Our sincerest condolences to our Rod Guru

All of us at Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine would like to extend our sincerest condolences to our Rod Guru Lou Caruso who’s dad passed away.
Many of you have met Lou on the beach, had rod built by him or watched him in SJ videos or read his column. There is a reason we asked Lou to be part of this project, he truly is a one of a kind as a surfcaster, rob builder, gentlemen and a friend. His dad and his family will be in our prayers during this difficult time.
In case you are wondering about our giveaway, no one has guessed my favorite picture in issue # 5 yet.

here is a short video we did with legendary fly caster Bob Popovics at Somerset show last weekend

hanging with Bob is always a pleasure, what a great ambassador for the sport of fishing

24 comments on “Our sincerest condolences to our Rod Guru

  1. Don Brown

    My condolence to Lou and his family for there loss.It was good to see Bob on surfcasters journal.Bob is a Friend of mine. We fish the same areas and belong to the same fishing club. It would be nice to see an article done on him.Besides being a fine gentlemen his an expert fishermen and fly fishing extraordinar.

  2. Chris A

    Lou my prays go out to you and your family. Let god bring strength to your father in is new endeavor and remember he will always be there when you need him God bless

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