Special Super Strike popper giveaway for subscribers only

Tommy and I have been crazy busy last few days trying to get all the hoodies to the post office. I think we shipped all of them on Friday. If anyone is not happy with theirs ,please let us know. As you can imagine, we could not inspect every single one in detail, there were so many of them they could not fit in my truck and I drive a Suburban! I know we do this once a year but I am glad it’s done. We have less than a dozen left that we over ordered ,they are in the online store while they last but as I am writing this the orders are coming in…

A special giveaway.

I don’t want you reading too much into this. People on this blog have always been great to me and I want to say thanks today to all of those that subscribed to the new Surfcaster’s Journal. Please enter the giveaway with same email address you registered to the magazine subscription. I am giving away two special plugs , one to each winner from my personal stash. These plugs were never made for retail sale, instead Steve Musso made them for our seminar series a year ago. You can’t buy them but you can win them. It’s my way of saying thanks by dipping into my personal stash. God knows Super Strike and Mr. Musso have always been good to Tommy and I. And yes, I am thrilled that so many of you have enjoyed that 20 page interview in this issue with Don Musso. Eventually I would like to embedded a  1/2 hour video interview with Don on which was article based in future issue. But in March I have a special treat for you…on top of all the other treats 🙂

A 20 minute video interview with a very, very special surfcaster ..sorry, have to keep you in a suspense for a bit:-)

Anyway, two winners, each gets one special Super Strike popper. Don’t enter if you are not subscriber, I won’t be a internet cop and make sure that you are subscriber and remove your entry. I have better things to do. But if you come up a winner and I check against SJ subscriber list and you are not on it, we pick another name out of the hat


in the online store



207 comments on “Special Super Strike popper giveaway for subscribers only

  1. Jamie

    I’m in! I’m a happy subscriber and would like to win these awesome plugs. Thanks for all your hard work to the guys at SJ for a great first subscriber’s edition.

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