How to Bucktail Striped Bass from Bay Shorelines videos by John Skinner

Part 1





10 comments on “How to Bucktail Striped Bass from Bay Shorelines videos by John Skinner

  1. mikebfishn

    I love the videos , thanks Mr. Skinner . My low light videos on go pro have some issues , yours is very clear with good color…do you have any setting suggestions for the camera during low light hours?

    1. jskinner

      I’m just using the camera defaults. There was plenty of light – about the last 75 minutes before sunset.

  2. Jim J.

    Mr. Skinner has had my hooked on bucktails for the last three years two weeks ago used the bucktail to land around 20 stripers in about two hours his techniques work great!!!!!!!

  3. nycsteve

    Thanks. Great video and commentary. I’ll be trying myself after the rain this week. Same deal, kayak GSB. Hopefully some of your video rubs off and I get a few. Always enjoy your work.

  4. DonR

    Jeez John, show us mere mortals at least one cast and retrieve without a fish! haha
    Thanks, for the video–always wondered about the actual retrieve speed. Video shows it perfectly.

  5. Richard aka Woodwker99

    John is the fish catchiest guy I know. He catches more in 1 hour then some catch in an entire tide. Thanks for sharing John. I love seeing your great books on Bucktails come to life.


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