Show season

I can’t be the only one, can I? To live in the most populous state where surfcasters often fish shoulder to shoulder, and beach parking is sometimes adventure of its own. But to then have to make plans to attend worthy surf shows, Surf Day in CT, Surf Day in NJ, Berkeley and Asbury Flea Markets in NJ, RISAA show in RI, Plum Island Surfcasters in MA and Mass Bass show in MA. Where are comparable (a very important word) shows in NY? I have no idea. Granted there are some small flea market type shows around that no one really gets excited about. And Willy and his organization have sure tried hard to do a show in different venues last few years but it has been hard for them , or at least I assume that because the buzz for those shows was not there.

It is very strange when you think of it, to have more surfcaster per square foot living on Long Island, NY yet that we have no show we can call our own. I wonder if this has to do with difficulty in securing a good venue, the fact that EVERTHING on LI is priced to high heavens. Or maybe Long Islanders rather travel to other state?

I know some of you who live in New Jersey find this perplexing with a show every weekend somewhere in Garden State. From Expo, to Flea Markets, To seminars, Kayak, boats, fly, it seems to me there is show in NJ every weekend I would like to attend. And New England have the granddaddy of all, RISAA, a show attended by more people that most other shows combined. It just seems strange to me that is all

Here is the list of shows that we feel are worth attending. We will be at some, not all but we always had a great time at all

  • Jersey Surf Day in February 23rd in Lincroft NJ. We had a great time last few years and are looking forward to attending
  • Plum Island Surfcasters show in Plum Island, MA on February 23rd. I spoke there once and I wish it was closer because it would be on my to-do list. This year featured speaker is Crazy Alberto.
  • Berkley Club Flea Market on March 3rd . Always a good time, looking forward to this
  • Asbury Flea Market on March 10th , equally as fun. We alway have a blast here
  • RISAA three day show March 8 to 10th in Providence is a giant show where you can get lost browsing around. I am looking forward to going back after few years absence
  • River’s End Surf Day in Old Saybrook CT on March 23rd. In Pat’s Abate shop always a great time with great food and speakers
  • On the local level, Saltwater Edge in Rhode Island has frequent how-to presentations during the week
  • Also in New York, Cow Harbor Bait and Tackle has a lineup of seminars just about every weekend this winter.
  • We hope if you see us at the show, that you would  stop by and tell us how we are doing, what you would like to see more of or just shot the breeze with SJ crew
  • Doc_Muller_Banner
  • Cow Harbor Bait & Tackle
    2013 Seminar Schedule:
    1. Bruce Froh:  
    “Blue Frog Bucktails”
    Strategies for Targeting Spring Striped Bass
    (February 2nd 12 noon -2 pm).

    2. Bill “Doc” Muller:

      Fishing Northshore Harbors with lures #1 (February 9th   10 am- 2pm)

    3. Bill “Doc” Muller: 

    Fishing Northshore Harbors with lures #2  (February 23rd 10 am- 2pm)

    4. How to Rig Eels:

    “Hands On” Seminar  ($10 fee for material) (March 9th 12 noon – 2pm)

    5. Adam Sotiryadis:

    Wetsuiting Basics for fishing the East End (March 14th  12 noon – 2pm)

    6. Bill Wetzel:

    Reading the water & choosing lures  
    (April 6th  12 noon – 2pm)

    7. Ralph Votta:

    “Charlie Graves Tins”
    Targeting Fish with Tins (February 16th 12 noon- 2pm)


20 comments on “Show season

  1. woodwker99

    I wrote something on the FB page showing the Surf day in NJ. With gas back around the $4.00 mark why cant the home of the surfcasting capital of the world get more shows? we get a few small seminars, and the Hilton show in September, but where are the shows!!!!!!

  2. Alexy

    They don’t go to where the fish are… the vendors go where it is easy for them and a venue that can hold them.. We tried to get a surf fishing show on the outerbanks for years and the closest we can do is get them to Va beach.

  3. JohnP

    Long Island is expensive. Even the KofC wants top dollar for a sub standard space with outdated power, 1950s era layout and infrastructure. NJ and NE prices are better and they also have the advantage of drawing people from neighboring states. Few people want to deal with the Throgs Neck or Verr/Belt to come to a LI to see a show. Sometimes I wonder if the NY guys also have too many other distractions and other things they can do. Some of the shows I go to are stale…same layout, same products, same seminars. If I have that free day, I might instead plan to see the Islanders/ Rangers/ Knicks/ Nets/ Broadway/ N Fork Wine&Jazz or just drive out to Montauk. Why do I want to go to a show to see the Miracle Mop, Beef Jerky, swim shads in 100 colors, or listen to someone tell me the importance of having a good quality light while fishing at night?

  4. CTMatt

    Jersey Surf Day and CT Surf Day for me…making a case for the RISAA possibly next year but i have to butter up the Mrs. Not easy with kids and gas but seeing these speakers and seeing the booths and builders is 110% worth it.

