Land of the Giants
By Lou Caruso
I have been fishing a long time. I have had good days and bad days but no matter what the day or night brings I am happy with the outcome. I still get just as excited catching a 2-pound bass as I do a 15 pounder, and if I catch nothing, so be it. This fall turned out to be different. I was fortunate enough to have 2 friends let me in on a bite. Turns out the bulk of the fish were quality fish besides. We had been picking a few fish a night for a while. I between I would run out to Montauk and fish a few days for so-so luck, then return home.
At the end of October we had some really late tides. It was the middle of the week and the other 2 guys had to work the next day so I hit the spot myself. Now mind you, I had already dropped a few good fish here because of hooks that were too small, and the fish either straightened the hooks or snapped them. Not this time. Second cast, I hook up and my drag is screaming. Let the fish run and when I finally got it in turns out to be a mid twenties fish. I’m not a guy that gets a lot of big fish. Hell, my personal best to this point was 36 pounds. That had been the only fish I had over 30 pounds in the years I had been fishing. I have dropped a few I’m sure were bigger LOL. So now I weigh the fish and get it right back in the water. I’m standing there with a big grin enjoying the night. Next cast, BAM !!!!!! This fish took off like a freight train. I’m letting her run all the while saying to myself, “don’t blow this”. After a few minutes I finally get the fish in. One look and I knew it was big. She weighed 39 pounds on the boga. Now I have the shakes and I’m giggling like a schoolgirl. Get her revived and released was all I could think about. Now I’m back in the water a little quicker. This went on for almost 2½ hrs. Wound up with 8 fish, smallest 18, largest 39 with a few in the mid to upper 20’s. In all my years fishing I have never had an outing like this.
First thing the next morning I let my two fishing buddies know what went on and they needed to be there…
So here we are the next night and I’m praying to god there are fish there. Luckily they were and we wound up with some good fish. This went on a few more nights before things slowed.
I have gotten pretty good over the years at knowing the tide, fish it and get out. Now I found myself staying longer without so much as a touch, knowing I wasn’t going to catch but just kept fishing “just in case”. I became obsessed. Hitting the place on bad winds without so much as a touch, wasting the night. The sand eel bite was on but I continued to fish the night tides. Had a slow pick until it got to cold for me. That is the one thing that shuts me down.
After it was over and I had some time to reflect. I realized how lucky I was, but I also realized how these fish had taken me over. I was willing to forgo first light outings with many fish, for a shot at 1 or 2 fish and the possibility of a big girl or the possibility of the skunk. Times when I would have normally stayed home, I was out beating the water to a froth for nothing. These fish will ruin you.
It will be interesting to see how this upcoming season pans out, if there are many fish to be had and if there is any size to them. I now know what the guys that are constantly into large fish look forward to…
I will be happy with whatever the sea brings, but now I will have that twinkle in my eye for large…
Great job on your PB Lou! Where was my phone call, Lol!
↓Good job Lou! Gotta love having friends that will give you a heads up when they are catching large
↓Good for you Lou!
↓Nice PB Lou! There is a feel to large that is hard to beat : )
↓Those headlights you see in your rearview mirror, don’t worry it’s only me.
↓Hope you (and me) have a great season with some large fish.
True Love for the Game Lou amazing Cath.
↓Lou nice job and lucky you to have those good nights. It’s strange how that “jones” will take you over.
There is a difference between a guy who has the jones and doesn’t know it owns him and what you went thru at least that is my take.
Anyway nice job on the fish and thanks for the good read
↓Lou, great story and picture. Hurry up Spring!!!!
↓Excellent stuff Lou. So happy for you and your new PB. Remember that adrenalin and your giggles forever buddy
↓Over the years, there have been certain rocks, jetties, points, bowls, reefs, docks, ect. that have produced memorable fish for me. The memories of those magic nights will always surface when I approach one of these locations. Out of respect, I always make a few casts; sometimes a lot of casts. I, too; have been known to overfish a spot. That slob is just a cast away. bj
↓Great read Lou!! Congrats on the fish! Gets me juices going…
↓Great read Lou! Thanks for getting me juiced for another season.
↓Nice story. Ya know, I feel the same way. Been doing this over 40 yrs now, and still love the outing. Good pickin’s or not. I target large bass these days, primarily!
↓Nice story Lou… that’s starting my day off with a BIG SMILE!!! And tomorrow is March 1st…. YIPPPPEEEEE!!!