Category Archives: Blog

Guppy Lure Company pencil poppers giveaway

As many of you already know, we at Surfcaster’s Journal are big fan of Guppy pencil poppers. Its one of those plugs that started as a “Canal” plug till Jersey guys brought it to the home waters and hammered the fish with it, and the rest is history. The consistency has always been one of  its best attributes and the fact they make it in different  variations to be used under many different conditions.

As of this spring and going forward , Guppy Lures are only available on their website at and no longer at retail outlets.  Check out their redesigned  website and online store at

Today giveaway features two Guppy Lures

Guppy Mini 2 oz pencil popper &

Guppy Jobo Jr 2 3/4 oz pencil popper

One winner will be drawn at random. Lets to it old fashion way  with “I am in “ in the moment box

Good luck, winner picked on the week

Tight lines to all of youIMG_0867

Trailhead Automatic Tire Deflators Giveaway

Tommy is putting finishing touches on the May issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online magazine this weekend, while off course as same time trying to do all the things husbands and sons do this weekends. Happy Mother’s Day to all great mom’s out there.

You can click on STRIPERTHON 2018 link in top right corner to get all the info for this year tourney including all the sponsors.

One of our returning sponsors is  Trailhead Automatic Tire Deflators, a brand whose products i find indispensable when driving on the sand.

So we’ll give away TWO  sets of the  Trailhead Automatic Tire Deflators this week on the blog. There will be TWO winners , each will receive one Trailhead Automatic Tire Deflators set, courtesy of the Surfcaster’s journal Online magazine and Trailheadmaxresdefault-1024x576 trail

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Special Rebel Jumping Minnow giveaway

Today we have a really special giveaway courtesy of Folsom and Rebel lures. Folsom teamed up with Rebel to bring to the market these special production run Jumping Minnows , available in limited quantities at local tackle shops

They are trickling in the stores and although you might have a hard time tracking them down you can put your name in the hat here on SJ blog for a chance to will these three special lures

One Winner , three lures

Rebel Jumping Minnow Pearl/Yellow (chicken scratch)

Rebel Jumping Minnow Mother of pearl (wonderbread for your pros)

Rebel Jumping Minnow Chrome/ silver fullsizeoutput_1157

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Surf Fishing Tip of the Week # 54 Fishing with Bait

Surf Fishing Tip of the Week # 54 Fishing with Bait Primer.
I know Vito is going to dig this one (he was the original chunker before his found his religion). All kidding aside, it is remarkable how many guys use (in my humble opinion)  undersized and plainly overmatched equipment while bait fishing.  You don’t see this much in the plugging game. 

Now don’t get me wrong, there are spinning rods and few reels designed specifically for fishing with bait. The problem is that average fisherman usually will not go out of his way to buy them. he will buy 6 custom rods in 69 colors schemes that do almost exactly same thing instead of a chunking rod. LOL

A little exaggeration  buy you guys know what i am sayin

Bluefish are making appearance this week !!!

Sponsored by ODM Rods


Two SPRO Microfiber LS shirts giveaway

This week’s giveaway is from SPRO guys, makers of awesome bucktails

We have two long sleeve  SPRO microfiber performance shirts to give away and we’ll toss in some SJ stickers.
Both shirts, the black and the white shirts are XL size. There will two winners, each winner will receives one shirt of our choice

a Rafflecopter giveaway