  5. Matt

    Depends where you live I guess for me, between, gas, tolls, admission fees, it adds up quick, I need that money to fish. a trip to Montauk costs me $60 in gas and tolls alone and thats in a commuter car. Going anywhere to do anything is getting to expensive guess fishing shows are on the bottom of the list.

  6. dan

    well heres a thought what about the Suffern expo thats coming up there is no reason why booths couldnt be added there and even have some seminars also its a huge venue with thousands attending fact is it isnt on long island but then again niether am I so bite the bullet and travel a little. I have to and it IS New York State.

  7. Rich B.

    The Suffern show could certainly use an infusion of fresh faces. The Worm Bar is the only reason I still go. If it wasn’t a 20 minute drive for me, I’d probably blow it off entirely.

  8. Ross

    You would think that with the number of surfcasters on Long Island that the market would be ripe for a quality winter show. It is clear that the market can support this type of show…just look at the crowds at the fall fishing show in Melville. This show and the shows in NJ seem to have the formula that works…quality seminars, vendors with relevant products at good prices, custom bag, rod and lure builders, etc. You would also think that with the state of the economy and local funding that local school districts and colleges would be prime locations to hold the fair. You have guys from Long Island making the trip to southern NJ so the location on LI should not be an issue as long as the show organizers attract the right mix of vendors and speakers. Hmmm could it be that we will soon be seeing the 1st Annual Surfcasters Journal Winter Show? You guys have plenty of free time right?


  9. Robert K

    the major problem with ny / L.I. is “it’s a MeMeMe” situation. the flea market guys would not be willing to give up any bit of their slice of the $ pie! the ideal thing would be for these guys to get together and
    combine their shows. it’s a real shame that the st josephs show on sunrise hwy in oakdale is never really
    packed for such a big building. our 1 quality show is “the fisherman show in sept.” now I feel the best flea market for surf guys is the east meadow that was last weekend. the coalition does try to put together nice shows – they just pick really exp. $ halls. i agree also the big issue is $13.50 tolls for the company’s to get to long island and too exp. rooms to stay in.

  10. TedC

    I’m hoping to attend a few shows in NJ over the next month or so… Gonna wear my SJ hoodie and represent! Fair warning– i will likely stop and introduce myself to other SJ members (if you’re wearing the swag). Looking forward to meeting some you guys!

  11. Zeno Post author

    I agree with what coalition is doing and I am in a way annoyed that their efforts have not paid better dividends for them. They put in a lot of time last few winters. We always deferred to them when it comes to shows, to be honest we have not ever even had a discussion on possibilities of putting on a show. But just the fact that we don’t have a table to promote sj at any of li shows but are traveling to nj three times should get you to understand what I am trying to convey. I don’t know of any locations that I have gone that impressed me on LI. Huntington Hilton Fisherman show the location is nice and centraly located, the fleemarket type things are not my cup of tea. Have not been to east meadow one in few years although is few blocks from my house. Is that a nice place? I don’t remember. Seriously, is there a nice place where you could hold a show on li?. I assume that if there was one Willy and his fellows woulpd have found it by now

  12. Dennis Zambrotta

    Having grown up in NY and moved away as a child the only explanation is what non-NY residents always say:
    “New Yawkas are know it alls” – maybe they don’t need shows? 😉

  13. dan

    hmmmm. Zeno just a thought. God help me for thinking. just maybe you could use your delegation skill and use some of us that reside here on SJ to find and work with each other and the vendors we hear about and see what they can come up with. I know you really want a Island show but remember there are a few of us that love the surf and still have a three plus hour drive. just to be near the surf but do it three times a week. maybe going outside the island to start and build vendor satisfaction and client satisfaction then move it slowly to the island when proper venue is found. I have looked in to diving in myself but even a booth at one of the “Expo” shows is more expensive than you think. we neex something vendors will love and the general public likes. . . .
    ok now I need to shut up my brain is starting to hurt

  14. ChuckD

    This year i have every intention of making it to Jersey Surf Day and to Pat Abates, River’s End Surf Day in Old Saybrook CT.
    Things maybe sketchy for the Jersey Surf Day as my daughter to have her baby girl and i will now be “Grand Pa” holy crap, not sure I’m digging that still but cant wait and she would take priority over any show (just not fishing since i will be traveling to WA state with travel set ups):)

    Mark is a great guy and want to attend his at Cow Harbor B&T and hope to attend a few this year. I hope to have the chance to see some of you that i know and meet some that i don’t.

    Either way here is to a great (C&R, for me at least) 2013 be well and stay safe

  15. cowharbortackle

    Z, thanks for mentioning the Cow Harbor Seminar Series in the SJ Blog. We sponsor these “free” seminars as a way to say thanks to our customers for their support. It is also a great way to offer big savings on products used during the presentations as well as learn from talented fishermen/speakers. They are easy to attend; our website has a signup page located on the left column.

    William “Doc” Muller February 9th Seminar is rescheduled for March 2nd.

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