
I know that my posts can be full of Zenoisam’s, written in Cringlish (mixture of Croatian and English) but darn it, they are not in Swahili

So lets to this again. You want to win a Penn Spinnfisher V from folks at Penn? Great. It’s easy. I swear. Send us any picture you think it’s a great representation of the fall run. A picture that is taken THIS YEAR. THIS FALL RUN! LIKE 2012 !

Capish? One picture from THIS FALL RUN will win the reel. Picture that you will be taking from today till November. This can’t be that complicated. And to the “I am in” crowd….I am speechless

CT Matt is taking issue that the blog is in his words “quiet”. Hmmm, let me see. We have new issue coming up momentarily. Tommy is hacking up brown shit from his lungs and probably still pulling all nighter trying to finish FREE publication on time. And then there is that pesky thing of new platform, meeting with web designers, Mac crashing, first week of school for kids and yes, that little thing called job. But don’t worry Matt, we’ll increase our productivity……………after the fall run. Sometimes we forget that the blog is not even suppose to exist other then announce the appearance of new issue.

Went to the inlet last night, one more shot of weakfish I told myself. Scaled the seawall(no flip-flops this time) with a 7 foot Legend only to find a BIG surf crashing in the rocks. No way I could have landed the fish and stayed dry considering I was in jeans. Must be from the hurricane Leslie. Not fun. So I ran back home to watch the rest of the Giants game…neither of these two events were fun.

Btw…I need a favor. Anyone has a picture of a striped bass with a measuring tape alongside of the fish? You know on sand, or rock or whatever ? Can you send it to me at I desperately needed a shot for something I am working on


Ok, its 4 am , time to hit this pesky thing called a job.

I’ll leave you with the words of Crazy One from a new video


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15 comments on “Cringlish

  1. Matt

    Quiet blog? Hell sometimes i have a hard time keeping up with the blog some days off are perfect for catch up reading.

    Crazies small clip is a true gem out of the 3 sizes when smaller lures are in use.

  2. CTMatt

    Geez I hate being called out publicly and as a guy who has supported and tuned in from the beginning of this blog…I am not in the “I’m in” crowd.
    Sorry if I wasn’t in tune with what was going on behind the scenes…I explained myself in the other post. I was not insinuating there was no work being done or slacking…please don’t post me up as negative here. Thanks guys…

  3. Zeno Post author

    Matt..relax pal…just bustin you chops dude.
    I am only one guy and can get to only so much content…if you guys can figure out how I can quit my job and just do this, I am all for it…lol
    till then, when I can

  4. Ted C

    Alberto is so damn cool. Great piece. CTMatt, i took your original post as though you just can’t get enough SCJ… Just like a lot of us! Zeno’s got a crazy tough job trying to fulfill our appetites… Quite honestly, i have no idea how he finds the time. The quality product SCJ puts out to its readers is absolutely amazing. Can’t wait for the next issue.

  5. CTMatt

    Cool Z.
    I thought you were thinking I was being a dick or unappreciative.
    I am an SJ nut…I have 5 different SJ shirts that are in heavy rotation and well faded as well as just about all the other SJ swag!
    I do enjoy this blog greatly and wouldn’t ever diss The Dude or the Croatian Sensation or any affiliates or undermine their work.

  6. sioca

    Hey, CT Matt, you said Zambrotta’s book is out.


    Just went to Amazon and did not find it.

    CT Matt if this is the book you are referring to, Can you tell me were you got it?? Thanks CT

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