Killer Bee Darter winner, our fellow from Afghanistan and more

Not quite sure how , but no one guessed that my second picture in the magazine was one of Flip Pallot, staring in a rearview mirror on page 191. Not only its different and well composed but I love the dude…

So we well put you all out of the misery and award the Super Strike Killer Bee darter to the fellow who came closest which was a guess of a page # 188.

That would be a fellow by the name of  MattD

you still have to furnish us your shipping address however….within 5 days

Fishing is picking up in lots of places and it won’t be long before bluefish are found in the inlets. 80 degrees today ? Figures. God forbid it would be on weekend.

oh yeah I didn’t you to miss  this post from another blog thread

My fellow surfcasters,

I cannot thank you enough for kind words & support.
I will be the first one to tell you that I am not a hero.
But I have the privilege & honor to take care of our wounded heroes
as a mobilized Navy reservist nurse working in the NATO hospital here.
I am still proud of serving our country for 27 years,
also prior service w/ the USMC & NJ Army Guard.
Once again thank you for your support of our troops everywhere.
God Bless America!

Vince MIralles


In other news….I figured you guys will get a kick of out this poorly made quick video…it’s the thought that counts 🙂


15 comments on “Killer Bee Darter winner, our fellow from Afghanistan and more

  1. Nick

    Congrats to the winner. Vince you are a member of our armed services in the capacity of helping/healing our troops, you are a hero, whether you like it or not! thanks for serving…………

  2. Matt D

    Thank you Z as well as Don for the opportunity to win a great giveaway. Even though a yellow SS Darter is probably my favorite lure, I don’t think this Killer Bee will ever make it into my plug bag!
    Vince, like Nick said, you are a hero to all of us! Thank you.

  3. Bill K.

    Wow…I was gonna pick that photo just based on its composition….congrats!

    Have fun putting the Toyota through its paces…God knows my truck isn’t beach worthy this season…I should start a charity fund to get it running right…lol…prob the only way I can get it done….Enjoy!

  4. big biscuit

    I picked up a Tundra in July of 2010. Haven’t looked back since. I’m sure you’re going to find that truck to be more than capable. Beat the snot out of it and let us know what you think of it.

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