The StormR Typhoon Jacket Winner

As much as it pains me to pick one winner out of 800 plus entries, I must. But I chickened out on actual act of number picking and let my wonderful daughter select the  winner’s name randomly using a random number generator..but first thing first.

We want to thank the crew from Edge Angling  at  for making this possible. It was they who came up with the idea, it was them who approached us, it was them who hold you, SJ Blog readers in such a high regard.

And I also would  like to thank Henderson Company for supplying the StormR Typhoon Jacket. We are very honored

Ok, so the winner is Ryan T

You know the SJ rules. You have 5 business days (since we are surfcasters every damned day is “business” day, fish takes no holiday) to email us at with your information If you fail to do so, you forfeit the prize. Why don’t we notify the winner? Because we actually prefer people to read the blog. We don’t think that is too much to ask considering everything we give away on the blog, free videos, free magazine…wait a minute, I think we have a flawed business plan here.

We interrupt this Yanni concert on PBS to ask for your donations to keep us viable…lmao, just kidding . That’s why we have the donate button were you send us so much dough we feast on filet mignon and bacala every night

Congrats to the winner, and  in my book you are all winners. Why?

Because you are SURFCASTERS

Now if you didn’t win and still want a jacket, you can go to and pick one out……because you , unlike that non-fishing-brother-in-law of yours, are worth it 🙂

fever finaly loosening its grip..thanks for all the good wishes
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i am going to post a Doc’s Video link just in case it got lost in giveaway craziness .I think every surfcaster should watch it. Like we always say, You might not always agree with everthing someone says, but you should be aware of it


19 comments on “The StormR Typhoon Jacket Winner

  1. Ryan T.

    Thanks SJ and SWE, I have no problem giving a product review of this jacket after I put it to use. Looks like a great piece of gear for sure and I will definitely put it to good use. Keep up the great work!

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