Happy New Year Giveaway

Here we are, another year has passed, another season behind us.

As with any seasons, there were highs and lows, ,moments were we  experienced the success and the agony of defeat…sometimes during the same tide.

I  want to thank you for being a part of the Surfcaster’s Journal and  I hope we made your life a little more enjoyable with our blog and magazine.

If I remember correctly we gave away reels this year, Lami rods, custom bags, lines and leaders, lures up to wazoo.

To welcome in 2011 Surfcaster’s Journal is proud to offer you a chance to win these pliers, sheet and lanyard from our friends at Hansom Tackle. I used them during the fall run and I washed them lightly few weeks ago but never got a chance to give them a good look till today. I am damn impressed with what they look like after few months on my belt.

So my friends, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and continued success in your endeavors, fishing, work and family. With help from Hansom Tackle Co, someone’s 2011 will start off with a Bang!

Good luck to all

314 comments on “Happy New Year Giveaway

  1. Woody

    I am in!

    I appreciate what you guys have created with Surfcaster’s Journal. It’s got to be a lot of work! I’ve really enjoyed reading your daily blog entry’s Z… and I especially enjoyed every magazine issue. Thank you!
    Best wishes to all in 2011!

  2. george burch

    They are a fantastic value. Since I just bought a pair at the end of last season and love them, I’m not in for this one. Give someone else a chance. The winner will really enjoy these

  3. backlash

    Happy New Year to all who made the SJB a successful and necessary part of a surf rats day to day. Thanks for your generosity, thoughtfulness, and sharing with us all things surf fishing. I am thankful for the numerous opportunities to win great prizes, but mostly for sharing knowledge and stories that I can use and relate to. Here’s wishing you an even bigger and better 2011!

  4. Douglas

    Hey everyone I’m not in on this one. Thanks to the surfcasters journal and thier reviews I asked my wife to pick me up a pair of these pliers for christmas and I’m quite impressed with them. They cut nice and hopefully they will help me release a few nice fish this year. Good luck and Happy New Year to all. Thanks Z and the team for the great magazine and blog.

  5. KenD

    I’m in!!! Thanks Zeno and Hansom. In case you guys didn’t hear, I broke my right wrist the other day slipping on some ice in my driveway. Winning these sure would make the pain subside a bit. It’s taken me 10 minutes to type this with my left index finger!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!

    Ken (aka BassNuts)

  6. Lee

    Happy and a Healthy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for all of the great info. It was also awesome meeting you on the beach when I was home visiting and fishing the BU with my mom. Thanks for stopping and tacking a few pics with us. That’s the beach I grew up on. Took a local Santa Cruz friend back with me for the fall run to fish the back bays near Freeport and of course introduced him to the Mecca. He just can’t wait until next year`to go back. What a year.
    Oh and I’m in.

    Lee S the weatherguy

  7. Dan Radman

    “I’m in!”

    Thanks Z for all the great reports and recommendations. You’ve made my first couple of years at surfcasting VERY rewarding!

    Happy New Year and all the best for a great 2011!!!


  8. Gregg

    Thank’s again for great year of keeping us informed of the latest, greatest and most important. Keep up the fine work!
    Happy New Year!

    Oh yes ……I’m in.

  9. matty7

    Happy new years to all and thanks to z and the crew for all of the time that you put in to this great mag. I look forward to what is in stale for 2011 . Thankx and by the way count me in.

  10. Old Hippie

    The pliers look and sound great. I’m in . This time to win. So the rest of you can throw in the towel. Happy New Year brothers. Remember to fish smart. Selective harvest, safe tackle, and safety around the water. This year is set to be a great one. Let’s maintain our environment. Check out Recycled Fish. Blessings.

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