Weekend news

If any of you are collectors of vintage tackle, you owe yourself to check out the show on April 28 put together by Salt Water Lures Collectors club in Bourne, MA (http://www.swlcc.com/SHOW.html).

One of a kind event where you never know who are you going to run into. Donny Musso is I believe scheduled to make a return appearance this year, Frank Pintauro who writes those wonderful vintage lure builder articles for Surfcaster’s Journal is always a fixture.

Here is a video from last year show


Trying to find a needle in a haystack..is what I felt I was trying to do as I was looking in my basement for some fishing equipment for the upcoming trip with my son. I can’t really paint you a picture with words, I suck a drawing and writing, but imagine about ten thousand books, every decoration known to a man, from Christmas, to Easter, to Thanksgiving, to Memorial day, you name it ,its there..and then there are bins of plugs, plugs hanging off the ceiling, SJ stuff, video lights, umbrellas, outdoor furniture….you get the idea.

So I gave up after five minutes…lol. Why? Because I get distracted easy. Ok, the truth was Brooklyn Decker rang the door bell and asked if I could spare some sugar. Yeah right…

The real truth is that I found some stuff I did not know I had,

I found two SJ OLD SCHOOL hats which I put in the online store as we were out them

then I found these two cool 1951 MTK Vintage shirts in size LARGE we did last fall..those are also in the store. First person to grab one or both, they won’t be made again

I also found two 4xl shirts…knowing that there are not too many of us who wear 4xl I added them to store as buy one get one free basically..for $20 you get 2 4xl vintage shirts….its below our cost after we ship it but we rather have someone use it then them  be sitting in the basement


The few Montauk Surfcasting Capital of the World shirts that are left are reduced to $12. I have to thank Tommy for pointing me in a different direction when I made these shirts. They are much more expensive than your regular t-shirt and in my opinion, the best material I ever wore. I wear mine at construction site 5 days a week, wash it and its still great after a year. And so…props to Yu Dude…

Tommy is in the process of remaking the Night Crew shirts, they will be back in the online store in a week or two

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8 comments on “Weekend news

  1. Robert K.

    thanks z, just contacted a friend about going to the show and for now it’s a go. I might be a little out of it but it will be something i have wanted to see since i heard about it a couple years ago. the 25th my left shoulder will be operated on to fix a tear the auto acc. caused. soo i have some weekend time off 🙂

  2. Robert K.

    P.S I finally got the time to read your 1st book cover to cover! I have read bits and pieces over time but finishing it up know and then on to the 2nd one = great job you make reading them interesting. Thankyou

  3. bob jones

    The SWLCC show is my favorite of the year. Don & Steve Musso are the special guests. The show is FREE to the General Public.
    I go every year. WE auction off some great memorabilia and you can see the history of this sport that we love. Stop by my table and say hello. Bob

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