
As many of you know, STRIPERTHON 2010 was possibly the largest participating catch and release contest in the country with over 1300 participants. Yes, the fact that each blog member is automatically entered is not lost on me. We know what we have and we are not looking for a pat on the back  but instead….

We want to hear from you suggestions and ideas of how to improve the contest in the future. We want to know if you think we should even have the contest in the future. We understand that cameras are rarely close by when you need them and buddy is usually cursing you out when you battling a moose instead of getting camera ready but these are the breaks we as surfcasters deal with every night. The point here is to promote catch and release in general, to maybe give a little incentive to those who need it when it comes to consideration of releasing a big fish. Maybe someone will get inspired by seeing all the big fish that were released and entered in the contest. We also feel that it encourages a proper release to insure that the fish is sent back in good conditions. There are a lot of good things here, or at least the idea is good, what we like to hear is some suggestions of how to make it better.

Remember, we might be giving away ton of stuff and producing a subscription free mag and blog but without you, this thing really doesn’t work. We want you feedback on how to make this better, from video, to stories, to contests and yes ,even giveaways. On today’s menu is the contest

24 comments on “Suggestions

  1. bdubbs

    Zeno. Expand the dates of the contest beyond summer. Us surfcasters in south jersey see our main pushes of fish a lot earlier in spring n then later in fall than u guys up there . I’m thinking late march-dec.

  2. mark m

    Some of the best photos I saw this year were from serious camera guys who fished with a specific set of guys. Large fish in the 40 -50+ range this year, caught not far from where the pack was in Fall. Those photos generally never go out for public display, but amonst friends (everyone knows the stories of spot burning). Is it dumb to suggest opening the contest to other fish species caught from the shoreline? Kayak photos are great too, I guess anything that promotes catch and release. I have many folks bring in Striped Bass to my shop just so I can take a photo to hang on the board. Most of these fish would be released if a camera was present, but alot of the fellas are not catching large fish all the time. When this happens, it’s dinner time and bragging rights, which most understand.

  3. mark m

    Some of the best photos I saw this year were from serious camera guys who fished with a specific set of guys. Large fish in the 40 -50+ range this year, caught not far from where the pack was in Fall. Those photos generally never go out for public display, but amonst friends (everyone knows the stories of spot burning). Is it dumb to suggest opening the contest to other fish species caught from the shoreline? Kayak photos are great too, I guess anything that promotes catch and release. I have many folks bring in Striped Bass to my shop just so I can take a photo to hang on the board. Most of these fish would be released if a camera was present, but alot of the fellas are not catching large fish. When this happens, it’s dinner time and bragging rights, which most understand.

  4. bunufish

    How about some lesser prizes for releasing keepers, maybe not in the 25#+ ranges but promoting catch release? I enjoyed the photos of bringing a kid fishing. I try and bring a few youth, high school and college from my church to try surf fishing each summer and even if we don’t catch, you can see the twinkle in their eyes from just learning how to sling a 9ft rod more than 20ft. Adults also, most people I bring grew up in the city and never had exposure to surf fishing. I don’t know how to run his, but maybe a contest for first timer’s catch and release contest =)Just a thought.

  5. Ron D

    How about adding a category for best fishing related photo? The best photos I’ve seen have not been the ones with a guy holding a fish. The contest could be about the “Experience”

  6. BOB

    Z – THE CONTEST SHOULD GO ON & ON & ON. . . . .

  7. woodwker99

    Z I think you guys have it down right. the only kink was a hacker and you fixed that. even though it doesn’t effect me here on LI. I think expanding the date for the guys in Baja NY (aka NJ)isn’t a bad idea. I might suggest that in the junior devision that maybe a picture might not be necessary as long as two unrelated adults sign off on it.But just for the kids.As far as adults are concerned, maybe the thumbs up picture should be the only one necessary as to allow the release faster. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.

  8. jfisher

    Love the promotion of catch and release.
    The only issue I see is that many (including myself) often fish alone and can’t submit fish / photos without the “witness”.

    Thanks for promoting sustainable fishing.

  9. BryanC

    I think it would be cool if California was eligible for the contest. Out here we have no tourney’s let alone an awesome catch and release tourney. With little being done in California to protect the striped bass it would be nice to have a way to promote catch and release in a fun way. Not gonna lie people are greedy and if it takes a chance to win something to encourage the release of many many stripers I’m all for it.

