New book , The Complete Guide to a copy

Let’s get  a little crazy here…as we are few days away from debut of Issue #7 of the Surfcasters Journal magazine, and to celebrate the bluefish that have invaded the bays  , we will have a giveaway every day till new issue hits the web stand…then we will announce the winners in one swoop….sounds fair ?

First on deck, book you should have. If you are a newbie, you need this book. If you are more experienced, you are always looking to pick up a thing or two. If you are a sharpie, who are we kidding, you’ll read anything with surfcasting or surf fishing in the title.

If you are an internet hero, you don’t need any stinkin’ book. You are too cool for any publication that mere mortals read (btw, your claims are getting swallowed while you are reading this on your superduper cool iphone on the beach…tend to your rod…sharpie)

Joe Cermele is the Fishing Editor of Field & Stream, formerly from Saltwater Sportsman, in addition to articles published in Men’s Journal, Angling Trade and on the water. Local boy from Lawrenceville,NJ.

I have to give dude some props. His new book The Complete Guide to Surfcasting is BIG, 306 pages big in an oversized book format. This was a big undertaking, 200 photos, every species you can catch from Maine to California is profiled, dissected and covered. Riggs, tackle, lures, bait, knots, weather, reading the beach, pelagic, Mecca’s, rocks, sand, regions, you name it, it is in this book.

Where can you get this giant reference for the surfcaster in you ?

Burford Books…here is a link and more info

And we will now give one of you a chance to win a copy. Compliments of Burford Books and Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. And look for our full review in the future issue..

Good Luck

190 comments on “New book , The Complete Guide to a copy

  1. pete f

    I’m in
    Just think how much money and space this would have saved and would save me, if I did’nt need all those books and have to refer to them.

  2. Brian

    My fishing buddy is dying to get me to try surfcasting. He even said I could use his very expensive Van Sthal reel. My excuse was I didn’t have the equipment and didn’t know much about it. Well if I win the book and learn more about it I quess I’ll probably get hooked on that too.
    Count me in.

  3. BryanC

    I’m in thanks I can’t believe it even has surf fishing in california, we are the forgotten hippie state in any. type of sportsmen publication

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