Another Surf Day video

About these videos, ours and whoever’s else we feature here

I have a  favor to ask. Maybe I shouldn’t but I see what is happening on other sites, the ones that would throw stones at Mother Teresa if she ever wakes up from the dead…

I am not sure how many of you are aware the work some of these guys put into creating these videos. I can only imagine, as the quality is much better than anything I can do. All I can tell is about my personal hell. Stand on your feet at the show after leaving house at 6 am. Finally the show slows down at 3 and before everyone packs up, grab YoDude aka cameraman and try to get five minutes with someone. But then the darn PA system announce the raffles every five seconds. So you yell cut, and do it again, and again, and again until you finally say ,screw it, roll the tape

Then you come home and upload a gigantic 20 gigabyte file on your pc. From there you bring it into your shity Corel editing software which repeatedly crashes. Out of an 30 minutes of footage you get a minute of usable stuff but because your software sucks it takes you an hour. Then it will take another hour to render the video into a YouTube ready file and another half an hour to load to YouTube…only then you realize that your title moved slightly and now the whole thing looks like a 5 year did it

So you delete the thing and start over. Wife is back from church just shaking her head. Something about you having patience of a saint..there will be a Mac in our future, even if I have to get rid of every darn plug I don’t use.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not passing the hat or looking for a donation. Everything happens in due time. What I am asking is that snide remarks about our or others featured videos be reserved for other places. I know I don’t have to say it, you guys have been great on this blog. But I feel much shited on this weekend from many different places and I really do not appreciate it.

These videos are made on the fly to show you the products, introduce you to interesting people or interesting places. I do them because I enjoy creating content and promoting the sport. Internet has given us a chance to bring the sport closer together the it has ever been. A fellow in Massachusetts never knew more about NJ fishing then he does today. And this goes on all along the coast.

But internet is not always as obvious as a face to face conversation. It’s mostly expressionless and sarcasm or a joke can fall flat and offend people. I was never known as one who is this skinned but lately stuff has been getting to me.

So please, if you don’t like a close up or you don’t care for a camera shake, let it go. We consider ourselves fortunate to be able to do what we do. The last thing I would want is too feature someone else effort to bring you closer to these people and the info  and then have them be kicked in the butt.

Because you know it, that is what it would happen on other sites instantly. I like to think that  SJ blog answers to higher authority. Like Nathan’s 🙂

Here is another video from Surf Day featuring Don from Afterhours talking about what is new in this plug line for 2011


50 comments on “Another Surf Day video

  1. steve

    hey z i want to thank you and everyone at SJ for all you do. i really enjoy all the info-videos -all of it–this will be my first year fishing for stripers-SJ has help me so much in getting ready for the season–thanks alot!

  2. shaky

    I remember our first private conversation years ago on NE. You posted a picture of the cover of an old SWS and people gang raped you because it depicted the anglers gaffing a fish, which in the end turned out to be a board used to create some splashing. I always felt you tended to let things bother you. 😉

    You are in the public eye now. You wrote some books. Newbs will put you up on a pedestal, your friends will say good luck, the self proclaimed experts might say some derogatory things. Goes with the territory. Just need another layer of skin now.

    Fishing used to be fun, now it’s a matter of life and death, and not for the fish. Hey at least they’re paying attention.

  3. Vin

    My personal rule about posting on the boards is simple: never post anything that you wouldn’t say directly to someone’s face. If others applied this rule, the banter would be much more productive. Unfortunately, these boards are filled more & more with negativity & it’s not limited to fishing (you should see my 10 year old’s soccer board ;-)Don’t sweat it Zeno.

  4. Geo67

    SJ crew – thank you for all your hard work. Maybe the majority of us don’t say that enough to counteract the comments of those 1 or 2 jackwagons out there that manage to do everything perfect.

  5. Mike G

    I go on this site everyday and thoroughly enjoy all of your posts and videos. Don’t let the few ungrateful people get to you.

    Love Afterhours plugs. Don does a sick paint job and a very durable one at that. My personal favorites are his dannies, 2oz pencils, and needles. I almost always have at least one of each of those 3 in my bag, but you really can’t go wrong with any of his plugs.