  10. BryanC

    I think it would be cool if California was eligible for the contest. Out here we have no tourney’s let alone an awesome catch and release tourney. With little being done in California to protect the striped bass it would be nice to have a way to promote catch and release in a fun way. Not gonna lie people are greedy and if it takes a chance to win something to encourage the release of many many stripers I’m all for it!!!!!

  11. J.M

    I wish all fishing clubs promoted this type of contest. Clubs who are suppose to promote the preservation of Striped Bass still continue to have contests that require the killing of the fish. I just don’t get it?

  12. Ruru Lures


    The contest is great and a good promotion of catch and release. As with all things in life, everything should be measured by the results rather than the intentions. Question #1 would be are you happy with the results.

    Obviously 1300 people didn’t partake in the contest, so inputing that number may make you feel better but it is not assessing the reality. How many people truly submitted pictures? In my opinion,the reality is not many people take camera’s with them and those that are truly concious about catch and release of big fish are not going to do additional stress to the breeder, never mind the spot burning issue that pictures raise.

    I think it is commendable what you are doing, and my contest has this same element added to it. The underlying question of how can you make it better, it depends on what you really want. Do you want pictures of big fish being caught or do you want to have good pictures of fishing. I think there is something majestical about a great fishing shot regardless of the size of the fish, or even if there is a fish in the shot.

    I would suggest you shift the contest away from large fish and move it to best surf fishing shot and you may have more entrants. After all as we look at your shots above many do not involve the fish and they all capture the underlying call of the surf, which I believe is what you are truly after.

    Hope this helps.


  13. nycsteve

    Keep the pictures, without them how can you document a catch that is released? I go with the idea of having a few catagorys, maybe biggest fish, best picture of a fiherman and his catch, best fishing related picture, guys in the surf etc. Seems a shame that a guy can catch a 50 #er , snap a quick but not well composed picture and safly release it and lose to a well lighted , well composed picture of a 20#er. Personally I have issues getting pictures of my typical 14# fish while making sure it goes back in the water unharmed, I can only imagine, so far anyway, the logistics of photographing while safely releasing a much bigger fish.

  14. Lenny

    The contest is great and so were the pictures .The only thing I would change is maybe how the photo’s are judged. I’m not a fan of posed pictures to me it’s kind of disrespectful (sounds silly right). I would like to see more emphasis placed on photo’s that capture the moment of the catch, handling and release of the fish (size is not important in this case, lol). A photo of a guy holding a 30 or 40 pound fish up in front of a camera with a big conquering grin on his face just don’t do it for me (even though I know it’s going to be released). It’s not that I haven’t done it cause I have, I just don’t think it’s one of my greatest moments. It’s just my opinion. Keep up the good work guys.

  15. Greg Tucceri

    Can’t wait at the opportunity to do it again,all the time and hours i put in paid off and the getting divorced helped.Like I stated earlier if this contest didn’t even exist it still wouldn’t change a thing for me in the sense of how passionate I am about fishing.Although i would love to win the grand prize again,my goal is to get my photographer that prize.With out him none of this would have been possible,thanks to Steve for being unselfish and taking the pics.We will try to defend but it will be tough so many great competitors i’m getting all jacked up to get this thing started asap

  16. Huck Finn

    Hey Greg,

    I shot the “Runner Up” First Place Photo – so kudos to your’ team.

    We’re coming after it hard again this year…

    Way too much fun all around…

  17. Rob B

    I believe people are focusing too much on the size of the fish. How about focusing on the overall picture? I’ve seen horrible pictures of 50lb stripers and also have pictures of 20lb stripers that look awesome! To me it’s not JUST about the fish, but the overall picture. Also, instead of only being able to submit two pics a month, let us submit 4 or 5 a month and at the end of month we just say which 2 pictures we want to use.
    I say keep it to surf caught stripers!
    Z, this is a great tourny. Catch and release needs to be the way to go for more tournys or we will not be catching these fish much longer. I wouldn’t be involved if there were dead fish.

    Catch, Photo and Release

  18. Rob B

    I also like the fact of adding a little story to the picture.
    How about a page we can all put our submitted photos on and people throughout the contest can comment on them?
    Lastly, if somebody submitts a picture that isn’t that great, but has a unique story to go with it, people my be more inclined to enjoy and vote for said picture.
    I’m just brainstormimg…no matter how the contest is, I’ll be part of it. thank you!

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