you have 5 business days to contact us with your shipping address at info@surfcastersjournal.com

First, we got three winter of Gibbs Pro Series Lures

The first winner who will walk away with A Pro Series Rainbow Canal Special 3.5 ounce Pencil Popper is medic6973@gmail.com

The Second winner will get a Pro Series Black Scale 3.5 ounce Glider is irenedana@verizon.net


And a third winner gets for his entry a Pro Series Yellow Canal Special 3.5 ounce Pencil Popper is Typeonme@aol.com


Very nice, congrats to all winners and thank you to Gibbs Lures for making this possible. You can check out their entire line of lures at http://www.gibbslures.com/

Next, winner of halloween Super Strike Scary Needlefish giveaway is Sbass50@aol.com

Congrats and thank you Steve and Don Musso for making this possible too. you can check out Super Strike at  http://www.superstrikelures.com/

2014 FB halloween

Speaking of Halloween, I hope many of you have managed to get out on the Holloween at some point during that wicked NE wind. There was good fishing to had from Montauk down to Jersey. Real good fishing. How do i know? I read it on FB like the rest of you 

Funny how we came from a sport that was on “need to know” basis for what seems like ever to one when every bite in on FB before the fish is landed. lol….If you remember Continue reading

Win a Halloween Scary Super Strike Needlefish

Happy Halloween Everyone !
Over the weekend we’ll announce the winners of Gibbs Lures giveaway but for today we got something special from Super Strike Lures
Steve Musso asked me if I wanted to give our blog readers a chance to win one of two of these special Halloween Super Strike Needlefish lures he made and I said does bear sh*! in the woods?
The second one Steve is giving away on his Facebook page. Of course if you are their fan on FB you should enter there too.
So here is your chance and we’ll make this short and sweet, both giveaway winners announced on Sunday. new issue is coming ip as is John Skinner brand new book release and yes, the powers that be decided that 1@ 28 coastwise is the right approach to managing striped bass.
Enjoy your Halloween, if you got little ones, soak up that excitement. They grow up too fast2014 FB halloween

Crazy Commando Bucktails a Big Fish with a ZeeBaaS

One thing we try to do at Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine is to bring you a stories, videos and pictures that you haven’t seen before. Let’s be honest, there are only so many ways we can write about casting up current, looking for deep holes in the sandbar or casting your offering to shadow lines without being redundant. We are lucky to have Tommy, our Art Director and head of our “Cool Department”, dismiss any stories that he finds boring. Because if it was up to me, this magazine would have not looked the way it does. Fortunately I had good sense of listening to his advice. Along the way, I even tried to be a little more artistic although that is still work in progress. What can I say, I am as square as a 2×4. While giving the Cool Dude the props I should mention that he not only designs the mag, all the logos, stickers, shirts and soon a sweatshirts but he also designed covers of the books, Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night, Surfcaster, Fishing the Bucktail…and who knows how many punk band album covers and other things you really not need to know 🙂


Here is a preview of some things that we have coming up for you guys.

When you finish watching this video you will understand what we mean by “ Crazy Commando Bucktails a Big Fish with a ZeeBaaS”


Enjoy…I don’t think you will find this kind of a content anywhere



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