  6. matty7

    Hey Z.everyone above has already said it but I just want to thank you and everyone @sj.There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t look forward to see or read what you have in store for us.I even have a daily notification on my cell this way no matter where Iam I can check in with you guys.I love all of your videos and you’ve inspired me to try and shoot some of my own soon as I have something you can count on me sharing it with you all.Thanks again and can’t wait till tomarrow to see whats in store.Tight lines…..

  7. Lee S.

    Hey Z

    I think you are doing a tremendous job with all of it. Especially the videos. Being in the TV bis I understabd your frustrations. I rarely have to edit stuff but when I do it’s painfully slow. I think your videos are superb, great music too. Keeep it up if you can. The Dock(restuarant)in Montauk said it best. Please take screaming kids outside.

  8. Bill H

    Zeno————keep doing what your doing. There will always be the keyboard commandos that are know it all’s ( really know nothings ) and the big rough and tough guys that cower in a face to face meeting. One site I don’t go near anymore, just way to mean spirited. Another site I look at but sometimes it to gets out of control. I love your Mag and Blog——-don’t let the bastards get you down. Bill

  9. eric p

    Z, I’m very grateful I get to experience surf day, and other events, from a thousand miles away! I live in Florida for the winter, so for people like me, who have no chance of attending these events, it’s fantastic. I’d be just as happy if you put the go-pro on your head, walked through a show, and posted the raw video.

    I can tell you also, I’ve brought products after seeing your videos…speaking of, I’d better shoot Don an email to get a few new ones. 🙂

    Looking forward to the next issue, too!

    Thanks for everything Z!


  10. pete f

    I love what you do, buddy. Thumbs up.
    A suggestion Go the the local votech and ask about their video training program. You might find some willing vounteers who want some on the job experience. Or maybe someone here has a kid or friend who loves to edit videos. It must be someones dream job?
    Sooner or later you need to make this make enough $$ so you don’t have to do the grunt work, just the parts you enjoy.

  11. beret

    Z….it’s tough to top what everyone else has said,but a great job and a great site……everything about SJ is perfect and a great source of information for someone looking to not only learn more,but get to know the industry and the people that put their heart and sole into it and the hunt for big striped bass…..thank you and your team…

  12. Mike L

    Z,I would also like to thank you and the crew for everything you guys do I look foward to this site every nite.DON’T LET THE B——- GET YOU DOWN

  13. CTmatt

    Haha Z…

    You need to get your hotdogs references straight lol.

    Hebrew National had the jingle…not Nathans. Just busting your chops.

    As always, it is great to see these vids when I can’t make it to Jersey/elsewhere. Thanks!

    Afterhours makes a sweet finished and great fish catching plug!

  14. Steve S

    I didn’t see what was posted, nor do I care. Zeno, you shouldn’t care either. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what your family thinks of you. They will be there for you long after all your internet buddies have gone.

    I think you’re doing a great job. The magazine is beautiful. Your blog is fun. You always give away great stuff. And so far, your seminars have been pretty top notch.

    To everyone at SCJ, please keep up the good work. You certainly have set the bar pretty high.

  15. Roger

    Z-you can’t please everyone all the time but you certainly come close to it. You are doing a great job and don’t let others get you down. I have learned more from you on this site, taking your classes and reading your words than any other person knee deep in water. A big THANK YOU!

  16. GLENN .H

    Hey Z..You guys at SJ are doing a great job. keep up the good work & ignore the little people out there!!You guys rock.

  17. Nancy Brown

    Hey Z GREAT JOB!
    I have done allot of videos and if I may I suggest you check out VIMEO as a hosting site. Much better quality, less time uploading and you can upload straight from your computer and leave the site. They will let you know when it is ready to post. They have never removed the music from any of my videos either. Just a thought. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated, especially by those of us who can’t get out there to do the things you do or see the things you see.~

  18. Chris Ole' Olesen

    Z – you are by far the best information and entertaining Surfcast site out there. I am not a big reader and I won’t read about someone who thinks they know it all! I enjoy reading SCJ every morning. It is a great wake up read of the best information and educational videos about products and fishing. If someone has something negative to say about your blog it is because they wish they can be as good as your team. Keep up the best site out there and know when anyone puts you down it is because they are watching and can only wish they were as good as Surfcasters Journal. We wish you the best and keep turning out the best product you can.


