A Season on the Edge

We have really been lucky when it comes to reading material. Not only is SJ here for your amusement but this blog provides daily food for thought, contests and giveaways. We have also been fortunate in the book department as many books have came on the market in last few years. Many of them quite good, A Season on the Edge by John Skinner comes to mind, Surfcaster, The Ultimate Surf Fishing Guide by William Muller too. I am deeply involved in some of these books and I can tell you that I ship out more of The Art of Surfcasting, then all other books I’ve done over the years combined. There must be something that people like in that book, and I am glad. If I was writing it now I’d have to do few revisions, not so much to the content but whose lures I actually use. That has changed drastically since publication of the book. Regardless, it remains of the most popular book of the last half dozen years or so….but I think its ready to be dethroned by a new book.


You know John Skinner as an insanely intense surfcaster who catches giant fish seemingly at will, who yaks, writes for magazines and designed his own Fishing Log Software (you can download a free preview at fisherslog.com). His book A Season on the Edge was very ,very well received. It was only in few shops, so we would not be surprised if you didn’t get a copy. We just added limited number of the copies to our store. You can just click on the cover and it will take you to the store.



But just wait for what John has in store for you this holidays season…A book that once I read it, made me rethink everything I’ve ever done with a bucktail over the years. Might be the most influential manuscript I’ve ever read. John is self publishing this book,,, details to follow in few days.


Right now, enjoy some shots from this morning “Under the Light”



8 comments on “A Season on the Edge

  1. Zeno Post author

    Frank…I wouldn’t take anything back what I wrote. That was not what I meant. What I am wishful was that I did not recommend lures that are not widely available as this makes it difficulty for readers to find them

  2. Russell mazza

    While “A season on the egde” is a great read .. its also one of the most informative book on surfcasting written.. the first time thru it..its fun to hear all the stores.. the ssecond time you hear more of the details of techinics,tools and tactics.. the third time .. ( i really did go thru it three times) i took notes … you have my ear ..cant wait till his new book is here ….

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