Cuttyhunk Trip video

Today’s blog entry is a compilation of few clips I managed to string together from our trip. They are few clips from last year but most of them are new. I haven’t really planned on making anything in particular but that little video footage ย of the bunker blitz I took with my DSLR kind of worked out neat into the video.

It’s hard to hold a DSLR and shot few hundred still shots when you also want to press a video record button at the same time…but you can’t do both

Anyway, I hope you enjoy


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26 comments on “Cuttyhunk Trip video

  1. Nick ortiz

    Very cool. Looks like you guys had a blast! ” Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are….”

  2. Glenn H

    Awesome Video SJ!! Looks like you guys have alot of good memories..lifes too short ..Enjoy.Catch fish…

  3. captn bob

    Great job! You guys always come up with the right music. Good friends, fish to be caught, good views, what more can you ask for.

  4. Greg Tucceri

    CMS one of my top 3 shops in the area for plugs.Especially SS when I don’t feel like going to the SWE. To bad all the big fish were in the CC Canal that week. Still looks like a blast gonna get there one of these days.

  5. Jerry

    Terrific! A wot? who? A dahta? A bucktail? I fish bucktails with a bahba. And a sinka. Hilarious, what a bunch of characters. And Steve Jobs would be rolling in his grave if he knew about that glitch with Siri not knowing how long a dozen eels can stay alive in a spackle bucket… With some bubbles. Great job.

  6. Robert McCarthy

    I’am glad I followed your advise, Cutty is a great place all around
    and the people just awesome!
    Already booked next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Charlie p

    Tommy, awesome that you’re still straightedge. Me, too but without the tattoos. Not too many still around.

  8. Charlie p

    Tommy, awesome that you’re still straightedge. Me, too but without the tattoos. Not too many still around.
    Btw.. Just got a duplicate comment message as I hit submit.


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