  19. pistol pete

    I edit videos myself, and people have no idea how what an INSANE amount of work it takes to do a 2 minute video… it is NOT plug and play. We love these video zeno!!!

  20. Bob

    This is a great website to get a look at new products and information on the products that you have tested. The videos are a big plus for SJ. I enjoy going to the website everyday and if anyone doesn’t like the website they don’t have to visit.
    Great job!

  21. Mike H.

    I sat in the “office” this morning and enjoyed the afterhours clip. Then I swung over to his site and am definitely going to pick up some Sr. swimmers at the RI show.

    The other day I watched the SS clip, and already have grabbed 4 of his.

    It’s your site, do what you want. I actually really enjoy seeing and hearing about all this stuff. I also really like your reviews in the magazine.

    All of us don’t have access to unlimited funds to try everything, so reading and/or watching a review definitely helps me make a decision if I want to spend my cash to try something different.

    Keep it up Z and thanks for caring.


  22. JohnZ

    Maybe I have no clue Z, but your videos always look good to me. Probably because I can barely download photos to my computer. I watch for the content not the quality of the editing, and the content is always great. It’s easy to take something for granted when you only see the finished product and don’t realize how much work is put into it. I think I probably speak for everyone here when I say that your hard work is greatly appreciated. Your mag and daily blog fill a bit of a void for those of us who can’t get enough fishing related stuff. Keep up the great work!

    BTW, the Afterhours video is cool. Don’s plugs have one of the nicest finishes you’ll ever see. And he’s a great guy, to boot.

  23. chilidog

    Dear Z –
    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making SJ work. It’s obvious you give a darn and want to share what you’ve got with the rest of us fishbags. Teddy Roosevelt said “it’s not the critic who counts” and he was right, just keep doing what you love and let all the rest of the “experts” sit on their asses with empty stringers.

  24. Dave

    No complaints on my end. Considering your only a couple of guys barely a year into doing this on a shoestring budget in your spare time if you have any, you do a stand up job. Not bad for a couple of amateurs. Anyone who follows this site or who knows you, knows the passion you do this with. Best of all you don’t do it for the accolades or the notariety, you do it for us, the guys who love fishing and enjoy this as much as you. Don’t sweat it the refinement and improvements will come in due time along with experience and new toys to make it all easier. Thanks again for all you do, I know I appreciate.


  25. bunufish

    Love your videos, tilted, awkward profiles, all of it rocks, because… I actually learn from them. Don’t know about others, but watching the shows liked Hooked or Monster fish, where they edit the heck of their footage… just a pet peeve, when the reel you started the fight on isn’t the same one you landed the fish on, that rubs me the wrong way… haha.

    Keep up the good work!

  26. PA Matt

    Thanks for the vid. Z and SJ. I wish that I could’ve been at Surf Day, but watching the videos has been great. Keep up the labor of love. 🙂

  27. Hilly

    This is the best site on the internet. I couldn’t make it to any of the shows so far, so I like the chance to see some of this on your blog. None of the other sites do it as well as you. Thank you. – Jim

  28. George M.

    Hey Zen, Most of these comments are Positive to say the least and your work is very much appreciated, I’m like a kid in a candy store when I see the videos that you and the SJ crew list on the site! Please don’t let some wise ass comments deter you from the enjoyment that you bring to the majority of us! I’m a Newbie wanta be surf caster and I’ve learned so much! THANK YOU George Mello

  29. Virginia fishing

    Every day in the off season I look forward to reading the posts and seeing the videos on this site. Keep us going on what its all about – fishing.

  30. Charlie G.

    Z there will always be the guys that only look at things with a negative attitude. You are blazing new ground which can only help our sport and help to organize surf fisherman and advance this sport. I hope you let the negatives roll off your back and keep looking forward to bigger and better things to come for SCJ. I love the videos and the Magazine. I’ve said it before and will say it again now, we need a Surf Casters calendar !
    Come On Spring


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