For your reading pleasure at
Cover Photo by ZeeBaaS Guru Ron D…..where else but Cuttyhunk
[issuu width=420 height=162 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false proSidebarEnabled=true backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120707201511-7f8cda4eee37461cb729655825046239 name=issue14 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px v=2]
just read it cover to cover definitely the best issue yet
↓2nd that
↓Problem Z. Cannot view mag. Clicked on website and still shows issue 13.
↓Try refreshing your browser…it does not appear to be us…works fine on all our pc and mac
↓Really nice Tim Coleman tributes
↓Second to the pictures you took (which I enjoy every-time I open my desktop)I couldn’t have wanted a better souvenir of that fish! Thank you for the story; I hope others will appreciate it as much as I did.
Be well,
Andrew Chase
Gonna save this read for a little quiet time later this evening!!! 😉
↓Nice job on the magazine guys….Ya done good.
↓Looking forward to getting on my pc so i can soak this in. Love the day when the new issue of SJ comes out. Thanks everyone involved!!
↓Thanks for the great read. Keep up the good work.
↓Just thumbed through it. love it! Can’t wait to read every word. I did stop to read the stories about the late Tim Coleman Nice tribute.
↓Nice cover shot!
↓Another great issue Z, Tommy and the gang, keep up the good work!
↓Thks so much to you guys for what you do
↓Great magazine!
Once again you got me in trouble with the boss, dang lunch hour isn’t long enough:)
↓Great issue, best yet.
↓Great issue, photo and storie are all good!
↓Andrew is one of a few people I run into in the middle of the night.
He fish hard, well deserved